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那位大侠能帮我写两篇英语作文 一篇是看世博会 小学5年级水平,10句话 谢谢~


黄岩东城中心小学五(4)班 尤钰杰(2013811)







由于时间的关系,好多馆都没有去。但浦西的中国航空馆里的项目活动吸引了千名观众,我和妈妈也不例外。远望中国航空馆,似一团雪白的棉花糖,近瞧似一朵千变万化的云朵,充分表现了“飞”与“翔”的理念,表达了中国古代人民对飞的无限憧憬和希望,也表达了人类超越地心吸引力的梦想。因此,展馆外形如同一个无限的符号“ ∞”,是不是很有趣?美观是有了,但可不能华而无实。放心吧,展示绝对美奂美轮。航空馆有两大看点,第一是惊险神奇的4D电影,这一拥有不同声、光、电、气、水等特效体验,让人在云中飞腾,领悟了中国飞行的历史和未来。我觉得不是仅仅在坐“过山车”,而是在欣赏美丽的电影佳作。第二就是模拟飞机了,我早就盼望自己能亲手尝试开那庞大的空中巨鹰。这个项目也十分受大众欢迎。排队从一点半开始,到一点时就已经排得人山人海,幸好放弃了中餐来排队。还没轮到我呢,头脑里已浮现出刺激的感觉。又过了一小时,我终于走进了隔壁的展馆,抢了一架飞机,启动起来,飞机在我和一位新认识的温岭初一学生的驾驶下飞了起来,八十码起飞,机舱开始往上抬,人也由此飞了起来。由于我们操控不和,飞机一下一上,一左一右,到处颠簸,可真让我们身临其境。



1、A year has four seasons:spring,summer,autumn,and winter.
2、With the snow thawing,we know that spring is coming!
3、In this season ,I like to go out for watching the beautiful scenery.
4、It's cool to swim in the river in summer day.

5、It indicates that autumn is on her road when the leaves fall down on the ground.
6、In this season,I will go to the country to have fun.
7、Winter is an amazing season for the whole world is covered by white.
8、In this time ,I like to make snow man and play snow.

it's a hot day today.
i didn't go out.
i sayed at home and watch TV.
my parents were with me.
there's Olympic games on TV.
i love Chinese players.
they're very skillful and brave.
we are proud of them.
and i want to be a good player, too.
i hope they can get many gold medals!

Today is monday.
I'm very live China.
Because i'ts very beautiful。
I'm love my mother.
I'm love my father.
I'm very happy!


It's a nice day out.
I want to play with my best friend.
I walked over to his house.
We went to the park.
The park is big and beautiful.
We played basketball and soccer.
And we chased each other around.
It was a great day.
We had fun.
And I loved it.




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