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大学英语作文 给未来妻子的一封信~

  Dear FutureMe,
  I hope you are more excited about your 33rd birthday than you were about your 32nd birthday. 33 is your lucky number so if things have not started to look up, maybe THIS will be the year (finally!). And if things have started to look up already, hooray and congrats! Keep up the good work!
  you had a lot of things to face at your 32nd birthday. It was a very, very hard year. I felt like I aged 10 years this past year. Hopefully you have made up some of that lost time by now.
  I hope you are in NYC and not in this silly town. You should be closer to family.
  Hopefully there have been some positive changes. If not, then take some time to get back on track and make a new game plan. Give yourself a break, this thing called life isn't easy but you gotta give it some true effort.The only person who can change Jill's life is Jill. You deserve the best you can give yourself.

A Letter of Congratulations Directions: You are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic A Letter of Congratulations. You should write at least 120 words and base your con, position on the outline given in Chinese below. 1.获悉你考入XX大学,攻读XX专业,特此祝贺。 2.你的成绩是你刻苦努力的结果,希望你在新的环境里取得更好成绩。 3.再次表示祝贺。 A Letter of Congratulations
  祝贺信 当朋友有了喜事,如结婚、高升、获奖的时候,你可以向他写出一封祝贺信,表达你的祝福与恭贺。         Mechanical Engineering Departrnent          Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning, China November 28,1999 Mr. Wang Ximing Mechanical Engineering Department Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass. 02139 U.S.A. Dear Mr. Wang, Thank you for your letter of November 3,1999. I am sorry not to have written back earlier but time seems to pass so quickly. I learnt from your letter that you had received your master's degree. I would like to congratulate you on your splendid success. In this letter I am bringing you a piece of good news: your wife gave a birth of a boy last week and she is in good health now. The baby weighed eight jin at birth.
Yesterday my wife and some other neighbors went to the hospital to see your wife and to congratulate her on the birth. She told them that she had been nursed with the best care since she was in hospital. Now I'm taking the Visiting School Test in Beijing. If I pass the examination, I'll leave for America soon. If not, I'll wait for another chance. I've never been to the U.S.A, and I know little about the institutions and customs there. I hope that you will write to me and tell me more about them. With best regards to you and your classmates. Yours sincerely, Zhang

we are very happy, we know that you are in the field is not easy, rest assured you work outside the home, a long time to go homeDear child
When we learned that you are working in the field of promotion, very good.
In fact, a start when we know that you are going to work in the field of time, we are very concerned about


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