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~ 【 #新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语一共144课。整本书无论是语法还是词汇,题材还是语句,都有其出彩之处。正是因为如此,新概念英语更是经久不衰,深受广大英语学习者的喜爱。 考 网为您整理了“新概念英语第二册:第67课课文详解及语法解析”,希望可以帮助到您!

  课文详注 Further notes on the text

  1.to set up his camp very close to the volcano,把帐篷搭在离它非常近的地方。

  表示“与……靠近’可用 close to:

  He parked the car close to the river.


  Don't sit so close to the fire.


  2.Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs…尽管他设法拍了一些精彩的照片……

  manage to do sth. 表示“设法做到某事”、“努力完成某事”,即虽然很费劲,但仍然做到/完成某事。另一短语 try to do sth. 可表示“设法做某事”、“努力做某事”,但并不表示完成/做到的含义:

  He tried to open the door but couldn't.


  He managed to open the door.


  I finally managed to buy a house.


  3.a river of liquid rock,一股岩浆。

  river在这里为比喻用法,表示“(……的)巨流”。由于 a river of 这个结构中没有 as, like等明确表示“像”的词,因此,它是一种暗喻。

  When she heard the news, a river of tears came down her face.


  Rivers of blood flowed during World war Ⅱ.


  4.It threatened to surround him completely…(岩浆)眼看就要将他团团围住……


  The forest fire threatened to destroy the town.


  He threatened to leave the team.


  关于 threaten… with,参见第62课课文详注。

  5.to escape just in time, 及时逃离。

  in time表示“及时”、“来得及”,just表示“正好”、“差一点”:

  I caught the train just in time.


  Shall we still be in time for / to see the performance?


  6.risked one's life, 冒着生命危险。


  7.any man alive, 任何在世的人。

  alive 为形容词,可表示“在世的”、“活着的”,通常作表语。它作宾语时必须放在被修饰的词之后:

  Is your grandfather still alive?


  Every man alive has his / her own troubles.


  语法 Grammar in use

  表示“能力”的情态助动词及其他有关的动词: can/ could, be able to与 manage to

  (1)在第43课的语法中,我们学习了表示“能力”的 can/could。用将来时的句子中表示“能力”时通常用 will be able to, 在表示成功地完成过去某个动作时用was able to而不用could:

  I can't remember where I've seen him.


  I can sing some songs, but I can't play the piano.


  He thought he could pass the exam easily, but he failed.


  After Byrd had ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks, the plane
was then able to rise.


  Jane can't swim yet. She'll be able to swim in a few months time.


  (2)表示“能力”的另一种方式是用 manage to。在表示成功地完成过去某个动作时,它经常代替 be able to。与 be able to相比,它更强调“虽然困难很大,但仍能……”这种含义。试比较:

  He finished the job yesterday.


  He was able to finish the job yesterday.


  He managed to finish the job yesterday.


  如果把最后这句话改成:He was able to watch it after all(他最终看了那场比赛),那么他就不一定是克服困难才看到比赛,而可能是因为情况有变化等。


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