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It was mainly thanks to travelling architects that the style developed in the Île-de-France became known outside France.这是主要的风格在法兰西岛旅游开发的法国建筑师感谢成为法国境外知名。 Guillaume de Sens (an architect from the Sens church纪尧姆德桑斯(一教堂从建筑师的桑斯
building association) was mainly responsible for the reconstruction of the burned choir of Canterbury cathedral.建筑协会),主要用于烧伤的坎特伯雷大教堂合唱团负责重建。 In doing this he brought the Gothic style to England where it在这一过程中所带来的哥特式风格,英格兰,
developed to eventually rival the French Gothic.发展到最后的对手法国哥特式。 What emerged in England was a combination of Norman architecture, which already incorporated many Gothic trends, and the new style.什么是出现在英格兰的诺曼建筑,已经纳入了许多哥特式相结合的趋势和新的风格。 This resulted in the development of something completely independent of the这导致了一些完全自主开发
French style.法国风格。 Unlike the continent, large churches in England were generally built outside不像大陆,英国大型教堂外,一般建
the towns, as illustrated by Durham cathedral.城镇,如达勒姆大教堂说明。 The English Church saw itself as an英国教会本身视为一
established territorial church and its cathedrals tended to be attached to monastic residences其领土建立教会和教堂往往被附加到寺院民居
on the peripheries of towns, rather than the bishop's seat in the town centre.对城镇的边缘,而不是主教的座位在市中心。 Thus it was the custom to build large cathedral complexes with 'castle gates' on all sides, and a cathedral因此,这是习惯,建设'大大教堂配合各方城堡大门',和一所教堂
chapter house integrated into the periphery of the complex.章家整合到复杂的边缘。
Other typical features of Gothic churches in England included a far greater emphasis on the horizontal proportions, which was not reflected in the height of the building, and the straight在英国哥特式教堂的其他典型的特征包括一个水平的比例,这是不是在建筑物的高度体现更大的重视,直
eastern termination of the chancel, to which the lady chapel (chapel dedicated to the Virgin) was added.东部的圣坛终止,对此圣母堂(教堂奉献给圣母)加入。 In continental Gothic churches, this was closely integrated into the overall哥特式教堂在大陆,这是紧密结合成整体
system of the building, as the central chapel among the chapels radiating from the choir ambulatory.该建筑体系,为从合唱团中日间辐射教堂中央教堂。 As in French cathedrals, the addition of a chapel at the choir end of the church正如法国的大教堂,在教堂的唱诗班末尾增加一个小教堂
caused the shifting of the crossing to almost the centre of the entire complex.造成的转移,穿越几乎整个复杂的中心。 Although this虽然这
feature received little or no emphasis in the country of birth of the Gothic style, in England it became the pivotal focus of the church.专题接受了哥特式建筑风格的国家很少或根本没有出生在英格兰的重点,成为教会的关键重点。 Rectangular structures were added on all sides and矩形结构上增加了各方面的
it was crowned by the tower vault.它是由塔加冕跳马。

张靖,渝州人也,就职巫山中学,司高甲午级十九班班正之职,授十九、二十班化学之技,善诲人,其所授之技为渝州魁首。靖性谦,尝有一生迟至,靖竟未斩之,唯詈其先人,复约其亲,而辍其学。一生尝弄手机于塾,靖竟未除其学籍,唯掷手机于地,击其颊,复辍课而约其亲。又一生于塾外食饴,靖竟未责罚扫地一载,唯一月焉。靖笃信方术,常请术士观塾之风水,事故吾曹常两迁教室。靖每语,音甚柔弱,绵绵然,每詈人则音若蜂鸣。 靖之为人,性温而音美,时尚而开通,善于授业,余不知何以非之者众若是。余欲问之,汝曹尝受其技耶?知其性耶?闻其詈耶?有过为其处耶?余思之,苟汝知靖,则必毋复谤之,而欲诛之耳!



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    芮霄发正文:时间过得真快吖!我现在已经是一个9年级的学生了。并且在过去的三年里我改变了很多。我过去留的是短发,现在有一头又长又直的头发了。我认为这样我看起来更漂亮了。 而且我过去喜欢画画,但现在我更喜爱唱歌了。并且我现在喜爱唱歌甚至多于画画。我过去很讨厌学习,现在我发现学习真的很有趣。

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