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45A 所有其他细节和条件均按照27YX004编号的销售确认书.交货条件:中国宁波(港)装船交货价46A1- 由受益人签发的商业发票一式四份,其正本必须经中国国际贸易促进委员会证实认可.2- 全套清洁的海洋提单,注明"已装运上船",外加一份非议付的副本,(提单抬头)写成凭约旦伊斯兰银行的指示,(提单上)显示:(以下原文有遗漏)3- 由受益人签发的装箱单,分别显示每一包装件的内容细节.4- 原产地证书,(其上)要显示生产厂家名称;要说明货物系中国原产;(该证书)要由中国国际贸易促进委员会证实认可.5- 由海运公司或代理或船舶代理出具的证书,说明船舶(指承载货物的船)符合国际海运商船标准.47A1- (信用证)不接受运输文件显示的货物发货方为本信用证受益人以外的任何/另一方.2- 所有文件显示的签发日期和/或者发货或起运日期不得先于本信用证的开证日期.3- 禁止(本信用证项下的)有保留的支付或议付;(甚至)作为赔偿支付也不行.4- 每一份文件上必须显示本信用证号.5- 提单(上)必须证实承载船舶未被禁止进入受约旦法规管辖的港口,反之亦然.海运公司(以下原文有遗漏)6- 提单(上)必须显示在约旦的海运代理的名称,地址和电话号码.7- 发票或其他文件必须显示本信用证要求的货物符合约旦的或者国际的计量学标准.8- 所有文件必须用英文出具.

We had received your pre-payment of USD 5036 for the new order. Please do not worry, Goods are in production now. We will send you the production sample for your approval on Oct 21.

Forwarders and banks are still on holiday, so the B/L can ony be released on Oct 8 when they back to work. Pls advise the consignee's address for CO. Thank you.

NO.1 "你好,ANNA,我是MRACO。很抱歉,由于这几天奥运会的关系,我的草图寄到你们那里,需要一点时间,可能你们要多等上几天。在此之前,你能不能把Max的电子邮箱告诉我,我可以先扫描下来,通过邮件发给他(她)过目!非常感谢你!”
NO.1"Hi Anna, This is Marco. I'm afraid that my sketch maps will be served in several days due to the Olympics. So before that, would you please advise me Max's email address, then i can scan these maps for his review. Thanks a lot!"

NO.2"Hi Max, this is Marco. Please find attached sketch maps in details. The original copy will reach your office in several days due to the Olympics. I am so sorry. Please review the scaned files ahead. Thank you and looking forward your early reply."

NO.1 "Hello, ANNA, I MRACO. I am sorry, because these days the Olympic Games, I sent the draft where you need a little time, you may have to wait a few days. Prior to this, you Whether or not the e-mail to Max told me, I can scan down first, by mail to his (her) read! Thank you very much! "

NO.2 "Hello, MAX, I MARCO. This is you need some more detailed plans. Original Olympic Games here because of our relationship, it may be necessary in a few days later, was very sorry. You can look at these scans Documents. Gratitude. Look forward to your reply

Dear Anna,

I am MRACO. I am very sorry that you have to wait for a few more days for my draft to mail to you due to the Olympic Games is in these few days. Would you mind give me Max's E-mail address. Then I can E-mail a scan copy for him to have a look first? Thank you very much.

Dear Max,

I am Marco. I have attach some detail draft scan copy for you to have look first as you need. The original copy will be mail to you which may take a few more days due to the Olympic Games. Sorry for the trouble. Thank you and hope I can hear from you soon.

Hello Anna,

I'm Marco. Because of the Olympic games, it takes some time to send the draft to you. I apologize. It may take several days. Before that, could you tell me the email address of Max's? We could scan the draft first, and email him/her.


Dear ANNA, I'm MRACO. Because of the Olympic Games, it will take me longer time to send my draft to you. So you may need to wait for several days. I'm sorry about that. Besides, can you tell me MAX's email address? I can scan the draft and send to him/her. Thank you so much!

Dear MAX, I'm MARCO. Here is the electronic copy of the detailed draft that you need. Because of the Olympic games, the original copy will be sent to you in some days. I'm sorry about the delay. You can see those scaned files first. Thank you very much and I'm looking forward to hear from you soon

NO.1 "Hello, Anna, this is Marco, I am so sorry that the draft that I sent to you needs more time to receive. because of the Olympic Games.Before you get it, would you please give me Max's E-mail, I can scan the draft and sent it to him. Thank you very much!"

NO.2 "Hello, Max, this is Marco,this is the detail about the draft. Because we are helding the Olympic Games, the original document will come to you a little bit late, I am really sorry about that. You can check the copy file first. Thank you so much. Hope hear from you soon. "


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