
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1st, the train attendant passes through helps my busy. 2nd, friend of mine is a little embarrassed. 3rd, she as soon as saw me then to recognize me to come. 4th, said to our young people that, understood any should do, any should not do is important. 5th, the ticket office person asked I take several tickets. 6th, he smiles to me was saying that, he and his friend plans while the evening goes train to Beijing. Certainly must be accurate, please do not irrigate!

1、建筑电气设计Building Electrical Design
2、福州第三中学Fuzhou NO.3 Middle School
3、城镇建设专业Town Construction
4、城乡建设电视函授中等专业学校Television Correspondence Secondary Specialized Schools for Urban and Rural Construction
5、福建高级工业专门学校Fujian Advanced Specialist School for Industry
6、工企电气化Industrial Electrification

in chinese, this sentence means...
help me to translate what uncle and aunt said into Chinese
This is chinese food my mother cooked.Help yourselves
第三句:请问您吃饱了吗? would you like to have some more food?
Let's hang out
do you know the name of the place you live?
My families can't speak chinese.
my family is a small one .But it's warm and happy
I really wish you could live in china for a longtime
welcome to my family.All of my families are very happy to meet you.
第十局:在中国,几乎没有讲英文的学校,所以你女儿必须得学习一些基本的中文,我很乐意教她中文,也希望她能交我英文。There's hardly any school which only teach in English, so your daughter has to learn some Chinese ABCs. I'm very glad to teach her Chinese,and I hope she can also teach me English

0分? 你什么意思?

1. uncle, auntie
2, These are the Chinese food that my mother cooked, please try them!
3. Have you eaten?
4. I shall take you to go shopping/for a walk on the streets.
5. Do you know what's the name of the place you live?
6. My family can't speak English.
7. My house is small , but it is very cozy. very happy.
8. I really hope you can have a long stay in China.
9. My whole family welcomes you.
10. In China, there is almost no English schools at all, so our daughter have to learn some basic Chinese, I will be happy to teach her Chinese, and I
hope that she in turn will teach me English.
11. Do you know how to use chopsticks?

1. To say it in manderine
2. These are my mum cooking, plese have it.
3. Have you finish having your meal?
4. Let's go for a walk.
5. Do you know the name of the place that you live?
6. My family cannot speak manderine.
7. Our house is small but it is warm.
8. I hope that you can stay long in China.
9. We all are glad on your coming.
10. In china,rarely has english school.So, your daughter must learn some basic manderine. I'm glad to teach her,if can, i hope she can teach me english.

The first sentence: This sentence is spoken through the way that Chinese --- Help I uncle, English of auntie translate give second of me: These are Chinese cuisines that my mother cooked, please have a trial test! The third sentence: Could you tell me whether you have had enough? The fourth sentence: Let me take you to stroll the fifth sentence in the street: Do you know the names of the place that you live? The sixth sentence: My family will not speak Chinese the seventh sentence: Our family is very small, but very warm. Very happy eighth sentence: I really hope you can live in the ninth sentence of China long: The arrival tenth game that our whole family all welcome you very much: In China, scarcely talks in the English school, so your daughter must study some basic Chinese, I am willing to teach her Chinese, hope too she can hand over to my English.


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