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The company was founded in 2000, is approved by the government in import and export of comprehensive trading company. Company with several supply manufacturer has fixed business contacts, source strong foundation. Recently, the company and the factory jointly developed a new product - HX series porcelain. This product selection finest porcelain clay fire, with exquisite gift box packing, plus hand-painted pattern, the beauty is generous, good quality, competitive. 希望采纳

play basketball with us
a woman with rare gift
proper languages should be adjusted to audience'ages
the young are usually compared to the sun in the morning
5.他们秘密结婚的消息很快传开了(get around)
word that they married each other secretly got around quickly
6.既然你这么喜欢这辆车,为什么不把它开回去?(why not do sth.)
though you like the car so much,why not drive it back?

Let's play basketball together
A woman with a gift that rarely can be seen
Adjust the age of the audience to the corresponding language
Younger are often be campared to the sun in the morning
The news of their secret marriage soon gets around
since you like this car so much,why not drive it back

play basketball with us
a femal with rare talent
adjust the mutual language to the audiences' ages
youths are always compared to the sun at 8 or 9 in the morning
the news of their secret marridge is getting around swiftly
if you like this car very much, why not drive it back ?


  • 19672981724英语高手帮忙翻译一下
    柯左波1.和我们一起打篮球 play basketball with us 2.一位有着罕见天分的女性 a woman with rare gift 3.要根据听众的年龄使用相应的语言(使用adjust...to)proper languages should be adjusted to audience'ages 4.年轻人经常被比作早晨八酒点的太阳(compare..to..)the young are usually compared to...

  • 19672981724请英语高手帮忙译一段中文吧。我不懂英语,谢谢了!
    柯左波Hi,everyone! My name is XXX. I'm five years old and come from the middle class two of Little Sun Kindergarten. Today I'm going to sing a song for you, the name is XXX. hope you like it. Thank you!晚上好不用 good evening,太成人化了,就用hi!,活泼自然,符合小孩子的...

  • 19672981724请高手帮忙汉译英~
    柯左波出席会议Attend the meeting 干得不错Do well 体验苦难Experience misery 自学英语Self-learning English 发现奇迹Finding a miracle 忍住咳嗽Bears the cough 掌握技能 Masters the skill 获取知识Access to knowledge 需要勇气 Requires courage 丰富生活 Rich life 接受修正 Accept amendments 改正错误Correct ...

  • 19672981724请英文高手帮忙将下中文句子翻译成英文..稍有难度(15分)
    柯左波10.那个十年前买回来的老古董,我早就想把它扔了!只是那个食古不化的老头硬要把它留下。 I have always wanted to get rid of that piece of old antique bought 10 years ago but that stubborn old fellow insists to keep it. 11.像你这样怎么可能会闯得出一番事业来呢? How can you build a succe...

  • 19672981724英文高手帮翻译一下!
    柯左波Hi. I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking.嗨,我挺好的。谢谢你的问候。I'm sorry that you haven't found most people here to be very friendly. Keep trying and you'll find more who will be patient with you while your English improves.听你说你没找到很多特别友好的人,我觉得挺遗憾...

  • 19672981724英语高手帮忙翻译一下?
    柯左波I'm your new teacher,my family name is Liu,you can call me Mr\/Miss Liu 今天是我们第一次见面所以老师为你们准备了礼物,你们想要吗?It's the first time for us to meet,so I have prepare some presents for you,do you want to get them?好,想要的话就要先过关,这是一支笔,这...

  • 19672981724请英语高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!
    柯左波1. To help the poor,To help the real poor people,This goal than merely narrowing the gap between rich and poor is more valuable,If for the implementation of high tax rates,Reduce the wealth of the rich,Some people may be happy,But no people will become rich,But if the...

  • 19672981724英语高手帮忙翻译一下(英翻中)
    柯左波喜spoe女士,是"禾路毛里求斯集成电路" 。由娜lyz ingint喜sarticlet禾蒲E 』 sbestpoe女士… … "在Ra ven " , "安娜比利时乐E型" ,我们candetectt他争是andapplicati对蒲E 』 saest他旅游业议会有关ory 。柯y禾r局副局长:对大江:一个跨语言,他tict他ory :在Ra ven :一个n一乙...

  • 19672981724英语翻译高手帮忙翻译下
    柯左波I've been to Japan for almost 1 year.日本的生活已经渐渐的习惯 and I've been gradually accustomed to the life in Japan.从家里到学校用10分钟的时间 很近 It take me 10 minutes from home close to school .每天早上去学校学习日语 Every morning,I go to school to learn Japanese.下...

  • 19672981724恳求英语高手帮我翻译一下,不胜感激,很急!!
    柯左波in an inter-space communion.4.当窗外不再是先前的风景,看得见的依然是和谐的色彩。When the scenery out of the window gets changed, the harmonious colors are still in sight.你这20分有点超值,今天心情好帮你翻译翻译,平时200分还懒得翻,因为中文意思太难懂了! ---yoyossss ...

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