求英文大神帮忙翻译一段话(弟弟妹妹是华侨不会看中文,但我也不会英文- -)跪求英语达人。

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Dear teachers, hello. Can I feel very honored to participate in this interview, I hope I can make a good performance today. Now, allow me to introduce myself, please. Personal information; my name is Wang Ming, this year 16 years old, from Hongkong Chinese. Personal hobbies; my hobby is widespread, one of the most loved include painting, handmade works etc.. Like photography and running in my spare time. A person likes reading books at home, or listening to music, watching movies. I think life is not immutable and frozen, every day immersed in study I did not agree, because family members have told me, work and rest is the best. Character; I think I'm a proactive, independent ability, self-motivated, cheerful, and good communication ability. I'm a curious person, and I like to learn new things. I think I'm reasonably optimistic by nature, encounter difficulties must not compromise easily, and have a strong determination to succeed. Personal experience; a high, I study in XXX school. In school, I joined the community, there is drama, comics, literature club, badminton club, athletics team and chorus. Various activities are also actively involved in the school, such as ring school running, English drama performance, top ten singers, personal speech contest etc.. Games I also actively participated in the project, the long run is one of my strengths. At the same time I am also the activities of the host. These experiences have greatly enriched my campus life. Time of half an year high after, I give XX games had 3 months of art editor, also give some game company painted card illustrations. Later, because want to concentrate on preparations for the XX school interview, he quitted his job. Until now, my boss and I still work with, he often consult our suggestions, we occasionally amusing stories about life. The ideal of life; there are many things I want to do after. For example, exhibition, create their own brand, works of art editor, do like animation, writing novels, movies, a game company occupation painter, and the host etc.. I think life is not immutable and frozen, for our young people, we have a long way to go. In this process, my point is, as much as possible to do what you want to do, what it can understand what it really wants to do. And live a life without regret, this is the most important. I hope to join the XX school, and think it will fit me, eager to have the opportunity to show my talent. I am keen on the art of painting, had this crazy. If the entered XX school, I will be more strict with their requirements. Although my English is not very good, but I will try my best to blend with the environment and learning life. Can and like-minded friends together to realize my dream, I believe, this process is very beautiful. B. since childhood, I thought you and the people around the very different. I thought is agile, a unique new idea, when everyone thinks that only big money is the standard of success, I do not agree with this view. I think life is not only the standard of success. Do you think the valuable thing, every moment of life full of happiness, in the heart filled with love, which is the goal of my life, I am willing to try new things. In the yield and others in the face of adversity to compromise and in the face of difficulties, not the last moment, I will never give up. It is so, I can feel a different from ordinary people's capacity, that is the impossible possible. C. I hope to study painting and digital or illustrations. One day in the future, I will take them for my career and study. I have my professional confidence and hope. Don't be difficult to defeat, never give up, this is my motto. Since I chose this profession, I will follow this path, hard unremittingly, go on. Thank you teacher. My introduction 我的比较准,你知道神奏曲的第一句是“老师,你是好的。”我笑死了


My dear cousins, I’m not a talkative person so I decide to
write this to you.
We grew up together when we were young, and this is my
treasury memory. Though u went to the US then, but I always miss you so much. I
always think of the days we laugh together, the things we talked about, and the
songs we sang when I missed you. I took good care of the things you left and
this make me feel happy.
I had a great summer because I’m so impressed when I saw
you. I feel we are like the time when we were young. It is quite pity that ur
brother is not in Guangzhou and I have to work so didn’t have much time for
It made me feel sad when you are so shy to chat with me via
video, well that will get better, right? But please do take it, however I become
I’m still your dearest cousin.
I’ll keep working hard here and I hope one day, when you are
back we can have a better time together. This thought keeps me more motivated
at work.
At last, I wish you a happy, healthy and safe life, and I don’t
want to give you any pressure on studying or becoming a billionaire. This has
always been my birthday wish.
I’m not that good in English as you may know and I even need
help in translating this letter but I did write it sincerely. So, please, come
back visit me as often as you can!


My dear sister and brother, you all know that i'm not a good talker, though i have prepared many words to talk with you, but i failed. However, this time i have figured it out i can translate these innner words into English, so that i won't feel embarassed and you can know me well.
We were playing together since we were at a young age ,which it's the most precious time in my life. Although, you guys went to American latter,my thoughts to you had never been decreased. When i miss you, i would miss the time we laughed together, the words we said to each others, the songs we have sung. Caring the gifts you've left to me. All these made me felt so happy.
This summer i had a great time,cause seeing you made me moved, which made me thought our relationship it's still the same like our kisd time. The only thing, i felt regret is that your brother wasn't in Guangzhou,and i have to work everyday can't be with you guys all the time.
Facing your brother you won't be shy all right? I still remember the last time we saw ach other use the Internet, you seemed scared ,which really hurt me for a long time. But i think these are not the problem,with the time goes by we all be forget the unpleasant thing. Keep this in mind, no matter how fat,thin,tall,short,or ugly i become,i am always your beloved brother.
I will work hard in China,hoping one day you come again, i can make you guys feel happier,living more comfortable, which it's my goal and when i think about it ,i am refresh to work.
Last i want to say to you ,i won't put any pressure on you shoulder,no forcing you two studying hard nor making much much money. I just hope you can enjoy youselves everyday with a healthy body. That poped out every year at my birthday wishes.
p.s, My fault i can't type a letter in English,but i still hope you can know me .Because this letter it's full of my inner heart words.Please remember no matter where you go. you still have a cousin brother in China. When you are free,i hope you can come to see me.

求英文大神帮忙翻译一段话(弟弟妹妹是华侨不会看中文,但我也不会英文- -)跪求英语达人。视频

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