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  1、Eat less animals, care for animals.
  2、Fight with people who kill small animals.
  3、To promote the activities of caring for small animals.
  4、You can use a blackboard or hand written form to encourage people to love small animal.
  5、If you see a small animal cruelty national protection can also use legal means to give illegal hunters report.
  6、Can be from a health point of view to inform the people of small animals, too many animal fat meat easily lead to obesity, hypertension and other diseases.


如何保护野生动物(How to protect the wildlife)
With the growth of human population, the number of species has decreased rapidly in America, and some species have even vanished from our planet.
There are several possible reasons for this. Above all, as the human population grows rapidly, a growing number of people came to live where some wild species have been living. Then these species have to move to other places. Some of them probably can not adapt to the new environment and die.

1.stop wearing clothes made of furs
2.stop eating wild animals
3.protect the environment where wild animals live in
4.stop huntting wild animals as a joy
5.decrease the pollution of the environment
6.reinforce(加强) the consciousness(意识) of the importance of wild animals to our human
7.propagandise(宣传) the need to protect wild animals
8.make movies about wild animals to enhance people's unstanding of them



  • 19783898415怎么样要保护动物英语?
    薛邦娥We should protect the animals 保护动物就是保护我们自己用英语怎么说 protecting animals is protecting ourselves.如何保护动物,用英语写三条意见 不滥垦、滥伐,留下一片绿地给野生动物们休息。Don't over reclamation, deforestation, leave a piece of green to wild animal's take.立法保护野生动物...

  • 19783898415如何保护动物,用英语写三条意见
    薛邦娥1.少吃动物,关爱动物 2.跟杀害小动物的人做斗争。3.宣传爱护小动物的活动。4.可以用出黑板报或者手抄报的形式来鼓励人们热爱小动物。。5.如果看见残害国家保护的小动物还可以用法律手段来举非法报猎杀者。6.可以从健康的角度告知给危害小动物的人们,过多食动物脂肪肉类容易引起肥胖高血压等疾病。

  • 19783898415如何保护动物英语
    薛邦娥问题二:如何保护动物,用英语写三条意见 不滥垦、滥伐,留下一片绿地给野生动物们休息。Don't over reclamation, deforestation, leave a piece of green to wild animal's take.立法保护野生动物,禁止乱杀野生动物,如果有人违反规定,就加以处罚。Legislation to protect the wild animal, the pro...

  • 19783898415如何保护动物,英语,我们能做什么
    薛邦娥低质灌水 我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。 说明 0\/200 提交 取消 领取奖励 我的财富值 -- 去登录 我的现金 -- 去登录 做任务开宝箱 累计完成 0 个任务 10任务 略略略略… 50任务 略略略略… 100任务 略略略略… 200任务 略略略略… 任务列表加载中...新手帮助 如何答题 获取...

  • 19783898415怎样保护动物英语短文
    薛邦娥人们疯狂的捕杀动物,为了它们的肉、皮毛。我们这样做是不对的,因为动物是我们的朋友,我们应该保护它们,而不是将它们赶尽杀绝。大熊猫就是濒危动物的代表,它生活在森林里,以竹子为食,它们仅仅依靠着自然保护区生存。我们应该停止对动物们的捕杀,更好地保护它们 ...

  • 19783898415如何保护动物英语(如何保护动物)
    薛邦娥首先,尊重生命 在日常生活中,我们首先要做到的是避免对动物造成任何伤害。当目睹他人对动物施暴,用你的英语知识站出来,大声说出"Animal welfare should be respected",并尽你所能介入,帮助它们逃离危险。如果遇到受伤的动物,不妨用英语呼吁"Seek immediate assistance",联系动物保护机构,给予它们及时的...

  • 19783898415如何保护野生动物英语作文
    薛邦娥如何保护野生动物英语作文篇1 There are many wild animals in danger all over the world,such as tigers and pandas.We cut down so many trees that many wild animals lost their homes.Some people even kill animals in order to sell their fur for money.We are not alone in the wor...

  • 19783898415如何保护动物的英语作文?
    薛邦娥写作思路:写出野生动物的生存环境,点出要保护野生动物的原因,呼吁人们对保护野生动物做出行动。正文:It is known to everyone that the unrestrained slaughter of wild animals has diminished the number of some endangered species.翻译:大家都知道野生动物的滥杀已使得濒临绝种的动物之数量越来越少。...

  • 19783898415用英语列举五条保护动物的措施
    薛邦娥we must make concerning laws to protect these animals in danger.we must take some measures to protect animals effectively.we should raise people's awareness to protect animals and our environment.we should not wear or buy the colthes made by animals fur .we should not eat animals...

  • 19783898415关于保护动物的英语文章100-250个单词
    薛邦娥Governments should help to protect animales,birds,plants and insects in their own country.I like the animals and I will do evrything to help them I will never wear a fur coat 。When I grow up and make a lot of money I open Center for homeless animals。I want to be a vet...

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