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熊猫只存在于我国。大熊猫的食谱非常特殊,几乎包括了在高山地区可以找到的各种竹子,大熊猫也偶尔食肉(通常是动物的尸体)。森林采伐。大熊猫栖息地每年的采伐面积达到至少1万公顷。其栖息地每年以大约2.5 km2的速度在消失,大熊猫的数量急剧减少,现在保护熊猫成为重中之重.
Panda only exists in China. Panda very special recipes, including the almost alpine region can be found in the various bamboo, the pandas also occasionally carnivorous (usually animal body). Forest logging. Giant panda habitat area to the annual harvest of at least 10,000 hectares. Its habitat annual rate of approximately 2.5 km2 of the disappeared, the number of giant pandas dropped sharply, and now the protection of giant pandas has become a priority.

Many animal populations facing threats

A worldwide study has found that almost twenty-five percent of wild mammals are in danger of permanently disappearing. Scientific researchers considered all known mammal populations. The researchers say permanent disappearance threatens at least one thousand one hundred forty-one species or groups of animals. Mammals are the closest relatives to human beings.

The researchers are blaming loss of habitat, or living space, and hunting for threatened land mammals. They say water mammals suffer more from pollution, being hit by ships and caught in fishing nets.

One thousand seven hundred experts worked on the study. They are from one hundred thirty countries. Their findings were reported at the World Conservation Conference of the International Union for Conservation of Nature in Barcelona, Spain.

The report was presented in connection with the Red List of Threatened Species. The World Conservation Conference announces the Red List each year. The list contains almost forty five thousand animals and plants. Of those, almost seventeen thousand, or about thirty eight percent, are threatened with extinction.

Some scientists say the report provides evidence that Earth's wildlife is going through widespread extinction. The last such period may have taken place millions of years ago, when dinosaurs became extinct.

Jan Schipper led the writing of the report. He directs the I.U.C.N.'s program that observes animal populations worldwide.

Mister Schipper says up to thirty six percent of mammals could be facing extinction. He says this is true because not much information exists about some species. At least seventy-six mammals have permanently disappeared since fifteen hundred.

The director general of the I.U.C.N., Julia Marton-Lefevre, says human activity could cause loss of hundreds of species. She says that is a frightening sign of what is happening to habitats. Still, the report said human efforts also could help save some species. Miz Marton-Lefevre is calling for action to make that happen.

For study purposes, the I.U.C.N. divides animals into groups. The scientists call animals that have disappeared, or almost disappeared, extinct or nearly extinct. A frog-like creature called Holdridge's toad was declared extinct. It lived only in Costa Rica.

Other divisions depend on the amount of threat the animals face. The animals in most danger are considered critically endangered.

For example, the Iberian lynx is called critically endangered. As few as eighty-four adult members of the large, cat-like animals remain alive.

The Red List identifies the second most threatened animals as endangered. The scientists named a Southeast Asian animal, the fishing cat, as among the endangered. Part of the fishing cat's wetland habitat no longer exists.

A new study suggests the last woolly mammoths in Siberia were native to North America. Scientists had believed these mammoths came from Europe or Asia.

The study involved genetic evidence from the remains of the ancient animal. Woolly Mammoths share an ancestor with modern-day elephants. The mammoth is recognizable for its long hair and large tusks.

Woolly mammoths disappeared thousands of years ago, after Earth's most recent ice age. But mammoths were able to survive for thousands of years. During this period, they slowly changed to live in extremely cold climates.

Scientists believe the ancestors of woolly mammoths came from Africa. As the African mammoths moved north to Eurasia, scientists believe, they grew long hair to protect them from the extreme cold of Siberia.

To better understand these animals, an international research team examined genetic material from more than one hundred woolly mammoth remains. The remains were found in North America, Europe and Asia. These fossils came from woolly mammoths that lived between forty-four thousand and eleven thousand years ago.

Hendrik Poinar is a molecular evolutionary geneticist at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. He and his team examined genetic material from fossilized teeth and pieces of bones from woolly mammoths. They also examined results of earlier woolly mammoth studies.

Until recently, many scientists believed that mammoths came from Europe and Asia because that is where the oldest fossils were found. Earlier studies of the mammoths involved only one continent at a time. The researchers discovered that mammals traveled back and forth several times between Eurasia and Alaska over thousands of years. The animals were able to travel on a land bridge that connected Siberia and Alaska during low sea levels.

The researchers discovered that the mammoths were divided in three major groups. One group lived mainly in Asia. Another group lived mainly in the Americas. And, a third group lived in both places. They believe the American mammoths traveled back across the Bering Strait and in time replaced the other populations of mammoths.

The researchers believe the animals moved the great distances in search of food. A report with their findings was published in Current Biology. Other researchers disputed the findings. They say the study is based on only limited information.

哺乳类  中文名 学名 保护级别
  单孔目 Monotremata
  长吻针鼹 Zaglossus bruijni EN濒危
  袋貂目 Dasyuromorphia
  沙漠袋貂 Sminthopsis psammophila EN濒危
  袋狸目 Peramelemorphia
  条纹袋狸 Perameles bougainville EN濒危
  袋鼠目 Diprotodontia
  澳洲毛鼻袋熊 Lasiorhinus krefftii CR极危
  尖尾兔袋鼠 Onychogalea fraenata EN濒危
  短鼻大袋鼠 Bettongia tropica EN濒危
  翼手目 Chiroptera
  菲律宾果蝠 Acerodon jubatus EN濒危
  白胸狐蝠 Pteropus insularis CR极危
  玛利安娜狐蝠 Pteropus mariannus EN濒危
  西太平洋卡洛岛狐蝠 Pteropus molossinus CR极危
  金狐蝠 Pteropus phaeocephalus CR极危
  灵长目 Primates
  金竹狐猴 Hapalemur aureus CR极危
  阔鼻驯狐猴 Hapalemur simus CR极危
  白颈狐猴 Varecia variegata EN濒危
  光面狐猴 Indri indri EN濒危
  指猴 Daubentonia madagascariensis EN濒危
  白耳狨 Callithrix aurita EN濒危
  黄头狨 Callithrix flaviceps EN濒危
  金狮狨 Leontopithecus rosalia EN濒危
  双色獠狨 Saguinus bicolor CR极危
  棉顶狨 Saguinus oedipus EN濒危
  红面吼猴 Alouatta pigra EN濒危
  卷毛蜘蛛猴 Brachyteles arachnoides EN濒危
  红背松鼠猴 Saimiri oerstedii EN濒危
  戴安娜须猴 Cercopithecus diana EN濒危
  狮尾猕猴 Macaca silenus EN濒危
  鬼狒 Mandrillus leucophaeus EN濒危
  长鼻猴 Nasalis larvatus EN濒危
  塔那河红疣猴 Procolobus rufomitratus CR极危
  白臀叶猴 Pygathrix nemaeus EN濒危
  黄冠叶猴 Trachypithecus geei EN濒危
  冠叶猴 Trachypithecus pileatus EN濒危
  白眉长臂猿 Bunopithecus hoolock EN濒危
  银长臂猿 Hylobates moloch CR极危
  黑长臂猿 Nomascus concolor EN濒危
  山地大猩猩 Gorilla beringei EN濒危
  大猩猩 Gorilla gorilla EN濒危
  倭黑猩猩 Pan paniscus EN濒危
  黑猩猩 Pan troglodytes EN濒危
  红毛猩猩 Pongo pygmaeus EN濒危
  贫齿目 Xenarthra
  巴西三趾树懒 Bradypus torquatus EN濒危
  毛犰狳 Priodontes maximus EN濒危
  兔形目 Leporidae
  阿萨密兔 Caprolagus hispidus EN濒危
  墨西哥兔 Romerolagus diazi EN濒危
  啮齿目 Rodentia
  墨西哥草原松鼠 Cynomys mexicanus EN濒危
  巢鼠 Leporillus conditor EN濒危
  中澳粗尾鼠 Zyzomys pedunculatus CR极危
  短尾绒鼠 Chinchilla brevicaudata CR极危
  鲸目 Cetacea
  白鱀豚 Lipotes vexillifer CR极危
  恒河江豚 Platanista gangetica EN濒危
  太平洋鼠海豚 Phocoena sinus CR极危
  鳁鲸 Balaenoptera borealis EN濒危
  蓝鲸 Balaenoptera musculus EN濒危
  长须鲸 Balaenoptera physalus EN濒危
  北露脊鲸 Eubalaena glacialis EN濒危
  北太平洋露脊鲸 Eubalaena japonica EN濒危
  食肉目 Carnivora
  亚洲豺犬 Cuon alpinus EN濒危
  达尔文狐 Pseudalopex fulvipes CR极危
  红狼 Canis rufus CR极危
  岛屿灰狐 Urocyon littoralis CR极危
  大熊猫 Ailuropoda melanoleuca EN濒危
  小熊猫 Ailurus fulgens EN濒危
  海獭 Enhydra lutris EN濒危
  智利水獭 Lontra provocax EN濒危
  大水獭 Pteronura brasiliensis EN濒危
  长岛长尾狸猫 Cryptoprocta ferox EN濒危
  獭狸猫 Cynogale bennettii EN濒危
  瘦小齿蒙 Eupleres goudotii EN濒危
  西班牙猞猁 Lynx pardinus CR极危
  安第斯山猫 Oreailurus jacobita EN濒危
  虎 Panthera tigris EN濒危
  雪豹 Uncia uncia EN濒危
  地中海僧海豹 Monachus monachus CR极危
  夏威夷僧海豹 Monachus schauinslandi EN濒危
  长鼻目 Proboscidea
  亚洲象 Elephas maximus EN濒危
  奇蹄目 Perissodactyla
  非洲野驴 Equus africanus CR极危
  格利威斑马 Equus grevyi EN濒危
  山斑马 Equus zebra EN濒危
  中美貘 Tapirus bairdii EN濒危
  山貘 Tapirus pinchaque EN濒危
  苏门犀 Dicerorhinus sumatrensis CR极危
  黑犀 Diceros bicornis CR极危
  爪哇犀 Rhinoceros sondaicus CR极危
  印度犀 Rhinoceros unicornis EN濒危
  偶蹄目 Artiodactyla
  侏儒野猪 Sus salvanius CR极危
  草原猯猪 Catagonus wagneri EN濒危
  喀拉米豚鹿 Axis calamianensis EN濒危
  印度豚鹿 Axis kuhlii EN濒危
  智利驼鹿 Hippocamelus bisulcus EN濒危
  麋鹿 Elaphurus davidianus CR极危
  弓角羚羊 Addax nasomaculatus CR极危
  欧洲野牛 Bison bonasus EN濒危
  爪哇野牛 Bos javanicus EN濒危
  考布利牛 Bos sauveli CR极危
  水牛 Bubalus bubalis EN濒危
  短角水牛 Bubalus depressicornis EN濒危
  菲律宾水牛 Bubalus mindorensis CR极危
  西里伯斯野水牛 Bubalus quarlesi EN濒危
  螺角山羊 Capra falconeri EN濒危
  汤姆森瞪羚 Gazella cuvieri EN濒危
  鹿羚 Gazella dama EN濒危
  细角瞪羚 Gazella leptoceros EN濒危
  阿拉伯羚 Oryx leucoryx EN濒危
  藏羚 Pantholops hodgsonii EN濒危
  武广牛 Pseudoryx nghetinhensis EN濒危
  大鼻羚 Saiga tatarica CR极危鸟类  中文名 学名 保护级别
  信天翁目 Procellariiforme
  飘泊信天翁 Diomedea amsterdamensis CR极危
  新西兰海燕 Oceanites maorianus CR极危
  全蹼目 Pelecaniformes
  阿波特鲣鸟 Papasula abbotti CR极危
  安德鲁军舰鸟 Fregata andrewsi CR极危
  鹳形目 Ciconiiformes
  日本白鹳 Ciconia boyciana EN濒危
  大鹮 Thaumatibis gigantea CR极危
  朱鹭 Geronticus eremita CR极危
  日本冠朱鹭 Nipponia nippon EN濒危
  雁鸭目 Anseriformes
  马岛麻斑鸭 Anas bernieri EN濒危
  列山岛野鸭 Anas laysanensis CR极危
  夏威夷鸭 Anas wyvilliana EN濒危
  白翼木鸭 Cairina scutulata EN濒危
  白头硬尾鸭 Oxyura leucocephala EN濒危
  鹫鹰目 Falconiformes
  加州秃鹰 Gymnogyps californianus CR极危
  西班牙帝雕 Aquila adalberti EN濒危
  东方白背秃鹰 Gyps bengalensis CR极危
  印度秃鹰 Gyps indicus CR极危
  钩嘴鸢 Chondrohierax wilsonii CR极危
  食猿雕 Pithecophaga jefferyi CR极危
  猎隼 Falco cherrug EN濒危
  鹑鸡目 Galliformes
  营冢鸟 Macrocephalon maleo EN濒危
  红嘴官鸟 Crax blumenbachii EN濒危
  角官鸟 Oreophasis derbianus EN濒危
  白翼官鸟 Penelope albipennis CR极危
  黑胸鸣官鸟 Pipile jacutinga EN濒危
  鸣官鸟 Pipile pipile CR极危
  爱德华雉 Lophura edwardsi EN濒危
  婆罗洲孔雀雉 Polyplectron schleiermacheri EN濒危
  鹤形目 Gruiformes
  美洲鹤 Grus americana EN濒危
  丹顶鹤 Grus japonensis EN濒危
  白鹤 Grus leucogeranus CR极危
  罗德哈威秧鸡 Gallirallus sylvestris EN濒危
  卡古鸟 Rhynochetos jubatus EN濒危
  大印度鸨 Ardeotis nigriceps EN濒危
  鹬目 Charadriiformes
  爱基斯摩杓鹬 Numenius borealis CR极危
  细嘴杓鹬 Numenius tenuirostris CR极危
  黑嘴端凤头燕鸥 Sterna bernsteini CR极危
  诺曼氏青足鹬 Tringa guttifer EN濒危
  鹦形目 Psittaciformes
  红肛凤头鹦鹉 Cacatua haematuropygia CR极危
  小葵花凤头鹦鹉 Cacatua sulphurea CR极危
  帝鹦鹉 Amazona imperialis EN濒危
  黄头亚马逊鹦哥 Amazona oratrix EN濒危
  红额鹦鹉 Amazona rhodocorytha EN濒危
  红冠亚马逊鹦哥 Amazona viridigenalis EN濒危
  波多黎各鹦鹉 Amazona vittata CR极危
  灰绿金刚鹦鹉 Anodorhynchus glaucus CR极危
  紫蓝金刚鹦鹉 Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus EN濒危
  李尔金刚鹦鹉 Anodorhynchus leari CR极危
  红颊金刚鹦鹉 Ara rubrogenys EN濒危
  蓝金刚鹦鹉 Cyanopsitta spixii CR极危
  佛氏黄额长尾鹦鹉 Cyanoramphus forbesi EN濒危
  红蓝吸蜜鹦鹉 Eos histrio EN濒危
  角鹦鹉 Eunymphicus cornutus EN濒危
  黄腹长尾鹦鹉 Neophema chrysogaster CR极危
  黄耳长尾鹦鹉 Ognorhynchus icterotis CR极危
  金肩鹦鹉 Psephotus chrysopterygius EN濒危
  厚嘴鹦哥 Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha EN濒危
  猫面鹦鹉 Strigops habroptilus CR极危
  深蓝吸蜜鹦鹉 Vini ultramarina EN濒危
  鹃形目 Cuculiformes
  蕉鹃 Tauraco bannermani EN濒危
  鸱鸮目 Strigiformes
  马岛草鸮 Tyto soumagnei EN濒危
  雨燕目 Apodiformes
  栗腹蜂鸟 Amazilia castaneiventris CR极危
  圣马刀翅蜂鸟 Campylopterus phainopeplus EN濒危
  黑星额蜂鸟 Coeligena prunellei EN濒危
  绿喉毛腿蜂鸟 Eriocnemis godini CR极危
  彩毛腿蜂鸟 Eriocnemis mirabilis CR极危
  黑胸毛腿蜂鸟 Eriocnemis nigrivestis CR极危
  蓝顶蜂鸟 Eupherusa cyanophrys EN濒危
  钩喙蜂鸟 Glaucis dohrnii EN濒危
  皇领蜂鸟 Heliangelus regalis EN濒危
  青腹蜂鸟 Lepidopyga lilliae CR极危
  叉扇尾蜂鸟 Loddigesia mirabilis EN濒危
  紫喉辉尾蜂鸟 METAllura baroni EN濒危
  佩里辉尾蜂鸟 METAllura iracunda EN濒危
  火冠蜂鸟 Sephanoides fernandensis CR极危
  灰嘴慧星蜂鸟 Taphrolesbia griseiventris EN濒危
  佛法僧目 Coraciiformes
  斑嘴犀鸟 Penelopides mindorensis EN濒危
  啄木鸟目 Piciformes
  帝啄木 Campephilus imperialis CR极危
  象牙喙啄木鸟 Campephilus principalis CR极危
  燕雀目 Passeriformes
  带斑伞鸟 Cotinga maculata EN濒危
  白翅伞鸟 Xipholena atropurpurea EN濒危
  科兹美鸫鸟 Toxostoma guttatum CR极危
  泰国八色鸟 Pitta gurneyi CR极危
  鲁克氏仙鹟 Cyornis ruckii CR极危
  白胸绣眼鸟 Zosterops albogularis CR极危
  黑冠黄雀 Gubernatrix cristata EN濒危
  金雀 Carduelis cucullata EN濒危
  长冠八哥 Leucopsar rothschildi CR极危


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    薛子寇大水獭 Pteronura brasiliensis EN濒危 长岛长尾狸猫 Cryptoprocta ferox EN濒危 獭狸猫 Cynogale bennettii EN濒危 瘦小齿蒙 Eupleres goudotii EN濒危 西班牙猞猁 Lynx pardinus CR极危 安第斯山猫 Oreailurus jacobita EN濒危 虎Panthera tigris EN濒危 雪豹Uncia uncia EN濒危 地中海僧海豹 Monachus m...

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    薛子寇荷叶铁线蕨 - 学名:Adiantum reniforme L. var. sinense Y. X. Ling - 科别:Adiantaceae 铁线蕨科 - 濒危类别:濒危 - 保护级别:2级 - 现状:仅存于四川万县和石柱县,因筑路采挖作药用,现数量极少,陷入濒危。- 分布省县:四川万县武陵区,新乡,小沱山,杉树坪,石柱县 - 土壤PH值:中...

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    薛子寇世界近代灭绝鸟类 (中英文对照)非洲:Elephant Bird大象鸟1700年 Common Dodo普通愚鸠1680年 Rodriguer Solitaire毛里求斯愚鸠1780年 Reunion Solitaire罗岛地愚鸠1700年 White Dodo白愚鸠1770年 Madagascar Serpent Eagle马达加斯加蛇雕1950年 Commerson’s Scops Owl毛里求斯角鹗1850年 Rodrigaer Little Owl...

  • 18955214036有哪些濒危动物
    薛子寇全书中英文对照序前言编者的话中国濒危鸟类分种记述 1·短尾信天翁2·白鹈鹕3·红脚鲣鸟4·褐鲣鸟5·斑头鸬鹚6·黑颈鸬鹚7·白腹军舰鸟8·黄嘴白鹭9·岩鹭10·海南鳽 11·黑冠鳽12·白头鹮鹳13·东方白鹳14·黑鹳15·白鹮16·黑鹮17·朱鹮18·白琵鹭19·黑脸琵鹭20·大天鹅 21·小天鹅22·疣鼻天鹅23·...

  • 18955214036求关于动物灭绝的资料
    薛子寇Persian Fal'low Deer波斯鼬鹿(灭绝年代不详)---①巴巴里狮子 巴巴里狮子,它身体全长三米左右,比现在生活在地球上的狮子要长四十公分左右。它体重二百三十公斤,曾经是地球上体形最大的狮子。欧洲和阿拉伯的国王或皇室们都把狮子比喻成权威的象征,但是在他们的领土范围之内,为什么完全看不到狮子出没的身影呢? 我们...

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