
来自:潮流生活    更新日期:早些时候

Nanjing Road in Shanghai, built beginning in 1851, the ancient name of Garden Lane, Parker Lane, the former "ten foreign market", still enjoy the "First Street" in the world. Shanghai Film Park's three decades of Nanjing Road, with its typical, real, vivid, engaging, there is a high cultural and historical value, has been the city's architecture, authoritative historians regard highly. Television advertising in recent years received numerous famous movie star crew have left in this figure. I hope all parties in the browser, the taste of fun to give lessons.
     Tram dynamic landscape Film Park Nanjing Road. Data reduction is based on its history, "identity" crafted. Sitting on the tram rattled, as if through a time tunnel, thirties old Shanghai to the ......
    "Shadow clothes Road Museums" Shanghai is the birthplace of Chinese cinema, the French name of the house 1500 square meters.
Through multimedia technology, video art, sound and light shows the unique charm of the film forms the historical and cultural evolution kimono channel resources. Pavilion by celebrity wax figures and costumes evolved stills gallery of old Shanghai, the classic movie scene reproduction and "automatic self-camera system" interactive experience and other parts.
The rare props will lead you through to the 1920s and 1930s of old Shanghai, opened a dusty memory.

With the acceleration of urbanization, urban rail transport enters a golden era of rapid development. As the first choice for most Shanghainese, urban rail transport significantly reduces the travle distance and time and plays an impotrant role in our daily life.
Similar to other enterprises, Shanghai Metro is also made up of front-line individuals at the basic level, who, due to the nature of their work, need further improvement in terms of academic background, working ability, service attitude and sense of service. Therefore, a performance-based management plan specific to the feactures of their work is to be formulated.
基层一线员工:front-line employees at the basic level

First of all, good parents must have love and willing to help others, and they must care for plants and small animals. The parents are the first teachers of child. Only when the parents are led by examples can they educate a child with love. Secondly, good parents must have patience. When the child does something wrong, they should not just punish him/her, instead they should teach him/her what is the correct way and the truth behind. Then the child will accept easily and correct himself/herself. Finally the parents should have confidence in their child that he/she is the best. And they pass this confidence to their child in order that he/she will do better. I believe the above three points are the characters that good parents should have.

" A good parent is first and foremost to have a loving heart, be willing to help the others, protecting the trees and flowers and caring for little animals. A father or a mother is the first teacher to his or her child. Only when they set an explam for their kids can they be able to cultivate a child with a kind heart. Next, a good parent should be patient, never beat and scold the children but bring out the facts and reasons to them when they make mistakes, which will make it easier for them to correct their own mistakes. Lastly, a good parent should be confident. They should have faith that their children are the best and pass this self-confidentce to them to make them better. I believe the three points mentioned above are the qualities a good parent should obtained."


A good parent first is must have the compassion, to be ready to help others, to take good care of trees and flowers, love small animal. Parents are the first teachers of the children, only the parents make oneself an example, to educate a caring child. Second, a good parents should have patience, children in the wrong things, not blindly abuse, but serious to talk some sense to him, so that more children to accept and correct the mistakes. Finally, a good parents should have confidence. Parents should be convinced that their kids are the best, and it passed on to the children, let the children become more wonderful. I think the above three points is a good parents should be the character。

At first good parents must have the love, be willing to help others, love flowers and trees, care for small animals. Parents are the first teachers of the children, only parents set an example, can educat a child with love. Secondly, a good parents should be patient, when children do something wrong, not blindly beat and scold, should serious tell them the truth, it is easy to be accepted by children and correct errors. Finally, good parents should be confident. Parents should firmly believe that their children are the best, and the confident will be transfered to the children, lets the children become more outstanding. I think the above three points are good parents' character.

A good parent should be a person full of love. He or she must be ready to help others and protect animals and plants. Parents are the first teachers of their children, so they ought to set good examples to the kids in order to build up a kid with love. Then good parents should have enough patience. Don't scold or even beat your kids coldly when they make mistakes. On the contrary, they should reason things out with them patiently. Only in this way can they access the kids easily and correct their mistakes. Last but not the least, a good parent should be full of confidence. They firmly believe that their kids are best and convey this imfortion to them. This will promote the kids to be more excellent. Personally speaking, a good parent should have the above characters.

A good parent is very important to have a loving heart, to be ready to help others, take good care of the plants and trees, care for small animals. Parents are the first teachers of children, only if parents lead as an example, we'll teach children to have a loing heart, too. Secondly, a good parent is to be patient, when children do something wrong, not just verbal, We should tell him the truth, which makes it easier to children to correct the error. Finally, a good parent should be confident. Parents should be convinced that your kids are the best, and pass it to children, and make your kids become better. I think three points above is that good parents should have.

First of all, a good parent should be full of love, he would take pleasure in helping others and would care for plants and animals. Parents are the first teacher of their kids. Only one's parents make themselves an example can the kid be led to be someone with love. Second, a good parent should be patient. He won't always scold when the kid makes mistakes, instead, he would reason why it's wrong and what is the right thing to do, this will be more acceptable as well as instructive for the kid. Last but not the least, a good parent should be confident. One should held the belief that his kid is the best, and pass it to his kid which will help the kids stand out. In my opinion these are the qualities a good parent should have.


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