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Santiago is a Hemingway works in the vivid image of the fisherman. Santiago 84
days to have gained nothing, his tenacity and hard work, ushered in the
eighty-fifth day of hope Dawn, ushered in the eighty-fifth days of sunshine. The
eighty-fifth day, the old man out. In the vast sea of his persistence finally
paid off: a marlin hooked.The next four days, is the old man and the big marlin. The cold water is
not afraid, not afraid of. He used his wisdom, to beat the big marlin
victory.After trying again and again, the old man finally beat the big marlin, he
dared to challenge the failure. The old man and the sea's story tells us, just
do not give up, one day you will be successful

范文:Recommend a book "the old man and the sea". The old man and the sea is a novella written by American writer Hemingway in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952.

The story revolves around an old Cuban fisherman fighting with a huge Marlin in in the Gulf Stream far from the shore.

Although Hemingway's old man is tragic, he has Nietzsche's "Superman" quality, calmly accept failure, calmly and bravely face death. These "hard men" reflect Hemingway's life philosophy and moral ideal, that is, human beings do not bow to fate, never admit defeat, and positive and optimistic attitude towards life.




My Favourite book
OK everyone,today i will share one book with you which named The Old Man and Sea.
The author of the book isErnest Hemingway 。
This book tells a story,the old man and a young boy did not catch fish for a long time,then the eighty-fifth days,They caught a big fish,they killed the big fish, and escaped the shark.But the meat was gone, and there was only a bone when they back home.
I love this book and this story,we should never give up when we in trouble,Whatever the outcome。

My Favourite book
OK everyone,today i will share one book with you which named The Old Man and Sea.
The author of the book isErnest Hemingway 。
This book tells a story,the old man and a young boy did not catch fish for a long time,then the eighty-fifth days,They caught a big fish,they killed the big fish, and escaped the shark.But the meat was gone, and there was only a bone when they back home.
I love this book and this story,we should never give up when we in trouble,Whatever the outcome。


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