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1《盗梦空间》2《辛特勒名单》3《阿甘正传》4《霸王别姬》5《这个杀手不太冷》6《西西里的美丽传说》7《肖申克的救赎》8《教父》9《洛奇》10《雨人》11《泰坦尼克号》12《星际穿越》13《黑客帝国》14《辛德勒的名单》15《公民凯恩》16《卡萨布兰卡》17《教父续集》18《七武士》19《星球大战》20《美国美人》21 《飞跃疯人院》22《奇爱博士》23 《骇客帝国》24《潜艇风暴》25《彗星美人》26《愤怒的公牛》27《善、恶、丑》28 《雨中曲》29《唐人街》30 《超级无敌掌门狗之剃刀边缘》31 《绿野仙踪》32《现代启示录》33《热情似火》34 《卧虎藏龙》35《后窗》36《夺宝奇兵》37《非常嫌疑犯》38《精神病患者》39《星球大战之帝国反击战》40 《低级小说》41 《记忆碎片》42《西北偏北》43《沉默的羔羊》44 《风云人物》45 《好家伙》46《爱乐之城》47《三块广告牌》48《阿凡达》49《奇迹男孩》50《少年派的奇幻漂流》51《末代皇帝》52《水形物语》53《美丽心灵》54《海边的曼彻斯特》55《乱世佳人》56《万物理论》57《她》58《飞越疯人院》59《悲惨世界》60《鸟人》61《第一夫人》62《甘地传》63《胡佛》64《慕尼黑》65《一夜风流》66《指环王3:王者无敌》67《无间道风云》68《冲撞》69《百万美元宝贝》70《美丽心灵》71《恋爱中的莎士比亚》72《英国病人》73《辛德勒的名单》74《不可饶恕》75《与狼共舞》76《雨人》77《野战排》78《走出非洲》79《莫扎特传》80《母女情深》81《普通人》82《火的战车》83《克莱默夫妇》84《猎鹿人》85《安妮·霍尔》86《芝加哥》87《骗中骗》88《法国贩毒网》89《巴顿将军》90《铁娘子:坚固柔情》91《血色将至》92《爱》93《推销员》94《摩天轮》95《美国行动》96《绝美之城》97《45周年》98《西葫芦的生活》99《正午》100《谜一样的双眼》

10 指环王:王者归来

10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The Best Picture award for Peter Jackson’s final chapter in the Lord of the Rings trilogy was really an award to recognize the work done on all three films since it was in essence one giant project. It is one of four films to sweep the categories it was nominated in, going 11 for 11, tying the record of wins held by Ben-Hur and Titanic.



9. All About Eve

Joseph L. Mankiewicz’ film of deceit and betrayal is still compelling as the world of celebrity and show business forever continues to fascinate and draw people to take part. Eve pretends to be a fan, but she’s really come to take the life of Margo Channing in a figurative sense. Hard to believe Bette Davis came in to replace Claudette Colbert shortly before filming because it’s one of her greatest roles. The film won six awards.


8. Midnight Cowboy

Even more so than Billy Wilder’s The Lost Weekend, Midnight Cowboy displays a stark, gritty realism rarely seen in Hollywood films even today. Joe Buck has come to New York City to ply his trade as a male prostitute, but has a tough go of it. Ratso Rizzo is a crippled con man who lives on the streets. Together, they maneuver through the mean streets as best they can. The film won three awards and it is the only X-rated film to ever receive an Oscar.




7. Unforgiven

Clint Eastwood’s film reveals the reality behind the accepted myths of the Western genre. The heroes and villains aren’t clear-cut, violence has ramifications, and alcohol not bravery or nobility fuels the fighting. The film won four awards and is the last Western to win Best Picture.




6. West Side Story

Stephen Sondhiem and Leonard Bernstein’s take on Romeo & Juliet transports the story to the streets of New York with the warring families replaced by street gangs. There’s a purpose to Jerome Robbins’ choreography beyond dancing for its own sake. The film won 10 awards and in addition Robbins was presented an honorary award for Brilliant Achievements in the Art of Choreography on Film.


5. Annie Hall 伍迪艾伦作品

The film is the perfect synthesis of Woody Allen as it retains his sense of humor like the early, funny ones, but he stretches out as both a writer and director, using the medium like he never had before. While the events as presented in a fantastic manner, it is a realistic love story. The film won four awards.





4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Based on the brilliant novel by Ken Kesey, who initially wasn’t happy with the loss of the narrator or the casting of Jack Nicholson, the film tells the story of McMurphy, who fakes insanity so he can serve out the rest of his prison term in the perceived comfort of a mental institution. There’s a surprising amount of humor for a film that plays out like a classic tragedy. The film won five awards.

改编于ken kesey的杰作,作者一开始并不喜欢叙述者的缺席和尼克尔逊的表演,这部电影说的是麦克墨菲的故事,他为了逃避牢狱之灾假装疯狂,进了疯人院。在电影中有惊人的幽默,这部电影是一部经典悲剧,获得五个奖项。译者



3. The Godfather

Marlon Brando leads the Corleone family and an amazing cast in Francis Ford Coppola;s adaptation of Mario Puzo’s novel. The film spans ten years and presents the transformation of Michael from civilian to Don. While some understandably find Part II to be a superior film, it needed The Godfather to lay the foundation. The film won three awards.

马龙 白兰度领导corleine 家族,塑造了经典角色 francis ford。影片改编自mario的小说。影片有十年的跨度,展现了麦克从良民到教父的转变。有些人发现教父二演绎的更加精彩,它仍然是建立在第一部的基础上的。获三项奖


2. Lawrence of Arabia

David Lean’s glorious epic based loosely on the life of T.E. Lawrence and his time in Arabia during World War I. Freddie Young’s amazing Super Panavision 70 cinematography and Peter O’Toole’s star-making performance are the standouts in this film whose story of war in the Middle East unfortunately still resonates today. The film won seven awards.


1. Casablanca

Voted the best screenplay of all time by the Writers Guild of America, west in 2006, this classic film tells the tale of Rick and Ilsa, whose relationship was interrupted when she discovered her husband Victor was still alive. Their love triangle plays out in Morocco as Victor and Ilsa are on the run from the Nazis and need the letters of transit Rick has obtained. It’s a flawless film about love and sacrifice. The film won three awards.







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