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"Cheerleaders" is a vibrant, full of youthful sports. The body of a sexy, seductive dancing, so that everyone whom echocardiography. On campus, this is the girls favorite sports, participate in cheerleading, show your charisma.

1 at the weekend, I put my decayed tooth
2 when he across the street and was hit by a car
He should finish your homework during the holidays, but he's been playing
4 it was not long before the firemen to put out the fire
5 when is Tom fell in love with Mary in Paris?
This is the second time you late for work

My view on the College Entrance Examination
This is a hi-tech driven at breakneck speed developing society, and a flamboyant characterized, persuasion of self-value realization society, Along with all of our ever changing surroundings, some people are starting to question about our existing tens of years old college entrance examination system and think that it is no longer suitable for the present society’s need, which has become the backward system .

However, as a normal high school student myself, I dare notagree with that.

First of all, without any question, college entrance examination is the highest authority exams of our country. They helped to deliver a great number of worthy talents to our society’s various industries. Through college entrance examinations, millions of students managed to get hold of the door keys of their future career every year. We should all admit that college entrance examination had created opportunities for most hard working students. It plays an important role in pushing forward of our country’s hi-tech economic development that its contribution should not be dismissed.

Secondly, after our country’s so-called ‘iron bowl career’ had been broken during the 80’s and the country’s distribution of work system was introduced, the role of college entrance examination has been weakened slightly. Nowadays, the ways to study are even more varied and there is also going abroad to research and many other choices not only just the college entrance examination. Although in a certain way that college entrance examination can decide your future, now this is a society only judging on your personal qualities, you may not be sure to achieve everything if you have succeeded in the college entrance examination. Vice versa, it may not be the end of the world for you either, even if you had failed. Only when you have true talents, those gold pieces will always shine in front of your eyes!.

Thirdly, I think that college entrance examinations are not just exams but also a hardening process of one’s life, an unmissable part of our growing up process. Through the systematic learning of the knowledge of all aspects and through the examination to meet in the process of
enhanced psychological quality, We would not just be able to get into a better university but also can accumulate a sum of precious wealth when enter into the society in later days.

All in all, because of college entrance examination has limited conditions of its own, may have the disadvantages of inflexibilities and formula bound, but they are no doubt the fairer ways to provide the measurement of an individual’s quality level. We must not dismiss them totally. Also should be more active, more sunshine state of mind to face up to it,




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