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1. Niu to learn English translation of the article
English classes, the teacher asked Niu: "HOW ARE YOU What does it mean?"
Niu like: HOW is the "how", ARE is "yes", YOU are "you" and then answered: "how are you?"
Surprised teacher was soon asked: "HOW OLD ARE YOU What does it mean?"
Niu immediately answered: how do you keep? "
The teacher textbooks appear immediately on a blood red!!

2. Niu's got it wrong to learn English papers
Niu in a bus, be careful not to step on the other foot foreigner, Niu said very politely: I AM SORRY!
Foreigners also have very good: I AM SORRY TOO!
A Niu, how? That foreigners do and I count more than! I am afraid he is not. Retaliate Road, then: I AM SORRY THREE!
That a foreigner, some confused: WHAT ARE YOU SORRY FOR?
Niu imagined back on the last sentence: I AM SORRY FIVE.
Niu triumphantly, that foreigners collapsed to the ground, has been unconscious!

3. Niu to learn English to work on the chapter
Niu's hard to learn English in the next progress soon. For some of the English language is under control in the habit. Soon to seek a very good company to work. One day, Niu called Secretary of the documents referred to the boss: "The report The boss, next month, a group of European orders, I think companies need to send people to deal with you. "Boss in the back of official documents signed:" GO A HEAD! "Niu received, immediately instructed subordinates buy air tickets, travel to, While finishing his luggage. Provisional starting that day, Secretary of the block down.
Secretary: Are you going to do?
Niu: At a meeting of the European ah!
Secretary: the boss agreed to it?
Niu: not the boss said to me, "GO AHEAD" it?
Secretary: to the company for so long, you do not know the owner of the English language it? Boss means: "to turn back!"

4. Niu times smaller, at home to open a restaurant at home. Niu is an excellent small greeter. One day, a foreign friend came to the restaurant to eat, because not very familiar with the Chinese eat, be careful not to a bowl Broke. That foreigners do not quite understand the Chinese, English had to explain to Niu. Niu which at that time Hou understand ah! Hear straight frown. Li Wu came from cattle at this time my father's voice: "What happened?"
Niu quickly replied: "hit the bowl!"
A foreigner, "ONE DOLLAR?" He thought it was necessary to compensation for a dollar, Qu Tao hand on the wallet.
Niu Li Wu from the father, asked: "Who?"
A foreigner, well, how they become "THREE DOLLAR", but do not think it is acceptable, ready to pay for it!
Niu, pointing to a foreigner, said: "He's playing!"
A foreigner, not good, "TEN DOLLAR" It also rose to about ten dollars, how it got scared quickly running out!!

5. Niu opened a grocery store one day a foreigner to buy a pen, Niu said: "Pen", Niu holding a basin to the foreigners, the foreigners said, shaking his head: "No No".'s Angry Niu said: " This basin does not leak!. "Niu said that only foreigners:" Good-Bye ", Niu Niu is to say:" You only weird! "
These are to be translated.
I hope that the errant shot saved, I do slide, so they need the Chinese and English, tomorrow will be spent this slide. On-line, and so I hope that you hurry up and help me, thank Dae self! ! ! Grateful! ! !

A place that your heart is always be even you leave. 不知道有没有语法错误也。。

有富室,偶得二小狼,与家犬杂畜,亦与犬相安。稍长,亦颇驯,竟忘其为狼。一日昼寝厅室,闻群犬呜呜作怒声,惊起周视无一人。再就枕将寐,犬又如前,乃伪睡以俟(sì)。则二狼伺其未觉,将舐其喉,犬阻之不使前也。乃杀而取其革。 狼子野心,信不诬哉! 然野心不过遁逸耳。阳为亲昵,而阴怀不测,更不止于野心矣.兽不足道,此人何取而自贻患耶?


(1)意忘其为狼 代狼
(2)将啮其喉 代富人
(3)乃杀而取其革 代狼


Enjoy teaching is the primary school music teaching the important content, is to develop the students' interest in music, and expand the music field of vision, music and aesthetic ability development feel the effective way. The new music course standard "explicitly pointed out:" music teaching should be both teachers and students to experience, and found that, creating, performance and enjoy the music of the process." This is used for teachers teaching methods put forward new requirements and challenges. The author thinks that, combined with the age of the students to the characteristics of the characteristics and different music, making the classroom to become music appreciation teaching, students, and teachers' common interactive organisms; And through the music appreciation, the students in many senses and intelligence are trained and developed. At the same time, through the music appreciation teaching to promote students' individual character development, enrich the students' emotional experience, make every student can through the music appreciation and harvest and the growth of healthy and happy. Hope can help you to translate into English. Graduation thesis need it. Hope not to master

Appreciation teaching is an improtant part of elementary school music teaching program , is an effective way to train the students' music interests , expand music vision , and develop music experience and the ability of appreciating beauty. Which was pointed in the new music lessons standards that the music teaching should be a process in which the teachers and students should experience ,discover, create, perform and enjoy music together ,so it gives new requests and challenges to the teaching methods of the music teachers, the author thinks that combining the characteristics of the students' ages and the characteristics of different musics can make the class to be an interactive organism for the teachers ,the students and music ,and by appreciating musics, it can also train and develop students' abilities in multiple senses and intelligences, at the same time , it can promote students' personality development,enrich the students' emotion experiences by appreciating music lessons ,which makes every student to get a lot and grow up healthy .

Enjoy teaching is the primary school music teaching the important content, is to develop the students' interest in music, and expand the music field of vision, music and aesthetic ability development feel the effective way. The new music course standard "explicitly pointed out:" music teaching should be both teachers and students to experience, and found that, creating, performance and enjoy the music of the process." This is used for teachers teaching methods put forward new requirements and challenges. The author thinks that, combined with the age of the students to the characteristics of the characteristics and different music, making the classroom to become music appreciation teaching, students, and teachers' common interactive organisms; And through the music appreciation, the students in many senses and intelligence are trained and developed. At the same time, through the music appreciation teaching to promote students' individual character development, enrich the students' emotional experience, make every student can through the music appreciation and harvest and the growth of healthy and happy.


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    璩苇岩狡诈、隐藏本领高 3.这则寓言告诉我们警惕像狼一样的坏人,这类人与文中的狼有什么相似之处?找出原文语句回答。则二狼伺其未觉,将啮其喉 4.文中画横线的句子(兽不足道,此人何取而自贻患耶)除了对狼表示谴责外,还表达了什么意思?防人之心不可无 老师校对过了 ...

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  • 17743995400各位大侠!谁来帮我翻译一下?

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  • 17743995400我有一段英语,请各位大侠帮帮忙翻译过来

  • 17743995400请各位大侠帮我翻译一下这篇英语文章!谢谢了

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