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4th, internationalization tendency China electronic commerce moves towards the world inevitably, simultaneously is also facing the world electronic commerce skilled person's stern challenge.One of interconnection network biggest superiority is surmounted the time, the spatial limit, can break between effectively the country and the area each kind visible and the invisible barrier, this to will promote each country and the local foreign economy, the technology, the fund, the information and so on the exchange plays a revolutionary year role.Electronic commerce powerful stimulation foreign trade.Therefore, Our country Electronic commerce Enterprise will move towards the world gradually along with the international electronic commerce environment standard and the consummation.Our country Enterprise may with the developed country genuine station on a starting line, change our country's to send the inferiority on market economy track after is a gaining control by striking from this.Electronic commerce to our country's small and medium-sized enterprise development international market, uses the good overseas each resources is an once in a thousand years proper time.At the same time, the overseas electronic commerce enterprise diligently will develop the Chinese market.Joins WTO along with China, this aspect barrier gradually will be able to eliminate.

5th, the regionalizing superiority bases the Chinese national condition to adopt has the key regionalizing strategy is expands on effectively the net the marketing scale and the benefit inevitable way.The China electronic commerce region the internationalization superiority which emphasized with front is not contradictory by the superiority.The regionalizing superiority is speaking of the Chinese unique national condition condition.China is a large population, the vast in territory serious offense, the social group in the income, the idea, cultural level very many aspects all has the different characteristic.Although our country still was as a whole an income quite low developing nation, but the local economy development not balanced reflected economical development gradualness, the income structure level is extremely obvious.In might foresee from now on in the quite long time, the surfer population still by the big city, the medium city and the coastal economy developed area primarily, the B 2 B electronic commerce pattern regional characteristic will be extremely obvious.By this kind of pattern primarily electronic commerce enterprise in the resources plan, the allocation system construction, the market introduction and so on all must consider fully this reality, adopts has the key regionalizing strategy, can expand on effectively the net the marketing scale and the benefit.

6th, the fusion tendency electronic commerce website straight moves towards the new fusion inevitably after initial all-round blooming.One is between the similar website merge.At present the massive websites belong to “the building redundant project”, localization same or close, the service content is similar, the steep competition result only can be the minority business enterprise finally wins, is at the weak trend condition the website finally unavoidably the result which eats or closes.Two, with category website between complementarity annexation.These are at the leading position the electronic commerce enterprise in the resources, the brand, the customer scale and so on the various aspects although has the very big superiority, but this is after all, with the overseas famous electronic commerce enterprise which relative says compares is not a number magnitude.These have the good foundation and the prospects for development website adopts the purchase strategy inevitably in the expansion process, the main pattern will be the complementarity purchase.Three is the strategic alliance.As a result of the personalization, the specialization is the electronic commerce development two major tendencies, each website in resources aspect always limited, the customer demand also is omni-directional, therefore the different type website cooperates by the strategic alliance form to have mutually to become inevitably.

扬州瘦西湖 Slender West Lake in Yangzhou 瘦西湖其实是扬州城外一条较宽的河道,原名保扬湖。面积480多亩,长4.3公里。 Slender West Lake is actually a wider yangzhou outside the river, formerly known as the Baoyang lake. Area of more than 480 acres, is 4.3 kilometers long. 原是唐罗城、宋大城的护城河遗迹,南起北城河,北抵蜀冈脚下,明清时期,许多富甲 天下的盐业巨子纷纷在沿河两岸,不惜重金聘请造园名家擘画经营,构筑水上园林。 The original is don SongDaCheng luo, moat relics, south up Beicheng river, north Oregon against Shu feet, the Ming and Qing dynasties, many rich festivals in the salt industry giant in the river, not hesitate heavy gold hiring la map by business, constructing water garden. 瘦西湖景区 现有:御码头、五亭桥、西园、 冶春园、绿杨村、卷石洞天、西园曲水、 四桥烟雨、虹桥、长春岭、 琴室、月观、梅岭春深、五亭桥、白塔晴云、二十四桥景区等 景点。 Existing lake scenic spot: the wharf, the five pavilions, western bridge and smelting spring park, LvYangCun, roll ShiDongTian, western music water, four bridge YanYu, hongqiao, changchun ridge, piano room, month view, MeiLing spring deep, the five pavilions bridge, the white clouds, sunny 24 bridge scenic spots, such as attractions. 在瘦西湖“L”形狭长河道的顶点上,是眺景最佳处。由历代挖湖后的泥堆积成岭,登 高极目,全湖景色尽收眼底。文人雅士看中此地,构堂叠石代有增添,至清代成为瘦西湖最引 人处。有“ 湖上蓬莱”之称。 In the lake "L" form vertices of long and narrow river, is the best place most scene.By the lake of mud after digging up ChengLing, as the climb, the lake view all stops eye ground. Peirce literati fancy to this place, construct a generation of stone hall add, to become the most attractive lake in Qing dynasty. "The lake Penglai," said. 岭上为风亭,连同岭下的琴室、月观, 近处的吹台,远景近收,近景烘托,把整个瘦 西湖景区装扮的比“借”用的原景多了许多妩媚之气。 For the wind pavilion on the ridge, together with the piano room, ridge on view, ChuiTai near, the vision of nearly close, close range foil, the whole lake scenic area of dress up than "borrow" of the original scene with much more numerous gas charm. 近人巧取瘦西湖之“瘦”,小金山之“小”,点明扬州园林之妙在于巧“借” :借得 西湖一角,堪夸其瘦;移来金山半点,何惜乎小. Take the approach artful lake "thin", little JinShan "small", point out yangzhou gardens of the wonderful is skillful "borrow" : for the west lake one horn, can boast its thin; Move to a golden hill, what XiHu small.


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    陆季泳扬州瘦西湖 Slender West Lake in Yangzhou 瘦西湖其实是扬州城外一条较宽的河道,原名保扬湖。面积480多亩,长4.3公里。 Slender West Lake is actually a wider yangzhou outside the river, formerly known as the Baoyang lake. Area of more than 480 acres, is 4.3 kilometers long. 原是...

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    陆季泳帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 赞美我的家乡扬州作文 篇1 “故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州”,我的家乡是具有悠久文化历史的古城—扬州。 这里气候温暖,平原广阔,古迹很多。在这里,勤劳朴实的扬州人谱写了令我们非常自豪的文化篇章。我就举例说一说吧:千年古刹大明寺,初建于南朝刘宋孝武帝...

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    陆季泳扬州诗十二首 红桥 茅茨水榭气萧萧,烟锁藤萝梦锁桥。人影衣香知去远,临流犹问小红箫。廿四桥 廿四由来属杜郎,风荷摇曳说幺娘。澹星初月画难足,逗雨忽来三两行。五亭桥月 香屑飘廊点点金,流霜空里到衣襟。瘦西湖上几明月?谁更桥穹深处寻。平山堂 岚光拱揖直堪扶,月过维扬梦也殊。三老...

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    陆季泳白玉兰 暗香扑鼻,灿烂的 迎春花 随风摇曳 。这样的广陵浸透了风情,满眼的缤纷为我烘染出满世界的春光旖旎,难怪古人每每要“解鞍少驻初程”呢!花儿的浓艳必有绿色来点衬。绿——多么朝气蓬勃的色彩!揉合了黄的明朗和蓝的清澈,在春的感召下,释放出无与伦比的生命力。瞧,草丛中,星星点点的“...

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