急求一篇关于周日去郊游的英语短文带翻译的 谢拉 急急

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I had a wonderful weekend last week. On Saturday, I invited my friends to watch a film in the cinema. We had popcorns and coke during the film. On Sunday, I went to a museum to watch an art exhibition. When I was home, I wrote a blog on the internet about my weekend. I decided to go to another museum next week.上周我过了一个愉快的周末。周六我和小伙伴去电影院看电影。我们一边吃爆米花喝可乐,一边看电影。周日我去博物馆看艺术展览。我回到家之后在网上写了一篇博客。我决定下周还要去博物馆。想要掌握英语学习技巧或者知识,推荐报班跟着外教学英语,或者先免费试听课程了解。免费试听课地址:【点击领取专属欧美外教免费试听课】试听完之后,外教老师会做英语水平测试结果,把报告发给你,抓住提供的免费试听课机会。很多学员表示因为阿卡索的性价比高,课程20元左右一节,还给学员匹配专属外教,可以自己挑选满意为止,教材既有原版,也有对标国内新课标自主研发,可供选择的丰富多样。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。

你好,拿我之前帮其他网友需要解决的文章,或许可以可以帮到你The weather so fine that I go for a picnic with my several friends.I set off from house′s door at six in the morning and meet them .Then we go to the destination by bus so we can reach the suburb soonly.The air is fresh ,the scenery is very beautiful,made us completely relaxed.We are climbing 、playing and sit on the ground until the sun falls,we have a enjoyable day你再自己扩展一下,希望能帮到你~

你好,自己参考一下吧。。 Today is a sunny day . Father, mother and I go to the Beijing Wild Animals Zoo. First, we go to see the monkeys. There are many monkeys here. They are very interesting .Some are eating, some are swinging along the chains, others are fighting. Only one is sitting on the wood plank, she is very fat, I guess she has a baby in her belly. Second, we go to see the Chimpanzee. He is very big, he speaks”cici—cici--” ,like bees. Look, I am making a pose of a chimpanzee. Then , we go to see the animals show. I like monkeys and lions best. Monkeys can ride bikes. One monkey is very funny, when the wave his the monkey rides as fast as he can, but when the man doesn’t see him, he falls down to the groud and have a rest. Here come the lions. The lions can jump through the fire ring, they are not afraid of fire at all. After show, we get on a car with iron net to see wild animals. We see brown bears, they are swimming in a pond. I feed the vegetables to the deers ,giraffs and zebras. Oh, there is a tiger in front of our car. We throw the meat to the tiger, he is very happy, he runs to the meat and eats it. Off get the car, I see many people are taking pictures with a baby lion! I want to take a pictures with him ,too. Mom is worried , but Daddy says OK, I run to the baby lion quickly , I hug the lion and Mum takes pictures for me. What a wonderful day ! 翻译:今天天气晴朗。 我和爸爸妈妈去北京野生动物动物园。 首先,我们去看猴子。 有许多猴子在这里。 他们非常有趣。一些正在吃东西,一些爬链子,其他在混战。 只有(一位妇女)坐在板条上,她非常肥胖,我估计她有身孕 其次,我们去看黑猩猩。 他很大只的,它发出cici—cici--”的像蜜蜂一样的声音, 看我对着黑猩猩摆姿势 然后,我们去看动物展览秀。 我最喜欢的是猴子和狮子。 猴子会乘坐自行车。 有一只猴子非常有趣,它骑自行车的速度能像波浪一样摇摆的快~,但当人们没有注意它的时候,它便会歇下来休息。 这里来的狮子。 狮子能通过火圆环跳,它们一点都不害怕。 在展览秀结束以后,我们乘坐了一辆有架着铁网的汽车去看野生动物。 我们看见棕熊,它们在池塘游泳。 我喂养了鹿和斑马 。噢,在我们的汽车面前有一只老虎。 当我们向他投掷肉的时候它很高兴,他跑向肉吃它。 下车以后,我看见许多人正在与小狮子合照。 我也想要与它合照,可妈妈担心,但是爸爸同意了,我迅速跑向小狮子,妈妈拍下了我拥抱小狮子的照片 多么美好的一天啊~ 希望能帮到你。。。累死我了。。。


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