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European soccer network
The emergence of the Internet and the rapid development of information technology speed up, the degree of master of information, access to information is timely and necessary that we have to build a corresponding website. The establishment of a dedicated football Web site that can be timely so that fans can understand the latest team news, results of the competition, each team information, as well as the broad masses of fans can communicate better friends.
For all the fans to provide more effective services to attract more fans, and establish a perfect forum for fans to facilitate fans better browser news, better information for the football. Site of the main structure and layout information, it is generally Site framework, the content of all information will serve as a basis for a layout, the layout of clarity would surfers can easily and quickly obtain the necessary information.
Use Dreamwerver, Fireworks, Flash, Photoshop and other software website. This site will use various elements such as images, forms, controls, the framework, links, such as the small icon to surfers will be impressed by.
Finally able to demonstrate a function of the following website: Browse news and team information, online message boards function, fans forum landing, picture shows, Show team points for the team history, the latest results of the competition, and other features.
Key words Forum landing picture News

想必这是一篇论文的摘要 需要翻译成英语
首先 真人秀应该是trueman show 虽然以前老外给我说过是thruman show但是这个词在词典里面查不到
第二 对于一个节目来说 不应该用书名号 而应该斜写 我粘贴在这个上面就没得格式了 希望楼主自己改一改
第三 格式来说的话 顶格的 应该是每段空一排来写

Recent years have witnessed a trend of Trueman Show which is also a favorite in China-the ancient country, for example, Survivors’ Game, Lucky 52, Super Girls, China Talent Show and so on. Such kind of program has great market potential. However, trueman show as the imported product has many conflicts with Chinese traditional culture and ethic codes. Improving audience rating and creating economic values, truaman show has been paid great attention. So it gives rise to the importance of localization of trueman show.

On the basis of the development of trueman show in foreign countries, this paper digs into the present situation and its prospect at home and illustrates the disadvantages and problems.

After general analysis of the situation at home, You Are the One is presented as the bad example to expose its weakening: form-oriented, boring stimulation, insufficient care for audience and participants.

After detailed analysis, this paper proposes innovative suggestions that trueman show should overcome its disadvantages and enhance its advantages. It should proceed with the people-oriented way, stick to the principles of seeking truth from facts and fulfill audience demands for true feelings.

Key Words: Trueman Show; Localization

Chen Ying, said that Greece is a miracle. People today unanimously recognized Greek spirit is the source of Western civilization. Disi from Hamilton on the "Greek spirit" can be seen, Greece demonstrated to the heart of the breathtaking style and temperament. It is not paradise, it is the most noble character of human history, the spirit of the most high-spirited, thinking the same as if the volcano burst out of the period. When people with today's point of view, can be found in ancient Greece is the universe of real talent, and superior. In many ways, the ancient Greeks has left a rich spiritual wealth. Compared with the ancient Greeks, the modern spirit shrinking at a glance, they mostly become fetishism believers and "materialism" slaves, completely lost his love of wisdom, the pursuit of the truth.

Rational and scientific spirit is the legacy of Greece. On this basis, the birth of Homer's epic poem "The Iliad" and "Odyssey," Herodotus "history," Thucydides "History of the Peloponnesian War." In the field of philosophy, Thales, the Keximanni Afghanistan, Helakelite, Pythagoras, Germany Jammu Crete, Socrates, Plato, Xenophon, Aristotle and others have conduct their own thinking. In the sculpture, Feidieshi, Miloon such as the famous statue. In the painting, and the wave of Nuotuoshi Apollo donos fame Greece. In the drama, Aeschylus, Suofukeleishi, Euripides, and other people's script attracted large audiences. For all the problems of thinking is the theme of Greek life. "Feideluo chapter," we can see that in order to understand Feideluo Socrates with a rhetorical scholars talk reluctantly come Maijiala accompany him, and then go back. Two in a Kewudongshu spend a few hours to discuss "the essence of the soul" and "a form of celestial bodies flashing the United States" and so on. In Aeschylus's drama "The Persians" can be seen, the Queen of Persia asked the following people, you have owner? She heard the answer is no. Herodotus in his book wrote: "They only obey the law."

Times of other civilizations, at this time there has never been so amazing concept. Greece personal freedom is in the city, he voluntarily to protect the city, he can speak freely on all issues without fear of what the consequences incurred, priests and prophets may have certain powers, but these powers are strictly limited. Witchcraft in the world, most of the places once prevalent in the Greek market there are not any. Greeks is the most courageous and face the real world to think, in other places because people did not understand the power of fear arising before the Greeks to look at it rationally can use wisdom to wipe out, even in the area of religion, the Greek Religion also shown a Schopenhauer called "people will be lifting the tremendous strength." Is the most unusual place, Greece is not from the religious priests, prophets, saints, such as the creation from, but by poets, artists and philosophers developed, no authoritative religious Collection, and no religious dogma.

All these constitute the unique spirit of Greece, the development of human civilization has made great contributions to accept this gift, not only confined to the West, including the East. Disi according to Hamilton in the "spirit of Greece", a book on ancient Greece generous praise, the author in the book even declared that the ancient Greeks enjoy certain rights even modern citizens are incapable of dealing with the United States, and their spiritual realm more worthy of commendation. Whenever in-depth contact with Greek culture and, most authors do not think that is an exaggeration. Thinking of the great pioneer of China's Gu Zhun, the unrest has Miao Ling Zhu translation from the "History of Ancient Greece," a Greek city-state in the study, compared to the Eastern and Western cultures. Mr. Gu Zhun to the farsightedness, he was clearly long overdue insight into the value of the spirit of Greece. Today, people should be more open attitude to look at the spirit of Greece and benefit from, rather than in the cultural nationalism under the banner of refusal Tugunaxin, go farther and farther on the wrong track. In traditional Chinese culture, has been open side, it has never refused to absorb the essence of the foreign culture, never follow the beaten track, and those who cling to outdated ideas and concepts. By any terms, in the spirit of Greece today to provide us with reference and reference are many. The ancient Greeks to the thirst for knowledge for the world's curiosity of the unknown - the rational exploration, the development of human society is always the impetus for moving forward. Greece spirit, will shine forever.


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