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Come on! Come on! The students didn't stop for our teams players. Thinking of strategy I have been sweating. Then I took the ball a rush to the " enemy" of Longmen ... ...

It was a sunny afternoon, we organized 20 people for ongoing intense football game. We are 20 people selected two players to be the team captain. After a while, we have a good job ready to begin.

" Start" the sound. I and my team Xiaoming striker. Xiao Ming with ball desperately towards the " enemy" position, and then he was stopped. Xiao Ming unhurried, right leg bag ball a kick, the ball rolled to the left. The "enemy" in the body has tilt to the left. Now, Xiaoming left foot gently kick, the ball fell again on the right foot. At this time the "enemy " has no way to react. Xiao Ming take this opportunity to run to. To the " enemy" is not far away when, Xiaoming and meet an enemy " ". Then Xiao Ming did not use that trick. Because he knew that the " enemy" has been to see him, so he forced a play on my feet. Then the "enemy " eyes had noticed me running towards me. I can't stop with false action to play off the enemy " ". Then I meet a tall and strong " the enemy ", I kept with false move him to go away, but has to give him one one cracked. I can't when I head to think of the ball from his pants underneath that pierce the past, then I put the ball gently through his hole and I ran to catch the ball from his side. The only Longmen an "enemy ". I ran to his front, Longmen came to my ball and don't give me a shot. Then Xiao Ming go to, I threw the ball to him. Longmen is now the member to react at me here to do. Xiao Ming foot suddenly shot. " Enter! " The students cheering crowd.

Finally we have the 3:2 win. The football match that I know how to do things a person's strength is not enough, but also on the group's strength to do it perfect.

History of Football 足球运动的历史

Football is the universal language of scores of millions of people around the world, including
countless children and teenagers. Young people play in narrow, urban alleyways. They play in refugee camps. They play in abandoned swimming pools. In car parks, war zones, on street corners--wherever there are young people, it seems there is football.

Children play football at the launch of the FIFA-UNICEF alliance at United Nations Headquarters in New York. But the sport is more than just a game. It's a positive lifestyle. It's a way to promote a peaceful approach to conflict resolution. It's a tool for wooing a young body away from the lures of drugs, unsafe sex, or violence. It's a way to help ensure that young people grow up healthy, fit and full of self-esteem.

And, what's more, it's a manifestation of the right to play that the Convention on the Rights of the Child includes as one of the fundamental rights of all children.

这是World Cup History 世界杯历史(也不错的,可以参考:)


Soccer is among the most popular sports in the world. Every day there are some soccer
games and many people like to watch or take part in them.

Girls and boys may have different opinions about soccer games. Girls are usually more interested in handsome soccer players than in the game. They may think that it is boring to watch so many players going after just one ball, and cannot understand why boys are so keen on the game. On the other hand, boys find so much pleasure in watching and taking part in the game.For them, soccer is so competitive and attractive.

I think soccer is a very fascinating sport when players display strength, tactics and teamwork. One can learn a lot from the game.


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