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Drama, Love, Relationships 戏剧、爱和我们的关系
BabyFace 娃娃脸(歌手)

It's not about who's right, or who's wrong 与谁对谁错无关
It's not about who's weaker, or who's strong 与谁弱谁强无关
It's not about who's innocent, or whose fault 与谁无辜,谁犯了错无关
It aint really about that kind of thing at all 并不是关于这些
It's not about who does it, who done it, or did it to who 不是关于谁做了这件事,谁完成,或者,它指向谁
Don't matter if the both of you lose 即使你们全盘皆输,也没什么了不起
Its really not about nothing, except for me and you, girl. 女孩,除了关系到你和我,这没什么了不起

It's all about drama, and love, and 'lationships 它是关于戏剧、爱、和我们的关系
And when the going gets tough, you deal with it 当路途变得艰难,由你去承担
And you don't never, you never walk away from it 而你永远不能,永远不能逃离避
You hold on, and be strong 坚持住,坚强些
It's all about drama, and trust, and making it 它只是与戏剧有关,与信任有关,你放手去演,
If your somebody, mess up, you take it in 如果有人被弄得一团糟,你得好好考虑
Don't let no body come between you, you just stay with it 不要让任何人闯入你们的关系,坚持住
And hold on and be strong 坚持,坚强起来
And Hold on 坚持下去

It's not about the stupid things that we say 它并不是关于我们所说的傻事
We're always saying stupid things anyway 我们一直重复着说傻事
It's not about the secrecy or the lies 它并不是关于秘密或谎言
Girl everybody's got a secret to hide 女孩,每个人都有秘密要隐藏
It's not about who was he, or was she, who's creeping on whom 它并不是关于“他是谁”、“她是谁”,或者,“谁为谁而疯狂”
Won't matter if the both of us lose 如果我们都输掉,没什么大不了
It's really not about nothing, except for me and you 没什么大不了,除了,它与你我有关

It's all about drama, and love, and 'lationships 它是关于戏剧、爱、和我们的关系
And when the going gets tough, you deal with it 当路途变得艰难,由你去承担
And you don't never, you never walk away from it 而你永远不能,永远不能逃避
You hold on, and be strong 坚持住,坚强些
It's all about drama, and trust, and making it 它不过是与戏剧有关,与信任有关,你放手去演
If your somebody, mess up, you take it in 如果有人被弄得一团糟,你得好好考虑
Don't let no body come between you, you just stay with it 别让任何人闯入你们的关系,坚持住
And hold on and be strong 坚持,坚强起来
And Hold on 坚持下去

Ain't about your pride 与你的骄傲无关
Ain't about yourself 与你无关
It's about the two of you, and no one else 只是关于你们俩人,再无其他
Ain't about the hurt 与伤害无关
Ain't about the lies 与谎言无关
Ain't about the crazy things that's running through your mind 与你头脑中疯狂的事情无关
It's about the love that's supposed to last and never die 它只与我们曾相信的永恒的爱有关

It's all about drama, and love, and 'lationships它是关于戏剧、爱、和我们的关系
And when the going gets tough, you deal with it当路途变得艰难,由你去承担
And you don't never, you never walk away from it而你永远不能,永远不能逃避
You hold on, and be strong坚持住,坚强些
It's all about drama, and trust, and making it它不过是与戏剧有关,与信任有关,你放手去演
If your somebody, mess up, you take it in如果有人被弄得一团糟,你得好好考虑
Don't let no body come between you, you just stay with it别让任何人闯入你们的关系,坚持住
And hold on and be strong坚持,坚强起来
And Hold on坚持下去


这是其中的第6首歌曲《drama love & 'lationships》


babyface原名是Kenneth Edmonds

babyface的drama love & lationships



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