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If I had a vacant house, I couldn't have left it idled. I could've invited the homeless in
the door; I could've asked the panhandlers on the crossover whether they'd like a
stable place to live and to start a new live; I could've moved some orphans in there for them to play together, to grow up together and to study together. It can be a safe haven for the poor, a private school, or an independent clinic. It will be transformed from a vacant house into a house of love.


I've always been thinking how much of an organization's original purpose could be
preserved once it grew in size. Is it better for us to build an organization so big that
we may help the others with so-called "substantial meaning", or to simply do what we can in a more practical manner - starting with little things? I was lost and I couldn't judge on my own. However, for her it all seemed so simple. She just quietly does it without thinking much about anything else. "When one door shuts, another opens" - things will turn out just fine, simply keep the faith and keep loving the others with a conviction.

When she realized that the organization was slightly off the course as it grew big, she decisively resolved it and reverted back to the basics. Perhaps it is an inevitable cycle, but isn't it the so-called guidance from this film to keep at it? Don't get sidetracked by the changes taking place in the society at large, just stick to the basic principle and you'd be doing the right thing. No pain, no gain. I am particularly fond of the saying that " God's favorite things are all petty, especially those made of love."

整部影片中我没有看到过Mother Teresa的泪水,只有她那一双慈悲眼睛,时时在饥馑,病痛,与死亡面前流露出太多怜悯。倒是我自己,看她一袭白袍、赤足、凉鞋、缓缓徐行的身影,为之一再泪倾。


I've not seen a single teardrop from Mother Teresa throughout the entire film, only
her compassionate eyes, overflowing with benevolence when witnessing femine, sickness and death. On the other hand, I myself cried over and again watching her in the film pacing slowly in her white gown, wearing only sandals in her barefeet.

I thought of another phrase that once deeply touched me : "Little by little I've lost my passion for the world, more and more I found myself now wrapped up in it." Immersed in the ever so delicate selfishness and indifference, I can't further justify it nor do I have the means to repent. All I could do was to give this film a 5-star rating deep in my heart, despite its imperfection.

我曾也抱有广泛影响的想法,去做有效的事。也许我忽略了小的爱,而那,其实便是令我真切感动的,那便是让我真心佩服的,那是我应该去做的。那是所指引出的方向。 爱是可以传染的,爱是可以感化别人的。不要让别人理解你,让别人去关注你所要保护的,也是爱的方式。

I've had my illusion to want to be widely influential, to be meaningful in what I do. Perhaps I've neglected the trivia, and that, was in fact what truly moved me. That's what I sincerely admired, that's what I ought to be doing, that is the way. Love is contagious, love can be influential. Allow others to care about what you're protecting, regardless they undertand you or not, this is another way to express love.


To comfort the others, more than being comforted;
To understand the others, more than being understood;
To love the others, more than being loved.
Upon death, we reach eternity.
Upon death, we reach eternity.
Thanks to you, touched by your love on our way forward - plain and simple, yet shined upon us all.
Don't get lost. Simply love, with pure and simple love. Don't forget.
Love is eternity, Love is eternity, Love is eternity. Do not fear, for it is always there. Do not worry, for it is always there.


常温池 Normal tem
热水池 Hot Water (Pool)
冷水池 Cold Water (Pool) 【括号内写不写都行】
搓背区 Back Rubbing Zone
客服中心 Customer Service Center
换鞋区 Shoes Changing 【如果只是一小片区域,这么写就可以,后面要带个~Zone也可以,如果是房间就用room了】
楼层指示牌 Floors' Number Signage
楼层功能牌 Floors' Function Signage
综合办公室 Integration Office 或者 General Affairs Office
消防监控室 Monitor Room for Fire Control
桑拿房 Sauna Room
男更衣室 Men's Dressing Room
女更衣室 Women's Dressing Room
男宾部 Gentlemen Guest Room
女宾部 Ladies Guest Room
洗手间 Toilet
女洗手间 Ladies' Room
男洗手间 Gentlemen's Room
二次更衣 Internal Dressing Room
一次更衣 External Dressing Room
【一次二次应为内外之别,用了external 和 internal】
男宾浴区(女宾止步) Gentlemen's Bathing Area (Male Only)
女宾浴区(男宾止步) Ladies' Bathing Area (Female Only)
影视厅 Video Room
无烟厅 Non-Smoking Room
餐吧 Dining Bar 【如果是自助餐厅Cafe也可以】
技师休息室 Rest room for
助浴区价目表 Price of Services of the Bath Assisted Zone
二次更衣买品价目表 Price of Items for Internal Dressing
Gentle Reminder:
Dear Guest,
Please take care of your belongings, put your valuables in our baggage room in the front service desk, or you will own your responsibility for your missing belongings.
Gentle Reminder:
No admittance for people who suffers from dermatosis, hypertension and heart disease.
No admittance for people who get drunk
桑拿浴的好处 The benefits of Sauna
Gentle Reminder:
Please put on your bathing dressing before you enter the recreation area. Follow the arrows.
小心地滑 Wet floor 【Caution: Wet floor也可以】
卫生清理 Under cleaning
维修中 Under repair
总台洗浴消费指南 Consumer Guide for Bathing in Front Service Desk
总台房间消费指南 Consumer Guide for Room-service in Front Service Desk
【Front Service Desk】总服务台
宾客接待室 Guest Room
按摩间 Massage Room
VIP房 V.I.P. Room
中医按摩室 Chinese Medicine Massage Room 【Medicine要不写也可以】
布草间 Linen Room 【linen是棉布类通称】
消防疏散指示牌 Sign for fire evacuation 【如果数量多,用signs】


Hi everyone,I'm XX from Accounting Class1131.

As I am local to Changsha,I believe Changsha is the most beautiful place in my mind.

Next, I shall introduce ten beautiful sights in Changsha.

Yuelu Mountain:first of all,Yuelu Mountain is nationally well-known scenic area,there are many attractions worth visiting.

Martyrs park: the second attraction would be Martyrs Park, a comprehensive park with great scenic features and entertainment spots.

Riverside sight: Changsha, third on the itinerary, is a sight amongst the beautiful greenery trees. It is often regarded as a bright spot near xiangjiang river.

Pedestrian street: fourthly, the Pedestrian Street is a flourishing commercial street

Tian Xin Restaurant: the fifth place, Tian Xin Restaurant, is the only remaining relic from ancient city of Changsha.

Botanical garden: the sixth stop, Botanical garden, where it is known for its cherry blossoms.

The moon island: the seventh, Moon Island, is a resort, but there is also a campsite if anyone prefers camping.

Ecological zoo: the eighth stop, Ecological zoo, has sheep and camels that would surely attract visitors.

The window of the world: the ninth stop, window of the world, is the largest and most beautiful theme park in south central region.

JuZiZhou head: the last stop, JuZiZhou head, firework can be observed every Saturday night..

thanks for watching

Hello, I am from accounting 1131 class of XX, because I am the locals, so in my heart changsha is the most beautiful place.

By the next I present changsha ten big beauty.

Capital: the first one is the first capital, yuelu scenic spot is national key scenic spot, there are a lot of scenic spot, is worth a look.

Martyrs park: the second is martyrs park, visit and entertainment comprehensive park

Riverside sight: the third is changsha is a sight along the beautiful scenery, the green place. Is of xiangjiang river, a bright pearl.

Pedestrian street: the fourth, walking street, a flourishing business street

Heavenly heart restaurant: pure fifth restaurant, it is the only remaining ancient city of changsha logo.

Botanical garden: the sixth botanical garden, where the cherry blossom is very beautiful.

The moon island: the seventh moon island, is a resort, can

Go there camping.

Ecological zoo: the eighth ecological zoo, can go to see where the sheep camel

The window of the world: the ninth window of the world, the largest and most beautiful in central theme park.

JuZiZhou head: the last JuZiZhou head, every Saturday night will set off fireworks.

Thank you to watch

Hello everyone,I'm XX from Accounting Class1131.Because I'm local people here,I believe Changsha is the most beautiful place in my mind.
I will introduce you ten beautiful sights in Changsha. Yuelu Mountain:first of all,Yuelu Mountain is national key senic area,there are many attractions worth looking.


Hello, I am from accounting class 1131XX, because I am
The local people, so in my heart is the most beautiful place in changsha.
Next, I introduce to you all the beauties of Changsha ten.
Mount Yuelu: the first is the Mount Yuelu, the Yuelu scenic area is
National key scenic spots, there are many attractions, value
Have a look.
The martyr park: second Martyrs Park, tour and entertainment
Comprehensive park
Belt along: third is the Changsha with scenery along the river is a
Beautiful scenery, greenery is shady place. Is Xiangjiang coast an Cui
Jade pearl.
Pedestrian street: Fourth, pedestrian street, a busy commercial street
Pavilion: Fifth Pavilion, is the only city of Changsha standard
Botanic Garden: Sixth botanical garden, where the cherry blossom is very beautiful.
Moon Island: seventh moon island, is a resort, can be
Go camping.
Zoo: Zoo ecology eighth ecology, can go to have a look
Where the alpaca
Window of the world: a ninth window of the world, South Africa's largest and most
Beautiful theme park.
The Orange Isle: the last orange Chau Tau, every Saturday
Night fireworks.
Thank you

Martyres Park: the second is Martyres Park including touring and entertainment along the river.
The scenery besides the river is the third I recommend where surround by trees and beautiful sights.It is a bright pearl on the Xiang river.
The forth is the walking street which is a prosperous commercial street.
No.5 is the Tianxin Pavillion,which is the only old town
Next is the Botanical garden where the cherries are very beautiful.
The seventh is the Moon island,which is a holiday village,we can go camping there.
The eighth is the ecological zoo,we can see alpaces there.
The ninth is the Window of the world ,which is the most beautiful and big Theme park.
Last but not least,Orange Isle,there is fireworks discharged every Saturday.
thank you for watching.


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