
来自:红宝石    更新日期:早些时候

Ladies and Gentlemen: I am honored to stand here before you, to deliver my speech. My topic today is “With Great Power, There Must Also Comes Great Responsibility.”
As is known to all, an excellent organization should have an excellent leader. A leader is an important part of a group, to an organization or a country. But what makes a leader? A leader derives from the masses. He is the combination of characters from the masses. The leader shows the way to those led by him. He relies on support from the masses. He earns support by his integrity, strength and other admiral qualities. He must demonstrate his ability to lead, that is his leadership or managerial skills.
However, one must realize, with great power, there must also comes great responsibility. Premier Wen Jiabao came to Wenchuan immediately after the earthquake hit the area because he knew that he was leader, a leader of the People’s Republic of China. He knew it was his duty to take care of his people and encouraged them. With his leadership, people in the quake area overcame the difficulties and built a new home.
Leaders come from the people. In other words, “no people, no leader.” So, as a leader, we are in relation to many people’s rights because of our influential power. What we do and what we think about are in relation to everyone. So we must be equipped with high sense of responsibility.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we must be aware that the future who hosts the new century is us and that we shoulder the duty of leading the people and even the history. I believe, in ten years, maybe twenty years, we’ll be able to stand on the top of the world and shout:“We are the leader of the new century!”

有个地方,bigger power是想说更大的权利是吧?我看大家给你改的有的成了big power或者其他,big应该是不行的,big power是大国的意思,应该是greater power

作文修改能力是作文能力的重要组成部分,学生自改作文能力的强弱是其独立写作能力高低的重要标志。常言“好文章是改出来的”,这个“改”,包括别人改和自己改,只有反复多次的修改,才能把文章中语句、段落、情节改美,使文章生动感人。因此,我们应该培养学生修改作文的能力。对于小学中年级的大部分学生来说,“作文”无疑是一项最为头痛的作业,写作文时常常无话可说,无事可写,好不容易东拼西凑了二三百字的作文却干巴巴的,毫不生动。修改作文则更是大难题,许多学生在修改作文时只能把几个错别字找出来,对于语句通顺与否,中心是否明确,选材是否合理等根本不知如何改,有的学生干脆不改,因为他压根不知道有什么不足,还欠缺些什么,该怎样改。我认为可以从以下几方面着手: 一、注重启发和激发修改作文兴趣。对学生的修改作文能力的培养要有耐心,还要关注学生的心理活动,以正面鼓励为主。在指导学生“自改作文”的前期,充分发挥教师的主导作用,给学生讲述修改作文的意义,先以“师批生改”的方式引导学生自己思索,自己动手修改。教师在批改作文时多承认学生写的内容,尽量少改动一些;批语尽可能明确、具体、富有启发性,适合学生心理,以保护学生的习作兴趣,同时使其积累“改”的经验,明白“文成于改”的道理,激发修改作文的兴趣。当学生根据教师启发性的批语修改自己文章后,特别要注意肯定改的比不改好,只有多改才能慢慢会改,让学生懂得只写不改是一种不负责任的态度,改好一篇文章并不亚于写好一篇文章。只要学生能动手修改,就得肯定,暂不去计较修改得是否正确,让学生尝到习作成功的喜悦,产生新的习作成功的期望,激发习作动机,以推动修改作文能力和习作能力的提高。 二、让学生掌握修改要领,知道该如何去改。在教学中,要深入浅出,由易到难,传授给学生修改作文方法的要领。 (1)明确作文目标。作文目标是在作前指导时,引导学生依据作文审题、立意、选材、构思、表达等一般顺序及要求,明确本次习作具体要求,并让学生抄写在笔记本上,以备自评互评时参考利用。 (2)设计“病例文”。事先设计一、两篇存在问题的作文——“病例文”,根据本次习作具体要求,师生一起逐项评改,以 “精批细改”的方式,为学生做书面上的讲解示范,渗透具体修改方法。做好对学生“改”文的示范,使学生加深对有关写作知识的理解,会运用有关批改符号。 (3)在多读中精心“自改”。在学生完成初稿后,要求他们一句一句反复朗读初稿,仔细推敲,做到:在读中“换”拗口、意义不明确的语句,在读中“调”前后紊乱的语序;在读中“添”一些具体内容;在读中“删”多余的内容,在读中结合写作目标初步自查:作文审题是否正确,中心是否明确,层次是否分明,详略是否得当,表达是否准确。“自改”完成后再抄写在作文本上。 (4)在“自改”的基础上,互改交流。互改:全班以四人小组为单位分工进行交换评改。交流:让学生谈一下修改情况——怎样修改的以及为什么这样改。使学生相互启发,相互借鉴,相互促进,激发兴趣,提高作文修改能力。 互改前先分工:各个四人学习小组的学生,根据自己的能力和喜好分配修改的任务。组内成绩较好、能力较强的两名学生,分别负责从作文审题是否正确,中心是否明确,选材是否合理,层次是否分明这四方面去评改(一人负责两项),写修改建议。成绩中等、能力一般的一名学生,从表达是否准确、详略是否得当这两方面去评改,找出好词句划上波浪线,不恰当的词语、不通顺的句子划上横线。而组内平时成绩差一些,能力较弱的另一名学生,则选择圈出错别字及错标点,看卷面是否整洁这两项。每个人修改完、写完自己的修改建议后,要签上名字,以避免个别学生乱修改的情况发生,因为一切“有据可查”,所有的人都必须认真对待这项工作。待组内所有人的作文全部经过四名同学的修改后,回到本人手中,根据作文后面的修改建议,自己再进行修改,如果有不明白的地方,可以根据签名跟提出建议的人进行面对面交流。这样作文即能保持学生自己的特色,又能融入别人的优点,让每个人的作文水平和修改能力达到一个新的高度。分工互改,让所有的学生有自己能力范围之内的事可做,也不会因为不会修改作文而造成太大的压力。在互改交流的同时,每个学生都能认真读别人的作文,博采众长,还可以加强学生之间的合作意识,增强学生的责任感。 当然,学生的发展是不平衡的,教师还要因材施教,使学生人人过关,个个进步。这就需要教师全面掌握学生的情况,对自改互改后,还要进行必要的“师评”指点,从整体把握文章,查漏补缺,写上总评。在讲评时要大面积表扬鼓励,肯定学生的点滴进步、指出明显的不足之处,并选择改得好的文章,给大家讲评学习,使更多人享受成功的乐趣。 学生修改作文能力的培养并不是一朝一夕的事,这需要长时间的训练积累,只有学生学会了如何修改作文,才能使他们的作文水平得到充分提高。

Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning!
It’s my great honor to be here, and I’m very happy to see you all! Thank you for being here. What I'm going to talk about is Courage —— A Weapon To Defeat Death.
Do you want to challenge yourself?
Do you want to achieve unusual success?
Do you want to win the respect and appreciation of others?
Be brave! Be braver. Be even more braver. You can achieve all of these!
It is well known that the only thing that strikes fear into anybody is death. But those who have enormous courage can confront it fearlessly.
We still remember one word, S-A-R-S, SARS. It broke out in December last year in Guang Dong province and soon rampaged our whole country. Thinking back to the days when SARS was a raging epidemic, thousands of people were infected and hundreds of people died of it. People didn’t know where the deadly strange new disease came from and how to treat it.
At that very moment, the medical staff, battling with that notorious invisible enemy, actually were frightened of becoming infected and possibly transmitting that disease to their loved ones. However, they were not scared to death. On the contrary, they kept on working all day and all night. The early recovery of the SARS patient was what they were all hoping for. What support them? It’s the bravery. It’s the courage. It’s the sworn oath of a health care worker: to do what they could do for the sick. The final smile on their faces was the symbol of victory over death.
Here, I want to pay tribute to those medical staff who fought the battle against SARS, and to those who gave their endless warm-hearted encouragement and support.
Finally, I'd like to summarize my point in one sentence —— where there is bravery, there is the hope!
Thank you for listening. Thank you very much.




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