
来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ There is a butcher Tianwan home, where the burden of the meat has been sold out, leaving only some of the bones. Two wolves encounter on the road, followed closely by Zoulehenyuan.
Afraid of the butcher, pick up a piece of bone thrown in the past. A wolf bones have been stopped, along with still another wolf. Butcher and pick up a piece of bone thrown in the past, the bones after the wolf came to a halt, but the bones have been the first wolf Yougen up. Bones have been thrown over, the two together, like the original as a wolf to catch up.
Butcher is distress, I am afraid together before and after the attack by a wolf. There are wild to see Michael playing a game, the masters of the field to stack firewood in the wheat field to fight, into a hill-like coverage. So Ben butcher in the past to rely on firewood pile below, pick up the butcher's knife to lay down their burden. Two wolves are afraid to move on and stare toward the butcher.


  • 13474901866我最喜欢的动物英语作文 最好是狼的
    李厕叶My favorite is the Wolf The Wolf has many advantages:Wolves will not for the sake of so-called dignity in their weak attack is stronger than himself.The Wolf is also very want to be a bm, but Wolf knew that they were not the tiger.翻译:我最喜欢的是狼 狼有许多优点:狼不...

  • 13474901866关于狼的英文文章~~~(包中文)
    李厕叶the two together, like the original as a wolf to catch up.Butcher is distress, I am afraid together before and after the attack by a wolf. There are wild to see Michael playing a game, the masters of the field to stack firewood in the wheat field to fight, into a hill-...

  • 13474901866狼来了英语作文80词带翻译
    李厕叶Later a wolf really comes. The boy is very scared. "Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!" the boy shouts and shouts. "Help! Help!" But no one comes. And wolf eats the naughty boy.狼来了 村子里有个淘气的小男孩,他喜欢撒谎。一天,他想捉弄村名,就大喊:"狼来了!狼来了!" 善良...

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  • 13474901866怎样写《狼来了》的英语作文,急求
    李厕叶Once upon a time, a baby sheep, sheep to the mountains every day.The wolf came.The wolf came.One day, he felt very boring, he would like to make fun of everyone to find a happy idea. He is toward the foot of the mountain farming farmers shouted: "wolf! The wolf is ...

  • 13474901866写一篇关于狼的英语作文70词(特征,习性,生活环境,处境危险)急!!!今...
    李厕叶Afraid of the butcher, pick up a piece of bone thrown in the past. A wolf bones have been stopped, along with still another wolf. Butcher and pick up a piece of bone thrown in the past, the bones after the wolf came to a halt, but the bones have been the first wolf ...

  • 13474901866求一篇初三英语作文,要求仿写狼来了
    李厕叶Once upon a time a shepherd boy in a forest not too far away from the sheep. The villagers told him that if dangerous situations occur, as long as he shouted for help, they will come to help him.One day, the boy and the villagers would like a joke, gave them a bit of...

  • 13474901866高分【狼的习性 英语介绍】急急急急!
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  • 13474901866狼来了英语作文60词
    李厕叶on wolf but the laughing child,and they go away.But the child shouted again few minutes late:"Help!help,wolf" When the farms came back,no wolf yet,they were angry.At last,the wolves really came,the boys screamed:"Help,help,he real wolves".And nobody came and help him.

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    李厕叶from the tree down, still let it sheeps clothing, admonished those in the activity around the Wolf. Some shepherds after found, asked him, "why do you want to treat sheep?" The shepherd said: "this is a long the wolves of the heart, even if it was a sheep sheep."

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