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以I went to the zoo 为题写一写你在动物园的所见所闻所感六年级作文~

Last sunday ,I went to the zoo with my mother .I saw a lot of animals in the zoo,I was very excited because I had never been to a zoo before .It was funny that lots of monkeys ran around us to ask some food to eat.So my mother bought me a piece of bread.But before I gave it to the monkeys,one naughty monkey grabbed it and ran away...........

I have visited beijing wildlife park at the weekend. The park was like a huge jungle. It was my first time visiting the place and I felt so exciting with the experience.

Inside the park, there are many different regions accommodating different animals, and the thing is they are all free to roam within their designated activity areas. Visitors must stay in their cars all the time for their own safety and not allowed to open their windows, particularly when entering into the large and dangerous animals areas such as lions and tigers.

Apart from lions and tigers, there were many other animals, such as elephants, monkeys, wolves and zebras just to name a few. Later I had watched some exciting animal shows and visited the protection of endangered animals exhibition. Learned a lot more about how people have pushing many animals into extinction. If immediate actions are not taken to protect them right now, then many precious animals will soon disappeared from the surface of the Earth.

I really have enjoyed my trip very much, and I couldn't believed that how close I was with those animals. I really would love to go and visit soon again.


I have visited beijing wildlife park at the weekend. The park was like a huge jungle. It was my first time visiting the place and I felt so exciting with the experience.

Inside the park, there are many different regions accommodating different animals, and the thing is they are all free to roam within their designated activity areas. Visitors must stay in their cars all the time for their own safety and not allowed to open their windows, particularly when entering into the large and dangerous animals areas such as lions and tigers.

Apart from lions and tigers, there were many other animals, such as elephants, monkeys, wolves and zebras just to name a few. Later I had watched some exciting animal shows and visited the protection of endangered animals exhibition. Learned a lot more about how people have pushing many animals into extinction. If immediate actions are not taken to protect them right now, then many precious animals will soon disappeared from the surface of the Earth.

I really have enjoyed my trip very much, and I couldn't believed that how close I was with those animals. I really would love to go and visit soon again.

写好了,应该大约一百词,北京野生动物园 希望会满意采纳、


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    常宙黛I have visited beijing wildlife park at the weekend. The park was like a huge jungle. It was my first time visiting the place and I felt so exciting with the experience.Inside the park, there are many different regions accommodating different animals, and the thing is they are ...

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