根据每题所提供的情景和提示词写一个与图画内容相符的句子。(要求用上提示词) 1 &...

来自:客安    更新日期:早些时候
请根据每题所提供的图画情景、提示词语及所给标点,写一个与图画情景相符的句子。  ~

1. Are they from the U.S.A.? 2. She has a big nose. 3. My T-shirt is black. (答案不唯一)

小题1: Water has washed the houses away.小题2:We have to stop people from cutting down trees.小题3:The wind is blowing strongly.小题4:You’d better ride a bike instead of taking a bus.小题5:You ought to turn off the light when you go to bed. 试题分析:小题1: 考查时态的正确运用。结合图片可知,房子已经被水冲垮:Water has washed the houses away.小题2:考查from后面用动词的-ing形式。We have to stop people from cutting down trees.小题3:考查现在进行时的表达。The wind is blowing strongly.小题4:考查固定短语的用法。instead of后面用-ing 形式。You’d better ride a bike instead of taking a bus.小题5:考查动词短语的用法。关灯是turn off the light。You ought to turn off the light when you go to bed.

小题1:Karl is afraid to see the doctor.
小题2:They are playing the guitar now.
小题3:Rita went to the library yesterday afternoon.
小题4:We will have a picnic next week.
小题5:Stephen is worried about the rain.

根据每题所提供的情景和提示词写一个与图画内容相符的句子。(要求用上提示词) 1 &...视频

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