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Avril Lavigne的Innocence,还有她的Complicated , Kelly Clarkson的Because Of You, Alicia Keys的Girl On Fire, Lene Marlin的Sitting Down Here , Sofia Jannok的Liekkas, 我不太懂英语,但这些都是没什么高潮的英语歌,非常好听的!我酷狗里面收藏的!

yesterday once more

歌手:元气 专辑:元气

there's a girl in my mind
and she knows i am thinking of her
all my way through the day
and the night stars shine above me
he's been gone for some time
but i know i truley love her
and i am singing a song
hoping she'll be back when she hears it

my heart goes shalalala
shalala in the morning
shalalala shalala in the sunshine
shalalala shalala in the evening
shalalala shalala just for you!

if your lucks gone away just like mine
you feel like crying
sing along maybe once
maybe twice lets try it together
some sweet day no one knows
you'll return and you'll be happy
shouting sweet in a song
listen to your heart it is singing

my heart goes shalalala
shalala in the morning
shalalala shalala in the sunshine
shalalala shalala in the evening
shalalala shalala just for you!

my heart goes shalalala
shalala in the morning
shalalala shalala in the sunshine
shalalala shalala in the evening
shalalala shalala just for you!

Money Penny - Wonderful Love




yesterday once more


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