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1. Great Smoky Mountains 大烟山国家公园
Clouds obscure a valley in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The nation's busiest park
Great Smoky Mountains draws more than nine million visitors a year
ice the number of any other national park. It's located in Tennessee and North Carolina. Fog casts a veil over Clingmans Dome
the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains at 6
643 feet. The park preserves the world's best examples of deciduous forest and a matchless variety of plants and animals.
云雾笼罩着大烟山国家公园的一个山谷。大烟山国家公园这个全国最火爆的国家公园每年吸引了900多万游客,这可是其他国家公园游览人数的两倍。大烟山国家公园位于田纳西州和北卡罗来纳州交界处。烟雾笼罩着大烟山的最高峯克林格曼斯穹丘(Clingmans Dome),它海拔6643英尺(约合2024.78米)。这个国家公园保存着世界上最大的落叶林和难以计数的动植物。
2. Grand Canyon大峡谷国家公园
The setting sun strikes the Grand Canyon's North Rim. Nearly five million people travel to the canyon each year.
3. Yosemite 约塞米蒂国家公园
The 317-foot Vernal Fall is seen from a ge in California's Yosemite National Park. In addition to waterfalls
the park boasts deep valleys
ancient sequoias
and hundreds of animal species. Winter sunlight appears to set Yosemite National Park's Horsetail Fall aflame. The third most visited national park
Yosemite is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.
游客能在加州约塞米蒂国家公园的咽喉处往里看到落差为317英尺(约合96.62米)的春天瀑布(Vernal Fall)。除此之外,这个国家公园还有深幽的峡谷羣、古老的红杉数和成百上千种动物。冬日的阳光让约塞米蒂国家公园的马尾瀑布(Horsetail Fall)看起来似乎是燃烧着。这个游览人数第三多的国家公园已被纳入联合国教科文组织世界遗产目录。
4. Yellowstone 黄石国家公园
Fog from a nearby hot spring nearly conceals o bison grazing on winter grasses in Yellowstone National Park. The park is also home to elk
bighorn sheep
grizzly bears
and other Rocky Mountain fauna.
5. Rocky Mountain 落基山国家公园
Sweeping vistas are a main attraction at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. The park contains 150 lakes and 450 miles of streams
plus ecosystems ranging from wetlands to pine forests to montane areas to alpine tundra. A wide variety of animals inhabit the park
including beaver
and bighorn sheep
as well as many bird species.
6. Olympic National Park 奥林匹克国家公园
Rock outcroppings called sea stacks are home to birds and other animals on the Pacific shore of Washington's Olympic National Park. The shore is one of three distinct ecosystems within the park. Olympic National Park enpasses 1
441 square miles of the Olympic Peninsula. Because of the park's relatively unspoiled condition and outstanding scenery
UNESCO has declared it both an international biosphere reserve and a World Heritage site.
7. Grand Teton 大提顿国家公园
Autumn brings vibrant color to a valley in Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park. Though visitors can enjoy the park year-round
September and October bring pleasant days
brisk nights
fewer crowds
and a better chance of seeing elk than in summer. The peaks of the Teton Range are seen at sunrise from Schwabacher Landing
a popular viewing point. Unencumbered by foothills
the regal and imposing peaks make one of the boldest geologic statements in the Rockies.
秋天为怀俄明州大提顿国家公园的峡谷带来夺目的色彩。尽管游客全年都可游览这个国家公园,但是每年九十月能让游客体验到愉快的白天、轻快的夜晚和较少的游人;相比于夏天还有机会在这里看到麋鹿。日出时分能从这个国家公园里著名的观景点施瓦巴克尔平台(Schwabacher Landing)看到提顿山脉诸峯。这些华丽庄严、不受山麓丘陵阻碍的山峯在落基山脉书写了一份最醒目的地质声明书。
8. Zion 锡安国家公园
Rising in Utah's high plateau country
the Virgin River carves its way through Zion Canyon to the desert below. The park's striking vertical topography—rock towers
sandstone canyons
and sharp cliffs—attracts 2.5 million visitors a year.
发源于犹他州高原的维京河(Virgin River)沿着锡安峡谷(Zion canyon)一路流向不毛之地。这个国家公园引人瞩目的垂直地貌——石塔、砂岩谷和陡峭崖壁——每年吸引250万游客前来游览。
9. Acadia National Park 阿卡迪亚国家公园
Sea and mountain meet at Acadia National Park in Maine. Most of the park is on Mount Desert Island
a patchwork of parkland
private property
and seaside villages. Eagle Lake is visible from a wooded hill at Acadia National Park. The park has more than 120 miles of hiking trails
which range from easy strolls along the ocean to steep climbs up Cadillac and other mountains
山与海在缅因州的阿卡迪亚国家公园交汇。这个国家公园大部分是在山漠岛(Mount Desert Island)上。从阿卡迪亚国家公园一个多树木的山丘能看到鹰湖(Eagle Lake)。这个国家公园有120多英里步道,它从平缓的路面开始,沿着大海陡直地爬上卡迪拉克(Cadillac)和其他山。
10. Cuyahoga Valley 库雅荷加谷国家公园
Although Brandywine Falls draws most of the tourists to Ohio's Cuyahoga Valley National Park
less crowded Blue Hen Falls
pictured here
offers an oasis in the middle of a heavily forested valley.
尽管布兰迪维因瀑布(Brandywine Falls)吸引着大多数游人前往俄亥俄州的库雅荷加谷国家公园——这里没有人满为患的蓝母鸡瀑布(Blue Hen Falls)的照片——但是它为树木丛生的峡谷提供了绿洲。


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