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~ 琉璃被誉为中国五大名器之首,佛家七宝之一。是一种中国古法材料,它的使用已有2466年的历史,可追溯到西周时期。

Glass is known as the first of China's fivefamous utensils and one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. It is a kind ofancient Chinese material. It has a history of 2466 years and can be traced backto the Western Zhou Dynasty.


There are many kinds of colors of glaze. Theancients also called it "five color stone". It has been used by royalfamily since ancient times, so it is rare in the folk. By the Han Dynasty, theproduction level of glass was quite mature, but the smelting technology was inthe hands of the royal nobles, and it was always secret. Because it's hard forthe people to get it, so people at that time regarded glass as even moreprecious than jade.


Today's introduction of this glass ornamenthas a unique shape. The Dragon Tortoise treads on the money and carries thetreasure. The snake twines on the Dragon Tortoise's back. The bottom is"made in Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty".


The Dragon turtle is also called "goldenturtle", dragon turtle, Baxia, and Pangu. Head and tail like a dragon,body like a tortoise, golden body, living in the sea turtle. It's said that heis the son of the ancient dragon. He carries the book of Hetu and Luoshu,uncovers the number of heaven and earth. He knows the sky on the top, knows thegeography on the bottom, and neutralizes the world.


According to Yang Shen's collection outsidethe ascending nunnery in the Ming Dynasty, "it's said that the dragon hasnine sons, but the Dragon doesn't have his own advantages: first, the shape ofthe dragon is like a tortoise, and it's good to bear the weight, so is theshape of the tortoise under the stone tablet..." As the head of"Yi" is a dragon and the body is a turtle, it is also called"dragon turtle" by the people.


As one of the auspicious animals, DragonTortoise is the symbol of success, wealth and development. It usually carriesor pedals the Yuan Bao coins, which strengthens the Fengshui function ofAttracting Wealth and flourishing wealth. Keep the wealth and beg for wealthand money.


The color of the glaze is brilliant andgorgeous; its quality is crystal clear and dazzling, which is the exquisite andsubtle embodiment of the Oriental people, the fusion of thoughts, emotions andart, and has great ornamental and collection value.


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