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I am sorry, could you please send me a sample? I need to know the glossness at both sides. We will also send you a sample of 8.5" x 11" photo paper to you after we get your sample.

客观地说,电脑对人体生理和心理方面的负面影响已日益受到人们的重视。在电脑普及程度比较高的国家里,“电脑综合征”已成为很普遍的现代病。为此科学使用电脑,减少电脑和网络的危害是十分必要的。  一是要增强自我保健意识。如工作间隙注意适当休息,一般来说,电脑操作人员在连续工作1小时后应该休息10分钟左右。并且最好到操作室之外活动活动身体。平时要加强体育锻炼,增强体能,要定期进行身体检查和自我心理测定,一旦发现生理、心理上的有关症状,可在一段时间内适当调整上机时间,缓解症状。  二是注意工作环境。电脑室内光线要适宜,不可过亮或过暗,避免光线直接照射在荧光屏上而产生干扰光线,工作室要保持通风干爽,使那些有害气体尽快排出,尽量用非击打式打印机减少噪音等等。

Objectively speaking, the negative influence of computer to people's phsycial and mental aspect has been more and more comprehended nowadays. In those countries with a widespread computer system, "Computer Syndrome" has become a high-occurrence modern disease. In this case, it's quite essential to apply a scientific computer using and reduce the harm from computers and networks. First of all, we need improve the sense of self health-care. For instance, it's important to have an appropriate break at work interval. Normally, a 10-minute break after every one hour continuous work should be guaranteed for computer operators, and it's best to go out of the room and stretch the body. In the spare time, we need work out more to keep a good body condition and make periodical body examination and self mentality evaluation, once any symptom on physical or mental detected, we could make corrsponding judgment for the computer using time frame to relieve the symptom. The second one is we need watch our working environment as well. We should keep the luminance condition of computer room proper, no over birght or dark, and avoid the light casting onto screens to produce disturbing light. On the other hand, we ought to keep the room dry and drafty, to form a good circulation to get rid of the harmful air, and try to reduce noise by using non-beating printers, and etc.

The road to success, begins under the feet

Immobilized between, comfortable in

Comfortable, leisure, classic

To the gas charm, bring from the bottom up admire

Shoes to beauty is not only of art, but also of the foot confidant

Taste, fashion, comfortable, your choice

Go, enjoy the life of the other side

Every glimmer of you elaborate considerations

Weekly wear 2 days, recreational shoe is understands the life choices

Wear up, you'll know relaxation time

For your success spread a red carpet

Your image, from a pair of shoes began. Classic

Others care about your success, we care about your journey along the way

Go your way, make the world go said

You every step of the way, all is a successful path either

Full of fashion taste design, more reveal man's strength and glamour

A woman was admiring a man then, men's shoes are very important evidence

Your world, total fast one step

Derive from French classic

On the journey of life, a successful also have enjoyed

Your world, out of their own style

The road to success, begins under the feet

Immobilized between, comfortable in

Comfortable, leisure, classic

To the gas charm, bring from the bottom up admire

Shoes to beauty is not only of art, but also of the foot confidant

Taste, fashion, comfortable, your choice

Go, enjoy the life of the other side

Every glimmer of you elaborate considerations

Weekly wear 2 days, recreational shoe is understands the life choices

Wear up, you'll know relaxation time

For your success spread a red carpet

Your image, from a pair of shoes began. Classic
Others care about your success, we care about your journey along the way

Go your way, make the world go said

You every step of the way, all is a successful path either

Full of fashion taste design, more reveal man's strength and glamour

A woman was admiring a man then, men's shoes are very important evidence

Your world, total fast one step

Derive from French classic

On the journey of life, a successful also have enjoyed

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