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In curriculum reform of new concepts, teachers, role, behavior of concept changes and professional quality improvement and development is to promote the quality of teaching guarantee. Teachers should fully use of class the main base, build a full of "magnetic" classroom environment, to guide students to learn. On the one hand teacher myself to live it up. To prepares a lesson earnestly, efforts to adopt let text move, let style with live it up and let chart the strategy makes up alive, helps the student teaching material apply knowledge into a language skills, train students to use English ability.
On the other hand, want to let students actively, actively learning, become "want me to learn" into "I want to learn". English teaching should not only be "teach study method", the guiding student follow English language to develop good regularity, classroom study habit; More important is active students learn English thinking, stimulating study interest in English, to construct a "positive learning" English classroom teaching environment, improve the final purpose of classroom teaching efficiency.


真爱是无条件的,无私的。 Love is unconditional and selfless. 真爱是爱人口渴时递上的一杯水,真爱是出门时的一句叮咛,真爱是爱人哭泣时张开的怀抱,真爱是匆忙回家的路上脑中闪过的“如果我不回家,他就会睡不着觉”的念头,真爱是爱人病痛时恨不得替她(他)去痛的一种心情,真爱是“只要她(他)开心,我愿意做一切”的固执,真爱是把她(他)看作是世界上最脆弱、最需要呵护的人。 Love is the love of thirst when handed a cup of water, love is when a home exhort, love is love when the open embrace of crying, love is the way the brain a hurry to go home flash of "If I do not home, he would sleep, "the idea, love is pain when love wish for her (him) to the pain of a heart, love is" as long as she (he is) happy, I am willing to do everything "stubborn , is to love her (him) as the world's most vulnerable people most in need of care.
我们都知道,爱代表着一种责任,爱是一种无条件的付出和牺牲,爱是永无止境永不失落的,爱不是不要回报,而爱的回报就是对方的永远快乐和幸福。 We all know and love on behalf of a responsibility is a kind of unconditional love and sacrifice to pay, love is never-ending and never lost, love rather than not to return, and love will never return is the other's happiness and well-being. 而对方的快乐就是你的快乐,对方的幸福就是你的幸福,你应该快乐着她的快乐,幸福着她的幸福。 And each other's happiness is your happiness, well-being of each other's well-being of you, you should be happy with her happy, well-being of her well-being. 不管是爱情中的爱如此,亲情、友情中的爱也是如此。 Whether such a love of love, affection, friendship is also true of love.
人活着,无非是希望自己过着快乐和幸福的生活。 People alive, is that it hopes to live a happy and well-being of their own lives. 而能和自己心爱的人在一起,能为自己所爱的人付出就是人生的一大快事。 And energy and their loved ones together, to their loved ones to pay is a great joy to life. 当你爱一个人时,你也是希望她过得快乐和幸福,而只有她快乐幸福所以你才快乐幸福。 When you love a person, you hope she is happy and well-being, and only she was a happy happy happy happy you. 所以当你觉得爱她时,你就已经决定了为她无条件付出甚至是牺牲,而只有当这种付出和牺牲能给她带来快乐和幸福时,你的付出和牺牲才是有意义的,你付出的爱才能找到归宿。 So when you feel love her, you have decided to pay for her unconditional and even sacrifice, but only if such a sacrifice to pay and give her happiness and well-being, your pay and the expense is significant, You have to find a home of love.

Love is unconditional and selfless. Love is the love of thirst when handed a cup of water, love is when a home exhort, love is love when the open embrace of crying, love is the way the brain a hurry to go home flash of "If I do not home, he would sleep, "the idea, love is pain when love wish for her (him) to the pain of a heart, love is" as long as she (he is) happy, I am willing to do everything "stubborn , is to love her (him) as the world's most vulnerable people most in need of care.
We all know and love on behalf of a responsibility is a kind of unconditional love and sacrifice to pay, love is never-ending and never lost, love rather than not to return, and love will never return is the other's happiness and well-being. And each other's happiness is your happiness, well-being of each other's well-being of you, you should be happy with her happy, well-being of her well-being. Whether such a love of love, affection, friendship is also true of love.
People alive, is that it hopes to live a happy and well-being of their own lives. And energy and their loved ones together, to their loved ones to pay is a great joy to life. When you love a person, you hope she is happy and well-being, and only she was a happy happy happy happy you. So when you feel love her, you have decided to pay for her unconditional and even sacrifice, but only if such a sacrifice to pay and give her happiness and well-being, your pay and the expense is significant, You have to find a home of love.



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