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~ 鱼儿点缀了河粗源流的生机,鸟儿舞动了天空的活力,动物演绎了大山的朝气,地球的美丽因有万物的存在,世界动物日,爱护动物,愿绝凳好地球家园更繁荣!一起来看看演讲保护动物 英语 作文 5篇,欢迎查阅!
On December 4th, 2012, the world will observe the first-ever Wildlife Conservation Day. Our objective is to raise awareness about the global conservation crisis. The plight of rhinos and elephants is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Species around the world, such as tigers in Asia, are at risk of extinction. Estimates suggest that the black market for wildlife trafficking is only second in size to the illegal arms and drug trade. The Endangered Species Act was established to protect these animals from being slaughtered, robbing communities of tourism income, reducing biodiversity, encouraging corruption, and undermining good governance.
Join us in taking action by refusing to purchase products made from endangered species. Together, we can save these animals before it's too late. Take a stand and speak out against this trade. Visit the website and take the pledge to respect and protect the world's wildlife.
I am delighted to share my thoughts on the topic of animal protection today. I believe that animals are our allies and not as complex as humans. They bring immense joy and satisfaction to our lives.
Since my childhood, I have been keeping pets like cats, dogs, ducks, and more. While it can be a bit of a task to take care of them, the happiness they bring to my family is worth all the efforts. Just imagine, when you return home feeling exhausted, dogs greet you with excitement and wagging tails. That warm feeling is something only pets can provide.
Both domestic and wild animals are adorable. However, they are subjected to cruelty by many people. I fail to comprehend such behavior. Even if you may not like or even hate animals, you have no right to harm them.
Every living creature's life is equal, and every life has the right to live happily. Humans must refrain from harming these innocent creatures for personal gains.
Animals consider us as their friends, and hence, we should allow them to enjoy their lives too.
Last week, I watched a thought-provoking documentary about pandas. A professor's research on pandas began in the early 1980s. He spent years in the wild searching for signs of wild giant pandas. He discovered that it was human activities, not low birth rates, that led to their decline. Thanks to his valuable research, the government implemented policies to protect pandas, leading to an increase in their numbers.
The awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and wildlife has grown. We must take drastic measures to preserve these natural treasures.
The survival of many wild animals is threatened due to significant changes in their habitats. Urbanization, insecticide use, and pollution have shrunk their living spaces, and they face food shortages. Additionally, some individuals kill these animals for their fur, skin, horns, and meat.
To safeguard our ecological resources, it is crucial to understand that the loss of any species is a loss of knowledge and natural beauty. Therefore, stringent measures such as setting pollution standards, banning the killing of endangered species, and establishing national parks as wildlife reserves should be implemented.
Only through our collective efforts can we ensure the survival of wild animals.
It is widely acknowledged that the indiscriminate killing of wild animals has led to a decrease in the number of some species. Each year, more and more species face the risk of extinction. The thought of magnificent creatures being slaughtered for human vanity is appalling.
Existing laws that prohibit the importation of rare animals and the products derived from their flesh must be strictly enforced. Offenders should face severe penalties. Moreover, the public must be educated about the natural heritage we stand to lose. If we do not take immediate action, we risk depriving future generations of our most precious legacy.
In Taiwan, a lack of understanding about the importance of wildlife has led to a dire situation. As a nation, we enjoy diverse flavors, but our desire for delicacies has led to the death of many animals. It is disheartening to see species like tigers, bears, birds, and lions being sold in markets. Instead, we should strive to protect them.
In conclusion, we must endeavor to preserve wildlife by implementing strict regulations, enforcing existing laws, and raising public awareness. If we succeed, nature will undoubtedly become more beautiful.


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