
来自:比较好的东西    更新日期:早些时候


Method 1: performance tolerant attitude

Maybe some bad habits children themselves don't like, but he couldn't control myself not to do things have been accustomed. Therefore, parents should take child with tolerant attitude, in helping him overcome shortcomings of time, will patiently pointed out time and time again to his problems. Encourage forever, even if the child than criticizing only a bit of progress, also don't save your praise, their parents a praise smile, a sly eyes will let children are encouraging. Had better not take his compared with their peers, important is child child past performance and his action now. For the occasional backward you also don't show disappointment, believe that children can win over his bad habit. The child has a bad habit, even if is "committed", repeatedly repeatedly teach adults also do not cherish prejudices, feel their kids not to enlightenment. Because this attitude will hurt the child's motivation, this is not conducive to cure the child of bad habits, but also to other aspects of the development of children and growth. Don't give children in psychological pressure. Although a child looks sweet and innocent, but he and we as adults can feel the environment or other people to give his psychological pressure, the pressure can't effectively help children realize his mistakes behavior and correct, so try to keep lighten for children.

Method 2: good at holding the opportunity

Guide and education child getting rid of a bad habit should be paid. For many kids bad habit is an unconscious behavior. Normally, parents can appear in children immediately after the bad habits correction. For example found the child not the hands and eat to timely give children the mouth "confidently" the truth, and urge him washing their hands. When a child again eat could remembered the last time mom (dad) teaching. For a child's progress, you also want timely praise him.

Method 3: play the role model

Although lingling is a girl, but she has a bad habit of the male untidy, love to collect. : Although mom and dad never know how many times, criticised her little room or persist one's old ways, lingling is still in a great mess. During the summer vacation, mother put lingling's cousin all up. All is a neat little girl, lingling little room always be all cousin apple-pie order. Summers past, mom and dad surprised to discover the untidy girl disappeared, lingling become and all the same love neatness. As the saying goes: "example of power is infinite." Sometimes parents to help children to correct bad habits, might as well in peacetime life for he set an example, after a considerable period of time, bad habits in unconsciously center is corrected.

Methods four: the story changed shortcomings

Criticism is not correct, teaching children the only way bad habit, because the child self-awareness ability is not perfect, sometimes parents critically, and don't give them confidently why, for example, the child will produce a rebellious attitude and not willing to listen to their parents taught, it will strengthen their own bad habits. In such cases, parents might as well through the give children stories, read a chant etc, let the children their moral form of consciousness to them shortcomings.

Method 5: gradual effect is good

Parents need to understand is the child of bad habits formed is not a day for two days, so correct existing bad habits, children parents cannot too tall, to request practical and also want to have patience. Don't expect the child in the short term corrected the bad habit entirely. Parents should be more tolerance heart, give the child a little more time, as long as children every time some corrections. In some cases, the former bad habits may again in children appeared again and again, actually this is normal, parents not to come on too strongly.

Methods 6: distracting

When you find the child of bad habits always "remains untamed", don't think that was a child, perhaps in deliberately defy your children themselves haven't been aware of and make mistakes. Parents can according to the child's characteristics and be fond of, transfer the child's attention, for example, when you discover the child again in bite their fingernails, you can let her to help you clean the clean room, such child will forget oneself just action. If you are a careful parents, still can be in a prominent place, post some simple tips pictures, reminds children. Time grew, the child naturally into what has ever forget his bad habits. Correct child bad habit is not accomplished overnight, need parents perseverance and family members to cooperate, and parents also might as well in yourself look for reason, if found himself is children's "bad example", that need you together with the child corrected.



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