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-Well, have you ever used your laptop violently?
-No, I served it very carefully.
-Ok, the system must get into some trouble. Could you please take it back to our shop and I will check it out?
-Sure, thank you. I'll be at your shop tomorrow afternoon.

1 恶意篡改一些知名词汇造成词汇的混乱和滥用
malicious tamper with some famous words caused confusion and abuse of vocabulary
2 很多广告都故意扩大或夸张至极的产品效果,存在一定的欺骗性
many advertisements are deliberately enlarging or an exaggerated product effect, there are certain deceptive
3 到处的牛皮癣广告严重影响了我们环境
all the psoriasis advertising serious influence on our environment
4 很多广告都利用明星作为产品的广告代言人,但是这导致了很多文艺明星在广告中的表现不再是艺术,很多的体育明星表现的不再是体育精神
many advertisements are using star as the advertisement of the product spokesperson, but this led to many actors in the advertisement's performance is no longer art, many sports stars performance is no longer the spirit of sports
5 在日常看到的广告中存在误导消费者的广告,使消费者因受误导而遭受损失
in daily see advertisement misdirect consumer exist in the advertisement, make consumers by misleading suffered losses





  • 17112902523请帮忙把下面四句话翻译成英语 急用 谢谢 谢谢
    赵狠彦1新书太少.There are only few new books.2书架上的书比较混乱.The books on the shelves are disorder.3阅览室的一盏灯坏了.One of the lights are broken.4管理员工作时彼此闲聊 .The managers chat with each others when they are working.

  • 17112902523请把下面四句话翻译成英语,谢谢了。
    赵狠彦1 恶意篡改一些知名词汇造成词汇的混乱和滥用 malicious tamper with some famous words caused confusion and abuse of vocabulary 2 很多广告都故意扩大或夸张至极的产品效果,存在一定的欺骗性 many advertisements are deliberately enlarging or an exaggerated product effect, there are certain deceptive ...

  • 17112902523请把下列4句话翻译成英语谢谢!!
    赵狠彦4,at last they were eaten by sharks

  • 17112902523请英语达人帮我翻译下面4句话为中文!谢谢~

  • 17112902523翻译这四句话,麻烦了 非常感谢
    赵狠彦1、Smoking is a bad habit.First of all,smoking not only does harm to the health of smokers,but also does harm to the people around who don't smoke.2、Secondly,cigarettes are very expensive,smokers have to spend a lot on buying cigarettes,which is a waste of money.3、More...

  • 17112902523请帮手翻译四句话,中译英。谢谢!50分聊表谢意!!
    赵狠彦1. Provide --the skin renew physical foundation 2.破解——创伤后色素沉着之谜 2. solve--the mystery of dull skin for wounds 3.创立——无色素沉着修复医学 3.innovate--medical technology of color free facial treatment for skin repair 4.实现——人类恒久健康肌肤 4. Invent--permanet...

  • 17112902523英语翻译以下四句话;1、发音是我英语学习的最大问题。2、三年过去了...
    赵狠彦1, the pronunciation is my biggest problem in learning english.2, three years later, my sister has a great change.

  • 17112902523下面四句话求英文翻译,在线等! 1.我是个音乐迷,并且特别喜欢张韶涵这个...
    赵狠彦1.I am a music fan,and my favorite singer is zhanghanyun.2. when I was young,once I listened the music of "Invisible Wings",I feel like full of power.It is her song who give me power.3. She was born in Taiwan. And she is not only an actor,but also a singer and...

  • 17112902523请帮我翻译4句话~我想回短信
    赵狠彦No no no, I haven't slept yet My flight is on the day after tomorrow. Sorry I might told you the wrong thing.It is not important that what we do first! What do you want to do first by the way?I hope I would see you soon 贵在速度 ...

  • 17112902523英语翻译
    赵狠彦It is hard to plant flowers in the rain.中文意思:在雨中种花多么难啊!第三句话英文原文:It is so nice to watch the flowers grow.中文意思:观看花朵的生长多么有趣啊!第四句话英文原文:I can find many things to do.中文意思:我可以找到很多事情要做。祝你学习进步。

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