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~ 暖化危机铺天盖地而来,北极冰层逐渐融化,严重破坏北极生态。现在美国也正视温室效应,把北极熊列入濒临绝种动物的保护名单。 冰天雪地的北极,原本是北极熊的乐土,不过如今冰层急速溶化,让北极熊难得一块立足之地。
Scientists and climatologists believe that the projected decreases in the polar sea ice due to global warming will have a significant negative impact or even lead to extinction of this species within this century.[1][3] An alternative theory downplays the effect climate change is having on the polar bear and hypothesizes that the species may survive through adaptation.
参考: Wikipedia
Owing to global warming
that is the rising temperature
makes the global evapotrpiration rate rises. Since then
the sea level rises and the ice caps in the Arctic tudra melts. As pack-ice decreases
polar bears cannot swim far to look for food(ie. insufficient food for polar bear). They will soon die of hunger. On the other hand
wet snow limits drysites for polar bears for hibernation
thus the hibernation period is shortened. 主要系唔够野食同埋冇地方训 hibernation-> 冬眠
参考: 补习学番黎ge~
Reasons for Endangerment One of the most mon reasons the Polar Bear is endangered is because people are destroying the Polar Bear's habitat. People are aware of what happens to the animals that live in that habitat
but do not care if that animal bees extinct. I think there should be a law that if there are less than 1
000 animals of the same spieces in one area
there could be no construction. I don't know how many Polar Bears are alive today but there must be too few
to put them on the endangered spieces list. I hope they don't bee extinct.
参考: neyture.info/teachered/endanger/reports/mammals/bear~polar/bear~polar


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