
来自:    更新日期:早些时候


All out of love

原声播放-- 请用心收听、理解
I'm lying alone with my head on the phone 我独自躺着 头趴在电话上
躺着的 单独的 和.. 我 头 在接电话
Thinking of you till it hurts 我想你 想到心痛
想起 关于 你 直到 它 伤痛, 伤害
I know you hurt too but what else can we do 我知道你也受到伤害 但是我们还能如何
我知道你 伤痛,伤害 也 但 什么 其他的 能 我们 做
Tormented and torn apart 只有折磨与心碎
痛苦. 折磨 与 把….分开
lie alone with my head on the phone torment 折磨,苦恼 torn tear Angela was torn apart by that film.
原声播放-- 请用心收听、理解
I wish I could carry your smile in my heart 但愿我能将你的笑容放在我心中
我 但愿 我 能 运送 你的 微笑 在我心中
For times when my life feels so low 每当我的人生处于低潮时
对于 时期 在...的时候 我的 生命 情绪低落

It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring 它使我对明天还有一丝希望
它 将 使成为 我 相信 什么 明天 能 拿来
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know 但今天不知何去何从
在...的时候 今天 不 真的 知道 不 真的 知道
what tomorrow could bring
原声播放-- 请用心收听、理解
I 'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you 我失去了你的爱 没有你我感到失落
我 失去了 爱 我 因而 失去的 没有 你
I know you were right believing for so long 我知道你是对的 长久以来一直相信
我知道你 正确 有信仰的 长久以来

I 'm all out of love, what am I without you 我失去了你的爱 没有了你我隐隐不存在
我 失去了 爱 什么 在 我 没有 你
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong 总有一天我要对你说那都是我的错
我 不能 是 迟的 说 那个 我 是 因而 错误的

歌词大意 be out of something be out of contact be out of mind be out of love
原声播放-- 请用心收听、理解
I want you to come back and carry me home 我希望你能回来 带我回家
我 希望 你 回来 和 携带 我 回家
Away from these long lonely nights 远离这些漫长而寂寞的夜
远离 这些 长的 寂寞的 夜间
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too 伸出你的手 你感觉到了吗
伸手拿东西 你 是 你 感觉 它 也
Does this feeling seem oh so right 那感觉多美好
做 这个 感觉 似乎 因而 正确

And what would you say if I called on you now 如果我说我期侍你 你会怎样想
什么 将 你 说 如果 我 邀请 你 现在
And said that I can't hold on 说我已支持不了
上述的 那个 我 不能 继续
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day 没有更好的方法 一天比一天更难焘
那儿有 没有 容易的 路线 它 获得 艰苦的 每一 天
Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone 请你说你爱我 否则我会死掉
请 爱 我 或者 死去的
hold on They hoped the climber would be able to hold on until rescuers reached him.
原声播放-- 请用心收听、理解
Oh, what are you thinking of? 噢 你在想什么
What are you thinking of? 你在想什么

Only Love

2 a.m. and the rain is falling 凌晨两点 天下着雨
Here we are at the crossroads once again 我们再次来到这十字路口
You're telling me you're so confused 你告诉我你是如此困惑
You can't make up your mind 你仍然无法下定决心
Is this meant to be 那是不是意味着
You're asking me 你在质问我
crossroad 十字路口,交叉路口
at the crossroads
You will see the entrance to the park at the crossroads. 在十字路口就可以看到公园入口
at the crossroads
Harry found himself at the crossroads of his career.
make up one's mind
They made their mind to sell the house.
But only love can say - try again or walk away 可是只有爱才有权利说,重新开始不是远远离开
But I believe for you and me 然而我坚信,对于你我来说
The sun will shine one day 总有一天阳光会照耀着我们
So I'll just play my part 因此我只要演好我的角色
And pray you'll have a change of heart 祈祷你能回心转意
But I can't make you see it through 但我无法让你坚持到底
That's something only love can do 有些事只有爱才能决定
play one's part
In your arms as the dawn is breaking 在你的避湾里 迎接破破晓
Face to face and a thousand miles apart 我们近在指尺,心却相距千里
I've tried my best to make you see 我用尽全力想让你明白
There's hope beyond the pain 痛苦过后,还有希望
If we give enough, if we learn to trust 如果我们真心付出,如果学着去信任
face to face 面对面
Face to face and a thousand miles apart
I know if I could find the words 我知道如果能用话语
To touch you deep inside 从内心深深触动你
You'd give our dream just one more chance 你会给我们的梦想再一次机会
Don't let this be our last good-bye 我会让这次相见成为我们的永别

Walking in the Sun

Walking in the Sun in around and around 在阳光下来回漫步
I can believe love at is around 我相信爱在周围
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around 在阳光下来回漫步
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around 在阳光下来回漫步
And the lander or chorer check to want a stair
How too fun the better place 去更好的享受这好地方
Every boys and girls are looking for a chance 男孩子们女孩子们都在寻找机会
And the music starts to play 音乐开始响起
wow........Get to be this way 用这种方式
wow........You are one for me 你是我的唯一
Walking in the Sun in around and around 在阳光下来回漫步
I can believe love at is around 我相信爱在周围
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around 在阳光下来回漫步
Look at try for me 看着我试着感受我
Walking in the Sun in around and around 在阳光下来回漫步
Walking in the Sun in around and around 在阳光下来回漫步
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around... 在阳光下来回漫步
With two changes together body in the sex 在爱中两个身体交缠着
bady you need tell know me 宝贝告诉我你的需要
Every boys and girls are looking for a manner 每个人都在寻找一种方式
To remember everyday 为了纪念每一天

my happy ending

So much for my happy ending只为给我个快乐结局
Let's talk this over 我们好好谈谈吧
It's not like we're dead 我们不要再装死了
Was it something I did? 是我做了什么
Was it something You said? 还是你说了什么
Don't leave me hanging 别把我丢在这里
In a city so dead 在这死寂的城市之中
Held up so high 将我紧紧的套牢
On such a breakable thread 这一条岌岌可危的细线
You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你
And I thought we could be 而且我们可以一直这样下去
You were everything, everything that I wanted 曾经 你是我梦寐以求的一切,一切
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending 你总是在装假
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... 只为给我一个快乐结局 噢...
You've got your dumb friends 你有你愚蠢的朋友们
I know what they say 我知道他们会怎么说
They tell you I'm difficult 他们觉得我太难缠
But so are they 但其实他们也是差不多
But they don't know me 但是他们一点也不了解我
Do they even know you? 他们又真的了解你吗
All the things you hide from me 你在我面前隐藏你自己
All the shit that you do 以及你做过的那些愚蠢的事
You were all the things I thought I knew 我曾经以为 我非常了解你
And I thought we could be 以为 我们可以一直这样下去
It's nice to know that you were there 很高兴知道你曾经在我身边
Thanks for acting like you cared 谢谢你 假装真的很在乎我
And making me feel like I was the only one 让我傻傻觉得 我是你的唯一
It's nice to know we had it all 很高兴知道我们曾经拥有过快乐
Thanks for watching as I fall 谢谢你 在我要跌倒的时候 袖手旁观
And letting me know we were done 让我了解 我们就要结束了

My love will get you home

If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
如果你流浪 走得太远 我的爱能把你带回家
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
如果你跟了一颗错的星星而行 我的爱能把你带回家
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家
Boy, my love will get you home.
男孩 我的爱能把你带回家
If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.
如果明亮的光线使你双眼再也看不见 我的爱能把你带回家
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
如果你的烦恼阻碍你迈大步走 我的爱能把你带回家
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家
Boy, my love will get you home.
男孩 我的爱能把你带回家
If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home.
如果你觉得羞愧 我的爱会把你带回家
If its only you to blame, my love will get you home.
如果只有你应被责怪 我的爱会把你带回家
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家
Boy, my love will get you home.
男孩 我的爱能把你带回家
Re:If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家
Boy, my love will get you home.
男孩 我的爱能把你带回家

God Is A Girl
Groove Coverage -

Remembering me, Discover and see曾记得,我寻遍寰宇,
All over the world, She's known as a girl 终于发现,她作为一个女孩被我们所知。 ,
To those who a free, 对自由的人们而言,
The mind shall be key 这个思想至关重要啊。
Forgotten as the past 被遗忘的事情就让它过去吧,
Cause history will last 因为历史将会延续。
God is a girl, 上帝她就是一个女孩
Wherever you are, 不管你身居何处,
Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢
God is a girl, Whatever you say,上帝她就是一个女孩,不管你有何言语,
Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?
God is a girl, However you live, 上帝她就是一个女孩,不管你如何度日,
Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?
God is a girl, She's only a girl, 上帝她就是一个女孩,她仅是一个女孩而已,
Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?
She wants to shine, Forever in time, 她希望永远闪耀 在时间的河流中
She is so driven, she's always mine 她是如此的迫切,她一直都属于我。
Cleanly and free, 清楚和自由地,
She wants you to be 她祈望你
A part of the future, 成为未来的一部分,
A girl like me 成为一个如我一般的女孩。
There is a sky, Illuminating us, 苍穹的光芒照耀着我们,
Someone is out there 有位人儿就在那里,
That we truly trust 她可是我们真诚信任的人。
There is a rainbow for you and me 七彩的霓虹,纯美的日出,
A beautiful sunrise eternally 永恒为你我展现。
God is a girl 上帝她就是一个女孩,
Wherever you are, 不管你身居何处,
Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?
God is a girl 上帝她就是一个女孩,
Whatever you say, 不管你有何言语,
Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?
God is a girl 上帝她就是一个女孩,
However you live, 不管你是如何度日,
Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?
God is a girl 上帝她就是一个女孩,
She's only a girl,她仅是一个女孩而已,
Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你可会相信这个事实,你又能否接受呢?

I feel for you,baby
Coz you're so petty
that's why I'm dancing
it's a very happy day
i feel good all the time
oh thank you baby

petty little lady
you should see her get down
dancing with her partner
he know how to make her swing

i feel good all the time
oh thank you baby

take it easy just don't worry too much
don't you know (!@#$%^)
don't give up my sweet little girl

just don't you let behind,you know
just keep on dancing tonight

come on let's dance
you kwon it's just rock&roll

boys&girls let me see you rock your figures
come on let's sing
you kwon it's just rock&roll

  swords in the wind风中之剑
  演唱 manowar
  I surrender my soul 我抛弃我的灵魂
  Odin hear my call 欧丁神听到了我的呼喊
  One day I'll sit beside your throne 总有一天 我会坐在您的王座旁
  In Valhalla's great hall 在那英烈祠的宏伟大殿里
  Like so many before me 就像我之前的众英雄们
  I'll die with honor and pride 我将带着光荣和自豪而死

  The right of the warrior 勇士的义务
  Forever to fight by your side 是永远战斗在你身边
  Send a sign, raise the sail 发送信号 扬起帆
  Wave a last goodbye 挥挥手 做最后的告别
  Destiny is calling 命运在召唤
  Immortality be mine 不朽将属于我

  Call the witch to cast the runes 召唤女巫去撒下符文
  Weave a magic spell 编造成一个魔法咒语
  We who die in battle are born 我们在战斗中重生
  Not for heaven, not for hell 不上天堂 也不下地狱

  We are sons of Odin 我们是欧丁神的儿子
  The fire we burn inside 在我们内心燃烧的烈火
  Is the legacy of warrior kings 是勇士之王的遗留之物
  Who reign above in the sky 属于那个统治苍天的人

  I will lead the charge 我将打头阵
  My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风
  Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧
  To die and live again 去赴死 去重生
  Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海
  In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里
  Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜
  Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯


  Today the blood of battle 今日 血腥的战斗
  Upon my weapons will never dry 此刻 我的武器将沾满鲜血
  Many I'll send into the ground 我将把他们埋在泥土里
  Laughing as they die 带着他们死时的微笑

  We are sons of Odin 我们是欧丁神的儿子
  The fire we burn inside 在我们内心燃烧的烈火
  Is the legacy of warrior kings 是勇士之王的遗留之物
  Who reign above in the sky 属于那个统治苍天的人

  I will lead the charge 我将打头阵
  My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风
  Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧
  To die and live again 去赴死 去重生
  Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海
  In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里
  Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜
  Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯

  Place my body on a ship 船上放着我的尸体
  And burn it on the sea 把他在海上燃烧
  Let my spirit rise 让我的灵魂升腾
  Valkiries carry me 欧丁神的侍女瓦尔基里带着我
  Take me to Valhalla 把我送进英烈祠
  Where my brothers wait for me 在那儿 我的兄弟们正等着我
  Fires burn into the sky 烈火燃烧在天际
  My spirit will never die 我的灵魂永不逝

  I will lead the charge 我将打头阵
  My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风
  Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧
  To die and live again 去赴死 去重生
  Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海
  In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里
  Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜
  Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯

  save me 拯救我
  演唱 jem

  Save me save me save me wooh 拯救我 拯救我 救救我吧

  I've gotta stop my mind 我已停止思考
  Working overtime 额外的工作
  It's driving me insane 它使我疯狂
  It will not let me live 它不会再让我活下去
  Always so negative 总是那么消极
  It's become my enemy 它正成为我的敌人

  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 拯救我
  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 救救我

  Why would I think such things 为何我要想这些事
  Crazy thoughts have quick wings 疯狂的想法有着灵敏的翅膀
  Gaining momentum fast 蓄势待发
  One minute I am fine 一分钟前 我很好
  The next I've lost my mind 下一刻 我迷失了自己
  To a fake fantasy 面对一个虚假的幻想

  And none of these 这些
  thoughts are real 想法没有真实的
  So why is it that I feel 那么为何我感觉
  So cut up and so bad 如此悲痛和糟糕
  I need to take control 我需要控制住
  Coz my mind is on a roll 因为我的思想势如破竹
  And it isn't listening to me 它不再听从我的

  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 拯救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考
  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 救救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

  Mirror mirror on the wall 镜子 墙上的镜子
  Who's the dumbest of them all 谁是他们当中最笨的
  Insecurities keep growing 不安在继续
  Wasted energies are flowing 浪费的能力在流动
  Anger, pain and sadness beckon 愤怒 痛苦 和 悲伤 在招手
  Panic sets in in a second 恐慌立刻开始
  Be aware it's just your mind 要小心 他就在你的脑子里
  And you can stop it anytime 你可以在任何时间让它停止

  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 拯救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考
  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 救救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

  Ok so here we go 那么 我们开始吧
  If it works I'll let you know 如果这有效 我们将知道
  One two three I say stop 一 二 三 我说 停下来

swords in the wind风中之剑
  演唱 manowar
  I surrender my soul 我抛弃我的灵魂
  Odin hear my call 欧丁神听到了我的呼喊
  One day I'll sit beside your throne 总有一天 我会坐在您的王座旁
  In Valhalla's great hall 在那英烈祠的宏伟大殿里
  Like so many before me 就像我之前的众英雄们
  I'll die with honor and pride 我将带着光荣和自豪而死

  The right of the warrior 勇士的义务
  Forever to fight by your side 是永远战斗在你身边
  Send a sign, raise the sail 发送信号 扬起帆
  Wave a last goodbye 挥挥手 做最后的告别
  Destiny is calling 命运在召唤
  Immortality be mine 不朽将属于我

  Call the witch to cast the runes 召唤女巫去撒下符文
  Weave a magic spell 编造成一个魔法咒语
  We who die in battle are born 我们在战斗中重生
  Not for heaven, not for hell 不上天堂 也不下地狱

  We are sons of Odin 我们是欧丁神的儿子
  The fire we burn inside 在我们内心燃烧的烈火
  Is the legacy of warrior kings 是勇士之王的遗留之物
  Who reign above in the sky 属于那个统治苍天的人

  I will lead the charge 我将打头阵
  My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风
  Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧
  To die and live again 去赴死 去重生
  Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海
  In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里
  Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜
  Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯


  Today the blood of battle 今日 血腥的战斗
  Upon my weapons will never dry 此刻 我的武器将沾满鲜血
  Many I'll send into the ground 我将把他们埋在泥土里
  Laughing as they die 带着他们死时的微笑

  We are sons of Odin 我们是欧丁神的儿子
  The fire we burn inside 在我们内心燃烧的烈火
  Is the legacy of warrior kings 是勇士之王的遗留之物
  Who reign above in the sky 属于那个统治苍天的人

  I will lead the charge 我将打头阵
  My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风
  Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧
  To die and live again 去赴死 去重生
  Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海
  In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里
  Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜
  Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯

  Place my body on a ship 船上放着我的尸体
  And burn it on the sea 把他在海上燃烧
  Let my spirit rise 让我的灵魂升腾
  Valkiries carry me 欧丁神的侍女瓦尔基里带着我
  Take me to Valhalla 把我送进英烈祠
  Where my brothers wait for me 在那儿 我的兄弟们正等着我
  Fires burn into the sky 烈火燃烧在天际
  My spirit will never die 我的灵魂永不逝

  I will lead the charge 我将打头阵
  My sword into the wind 我的剑迎风
  Sons of Odin fight 欧丁之子们战斗吧
  To die and live again 去赴死 去重生
  Viking ships cross the sea 海盗船穿过大海
  In cold wind and rain 在冰冷的风中雨里
  Sail into the black of night 驶进黑夜
  Magic stars our guiding light 魔力之星是我们的指路明灯

  save me 拯救我
  演唱 jem

  Save me save me save me wooh 拯救我 拯救我 救救我吧

  I've gotta stop my mind 我已停止思考
  Working overtime 额外的工作
  It's driving me insane 它使我疯狂
  It will not let me live 它不会再让我活下去
  Always so negative 总是那么消极
  It's become my enemy 它正成为我的敌人

  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 拯救我
  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 救救我

  Why would I think such things 为何我要想这些事
  Crazy thoughts have quick wings 疯狂的想法有着灵敏的翅膀
  Gaining momentum fast 蓄势待发
  One minute I am fine 一分钟前 我很好
  The next I've lost my mind 下一刻 我迷失了自己
  To a fake fantasy 面对一个虚假的幻想

  And none of these 这些
  thoughts are real 想法没有真实的
  So why is it that I feel 那么为何我感觉
  So cut up and so bad 如此悲痛和糟糕
  I need to take control 我需要控制住
  Coz my mind is on a roll 因为我的思想势如破竹
  And it isn't listening to me 它不再听从我的

  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 拯救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考
  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 救救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

  Mirror mirror on the wall 镜子 墙上的镜子
  Who's the dumbest of them all 谁是他们当中最笨的
  Insecurities keep growing 不安在继续
  Wasted energies are flowing 浪费的能力在流动
  Anger, pain and sadness beckon 愤怒 痛苦 和 悲伤 在招手
  Panic sets in in a second 恐慌立刻开始
  Be aware it's just your mind 要小心 他就在你的脑子里
  And you can stop it anytime 你可以在任何时间让它停止

  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 拯救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考
  Save me ah ah save me ah ah 拯救我 拯救我
  save me ah wooh 救救我
  [thinking and thinking] 思考 思考

  Ok so here we go 那么 我们开始吧
  If it works I'll let you know 如果这有效 我们将知道
  One two three I say stop 一 二 三 我说 停下来


i am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独
i am lonely lonely in my life我的生命是这样孤独
i am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独
god help me help me to survive!上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气
remember first time we met day one 还记得我们见面的那天
kids in the garden' playin' games heaven' fun 孩子们在花园里正玩的开心
excitin' and amazin' havin' a real friend of mine 很高兴找到自己的知心朋友
feel my heartbeat and for real friend of mine
face to face and eye to eye 面对面的眼神交流
usin' our hands to buy and supply 用我们的双手来补偿和交换
chillin' is cool from january to june 从寒冷的一月到凉爽的六月天
and we still stiked together like the glue 我们还是无法离散
and know the rules 我们知道游戏的规则
forever you and i and believe it was clear 是永远那么清楚明白
if i ever should fall i could count on you with no fear 如果我跌倒我并不害怕,还有你可依靠
runnin' out of time i see who's fake 日久见人心
alone without protection from all them snakes 在这险恶的世界里
all for one one for all i was told "人人为我,我为人人"他们这样告诉我
black white yellow no matter if your young or old 不论你的皮肤颜色还是年龄大小
nana's in the house to let you know nana在这里告诉你
what i see is how i fell and damn i'm alone 我看见的就是我感觉的我只有我自己
i am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独
i am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独
i am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独
god help me help me to survive!上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气
everybody's tripppin' on me 所有的人都把我践踏
oh lord come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助我
i did some bad things in my life 我一定是做错了什么事
why can't you rescue me 'cause you've got all i need 你为什么就不能拯救我因为你能给我想要的一切
i know i got to pay the price 我知道我必须付出代价
taht's why i'm lonely lonely lonely这就是为什么我这样孤独
i'm so lonely lonely我是这么孤独
taht's why i'm lonely lonely lonely这就是为什么我这样孤独
cheppin' thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight 穿过午夜孤独的大街身上带着新添的伤痕
tears in my eyes i'm a man lookin' for the light 眼含泪水去寻找光明
dark is the path i know he will rescue me 黑暗是必经之路上帝会拯救我
the lord is my shepard i'm cool despite emergency 他就是我的领路人虽然急迫但我内心依然冷静
whom shall i fear exept the god 除了上帝我谁也不怕
thank you for the blessin' and the skils on the mic 感谢上帝保佑赐予我美妙歌喉
five years we know there's no diggity 五年了,我活的没有尊严
free at last see the light in me 我终将获得灵魂的解放
what goes up must come down 生死交替无法避免
i'll be around while you heading towards deathtown 我会陪你走向死亡之城
allways look forward hardly never look back 永不回头
so many tears and the snakes on my jock留过多少泪,受过多少磨难
now i'm riding in my big fat ride 我已踏上寻找光明的旅途
your ass is late so look for the line 你来晚了就要排队
nana in the house to let you know nana在这里告诉你
what i see is how i feel so

Trouble is a friend
trouble will find you no matter where you go oh oh
麻烦会找到你 不管你往哪里走 哦哦……
no matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow oh oh
不管你是赶路 不管你想停留 哦哦……
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh
平静的心竟想在清晨痛苦 哦哦……
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control
刚感到舒适 却又失去控制
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
他就在暗中 他就在心中
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
他等待幕后 他伺机前冲
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友

Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh
麻烦是朋友 麻烦也是对头 哦哦……
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
不管你怎么待他 生长不休 哦哦……
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
他见我所见 他知我所有 哦哦 ……
So don't forget as you ease on down my road
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
他就在暗中 他就在心中
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
他等待幕后 他伺机前冲
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
他拉住你的手 你不要发抖
I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm
我摇下了窗 也挡不住他的魔咒
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友
How I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave
I try, oh oh I try
我在尝试 哦哦… 我在尝试
Believe he's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
他就在暗中 他就在心中
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
他等待幕后 他伺机前冲
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
他拉住你的手 你不要发抖
I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm
我摇下了窗 也挡不住他的魔咒
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶 … 麻烦是我的老友

Trouble is a friend
trouble will find you no matter where you go oh oh
麻烦会找到你 不管你往哪里走 哦哦……
no matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow oh oh
不管你是赶路 不管你想停留 哦哦……
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh
平静的心竟想在清晨痛苦 哦哦……
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control
刚感到舒适 却又失去控制
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
他就在暗中 他就在心中
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
他等待幕后 他伺机前冲
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友

Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh
麻烦是朋友 麻烦也是对头 哦哦……
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
不管你怎么待他 生长不休 哦哦……
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
他见我所见 他知我所有 哦哦 ……
So don't forget as you ease on down my road
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
他就在暗中 他就在心中
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
他等待幕后 他伺机前冲
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
他拉住你的手 你不要发抖
I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm
我摇下了窗 也挡不住他的魔咒
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友
How I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave
I try, oh oh I try
我在尝试 哦哦… 我在尝试
Believe he's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
他就在暗中 他就在心中
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
他等待幕后 他伺机前冲
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
他拉住你的手 你不要发抖
I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm
我摇下了窗 也挡不住他的魔咒
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine
麻烦是朋友 耶 … 麻烦是我的老友



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