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如何回答Fill it up with regular gasoline, please.~

选C,A,B前面的thank you,not at all都是用来对别人的答谢的回答,可以排除掉。D选项,题目是要加汽油,和挡风玻璃没有关系。只有C符合,加油的时候,别人会问,需要帮你查下邮箱性能等问题。



In my daily teaching, I find XXX a diligent student, with a unique understanding of certain issues. As an outstanding student who is good at thinking and academics, he has been won several scholarships in school..

XXX has strong organizational skills. While working in the students union, he was one of the planners of several large-scale cultural and sports events. As a class president, he enthusiastically organized his classmates in investigations in remote rural areas and free medical treatment to the farmers. For this, he won praises by all and was awarded the titles of "Excellent Student" and "Outstanding Community Leader".

As XXX's teacher, I highly appreciate his generosity, kindness, loyalty and good faith as well as his devotion to medical science as a profession.

XXX has an enterprising spirit in academic pursuits. For these reasons, I am more than willing to recommend him for further studies in your school. I am convinced that he will contribute to advancements in the medical arena in the years ahead.

1. 国内市场需求柴汽比通常为2.2比1。
The ratio of diesel to gasoline demands in the domestic market is 2.2 to 1.

2. 我公司产品大量出口到东南亚及世界各地。
Large quantity of our products are exported to South-east Asia and the world.

3. 在业务开展过程中,我对市场有了深刻的认识。
I have gathered a profound knowledge of the market during the expanding process of business operations.

4. 凭借我本人的管理经验,我能在一年之内扭亏为盈。
I can make the company profitable within a year by drawing upon my management experiences.

5. 我本钱小,资金少,所以每次买股票只买最低购买额,100股。
I have limited capital funds, so the shares I bought each time was the minimum permissible amount, 100 shares.

6. 柴汽比为2.3比1就是说原油加工同期生产1吨汽油和2.3吨柴油。
The diesel to gasoline ratio of 2.3 to 1 means that 1 ton of gasoline and 2.3 tons of diesel are produced over the same period of crude processing.

7. 央行官方杂志发表文章称,融资融券将在未来成为券商五大常规业务之一。
According to an article in the official magazine of the central bank, margin purchases and short sales shall become one of the five major routine businesses of securities traders in time to come.

8. 这次官司是公司经济实力、团队凝聚力、应对国际事务能力的一次集中演习。
This lawsuit is a concerted exercise by our company in terms of economic strength, team cohesion and the ability to cope with international affairs.

9. 新浪/易居中国强势登陆纳斯达克,通过实力与资本的融和,成为中国领先的房地产信息综合服务商。
Through the amalgamation of strengths and capitals, the IPO of CRIC Sina/ EJ on the NASDAQ board has made them become China’s leading real-estate information and consulting service unit.

10. 河南安阳市人事局综合计划科科长李钢说,拟任科技副乡(镇、街道)长(主任)的硕士已经录用完毕。
Li Gang, section chief of the Comprehensive Planning Section, Human Resources Bureau of Anyang City, Henan Province, had said that the recruitment of post graduates for the positions of Deputy Technological Head (Director) of townships, towns and streets had been completed.


1. 国内市场需求柴汽比通常为2.2比1。
1 The ratio of diesel oil demand to gasoline demand in domestic market usually is 2.2:1.
2. 我公司产品大量出口到东南亚及世界各地。
2 The products of our Company are exported to South-eastern Asia and all over the world in large quantity.
3. 在业务开展过程中,我对市场有了深刻的认识。
3 During the business development process I have got deep understanding of the market.
4. 凭借我本人的管理经验,我能在一年之内扭亏为盈。
4 With my management experience I can make up deficits and get surpluses within one year.
5. 我本钱小,资金少,所以每次买股票只买最低购买额,100股。
5 I have less capital, so whenever I bought shares I only bought the least amount, 100 shares.
6. 柴汽比为2.3比1就是说原油加工同期生产1吨汽油和2.3吨柴油。
6 The ratio of diesel oil to gasoline, 2.3:1, means that one ton of gasoline is produced while 2.3 tons of diesel oil is produced through crude oil processing.
7. 央行官方杂志发表文章称,融资融券将在未来成为券商五大常规业务之一。
7. The article that the official magazine of the Central Bank publishes said: Stock Lending and Borrowing will became one of the five major conventional businesses
8. 这次官司是公司经济实力、团队凝聚力、应对国际事务能力的一次集中演习。
8 This litigation is a concentrated maneuver gathering the Company’s economic strength, team cohesion, and the ability to deal with international affairs.

9. 新浪/易居中国强势登陆纳斯达克,通过实力与资本的融和,成为中国领先的房地产信息综合服务商。
9. Sina/E-House(China) strongly lands NASDAQ, through the integration of strength and capital, becoming China’s leading integrated real-estate information provider.
10. 河南安阳市人事局综合计划科科长李钢说,拟任科技副乡(镇、街道)长(主任)的硕士已经录用完毕。
10 Li Gang, Chief of the Comprehensive Plan Section, HR Bureau of Anyang City, said the employment of the masters to be the candidate Technological Deputy Township(Town, Subdistrict) Directors have completed.

1. 国内市场需求柴汽比通常为2.2比1。
The requirement ratio of diesel and oil is normally 2.2:1
2. 我公司产品大量出口到东南亚及世界各地。’
A large number of our products were exported to south Asia and all over the world.
3. 在业务开展过程中,我对市场有了深刻的认识。
During the process of exploring the market, I got a deep thought about it.
4. 凭借我本人的管理经验,我能在一年之内扭亏为盈。
On the base of my managing experience, I can turn losses into gains in one year.
5. 我本钱小,资金少,所以每次买股票只买最低购买额,100股。
My money and capital are little, so I buy 100 shares every time which is the lowest number allowed.
6. 柴汽比为2.3比1就是说原油加工同期生产1吨汽油和2.3吨柴油。
The ratio of diesel and oil 2.3:1 means in the same period, there are 1t of oil and 2.3t of diesel made from cruel oil.
7. 央行官方杂志发表文章称,融资融券将在未来成为券商五大常规业务之一。
It is said by the offical magazine of China Centural Bank that Margin Purchase and Short Sale will be one of the top 5 traditional business of dealers in future.
8. 这次官司是公司经济实力、团队凝聚力、应对国际事务能力的一次集中演习。
This lawsuit is a concentrative practice for the economic strength, the group cohesiveness and the coping capacity in international affairs of our company.
9. 新浪/易居中国强势登陆纳斯达克,通过实力与资本的融和,成为中国领先的房地产信息综合服务商
SINA/ Yiju China got into Nasdaq stock market sharply and syncretize their power and capital, which made them the leader in real estate general servicing.
10. 河南安阳市人事局综合计划科科长李钢说,拟任副乡(镇、街道)长(主任)的硕士已经录用完毕。
Li Gang, section chief of the Planning Section, Human Resources Bureau of Anyang City, Henan Province, said, the employment of scient township heads ,street heads or directors from university masters had been completed

1. 国内市场需求柴汽比通常为2.2比1。
The demostic need ratio of diesel against the oil is normally 2.2:1
2. 我公司产品大量出口到东南亚及世界各地。’
A large number of our products were exported to south-east Asia and all over the world.
3. 在业务开展过程中,我对市场有了深刻的认识。
During the process of exploring the market, I got a deeper understanding about it.
4. 凭借我本人的管理经验,我能在一年之内扭亏为盈。
On the base of my managing experiences, I can turn losses into gains in one year.
5. 我本钱小,资金少,所以每次买股票只买最低购买额,100股。
My fund and capital are limited, so I buy 100 shares each time which is the lowest number allowed.
6. 柴汽比为2.3比1就是说原油加工同期生产1吨汽油和2.3吨柴油。
The ratio of diesel against the oil is 2.3:1 which means in the same period, there are 1t of oil and 2.3t of diesel made from cruel oil.
7. 央行官方杂志发表文章称,融资融券将在未来成为券商五大常规业务之一。
It is said by the offical magazine of China Centural Bank that Margin Purchase and Short Sale will be one of the top 5 traditional business of dealers in future.
8. 这次官司是公司经济实力、团队凝聚力、应对国际事务能力的一次集中演习。
This lawsuit is a concentrative practice for the economic strength, the group cohesiveness and the coping capacity in international affairs of our company.
9. 新浪/易居中国强势登陆纳斯达克,通过实力与资本的融和,成为中国领先的房地产信息综合服务商
SINA/ Yiju China got into Nasdaq stock market sharply and syncretize their power and capital, which made them the leader in real estate general servicing.
10. 河南安阳市人事局综合计划科科长李钢说,拟任副乡(镇、街道)长(主任)的硕士已经录用完毕。
Li Gang, section chief of the Planning Section, Human Resources Bureau of Anyang City, Henan Province, said, the recruitment of scient township heads ,street heads or directors from university masters had been finished


1. 国内市场需求柴汽比通常为2.2比1。
1. The demand ratio for diesel and petrol is usually 2.2 to 1 in the domestic market.

2. 我公司产品大量出口到东南亚及世界各地
2. Our company exports large quantities of products to Southeast Asia and all over the world.

3. 在业务开展过程中,我对市场有了深刻的认识
3. I get a deep understanding of the market in the process of business developments.

4. 凭借我本人的管理经验,我能在一年之内扭亏为盈。
4. With my own management experience, I can reverse the company from loss to profit within a year.

5. 我本钱小,资金少,所以每次买股票只买最低购买额,100股
5. Because of little capital and low funds, I can only afford the minimum purchase amount of 100 shares every time I buy stocks.

6. 柴汽比为2.3比1就是说原油加工同期生产1吨汽油和2.3吨柴油
6. Diesel-petrol ratio is 2.3 to 1 means that production of 1 ton of gasoline equals 2.3 tons of diesel oil over the same period crude oil processing.

7. 央行官方杂志发表文章称,融资融券将在未来成为券商五大常规业务之一
7. The central bank's official magazine article said that margin trading will become one of five general business in a brokerage.

8. 这次官司是公司经济实力、团队凝聚力、应对国际事务能力的一次集中演习
8. This case is a concentrated test for the company's economic strength, team cohesion, and ability to deal with international affairs.

9. 新浪/易居中国强势登陆纳斯达克,通过实力与资本的融和,成为中国领先的房地产信息综合服务商

9. Sina / E-House China sharply lists to NASDAQ and then become China's leading integrated real estate information service provider through the integration of strength and capital.

10. 河南安阳市人事局综合计划科科长李钢说,拟任副乡(镇、街道)长(主任)的硕士已经录用完毕。

10. Li Gang, section chief of the Planning Section, Human Resources Bureau of Anyang City, Henan Province, said, the employment of scient township heads ,street heads or directors among university masters had been completed

1 the domestic market demand for more than 1 ChaiQiBi usually 2.2.
2 my company products are exported to southeast Asia and the world.
3 in the business process, I have the profound understanding of the market.
4 with my management experience, I can return within a year.
5 I capital, capital, so every time buy stocks to buy the minimum purchase amount only 100 strands.
6 ChaiQiBi than 1 means of 2.3 crude oil production period 1 ton gasoline and diesel 2.3 tons.
7. Central bank official magazine published articles, margin will say in the future become one of five regular business dealers.
8. This case is the economic strength, cohesion, to deal with the international affairs ability of a concentration drills.
9 sina/enjoysmart nasdaq, through China's strong strength of capital and harmony, become China's leading real estate information and comprehensive service provider.
10. LiGang JiHuaKe comprehensive bureau chief of anyang city, said the proposed technology vice township (street) long (director) has hired.


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    庄韵虹1. 国内市场需求柴汽比通常为2.2比1。The ratio of diesel to gasoline demands in the domestic market is 2.2 to 1.2. 我公司产品大量出口到东南亚及世界各地。Large quantity of our products are exported to South-east Asia and the world.3. 在业务开展过程中,我对市场有了深刻的认识。

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