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2014年10月10日,17岁的巴基斯坦青年活动家malala 被授予诺贝尔和平奖,她是历史上最年轻的诺贝尔获奖者,她与60岁的印度老人satyarthi分享了诺贝尔和平奖,后者协助领导了在世界范围内结束雇佣童工的运动,星期五挪威的诺贝尔委员会宣布;二人在反抗青年,儿童受欺压和争取教育权利方面所作出的贡献得到认可,
malala一直就不是平庸的人,在她11岁时,她就在微博上发表塔利班占领巴基斯坦西北部mingora,她的家乡的文章,塔利班成员信奉的是伊斯兰极端主义教义,他们认为像malala 这样的年轻姑娘不应该上学,malala居住的巴基斯坦斯瓦特地区的所有教室都关闭了几个月,malala 告诉一位电视广播员;她的愿望就是回到学校上学,



The weather is become warmer,even the polar bears come to China,too.They feigned themselves with black paint so that they could be looked like a giant panda.In order to keep the weather from warming,we advocate the life of low carbon.To walk ,by bike or choose public traffic as much as possible.Shopping with our own shopping bags.The earth belongs to the all human being.All of these trifles need to be done by ourselves.We thank you,you also can thank yourselves .Let's recover the shine of the most beautiful earth!

With the weather warmer and warmer,polar bear also come to the china.they make black paint to pretend themself which make big panda for themself.In order to prevent the globalwarmming,we advocate our live with lower carbon.Do more walking,more cycle and more taking public bus.In addition,we need prepare shopping bag by ourself.we need do those few work by ourself.we may thanks you who will pride for youself.let's do it for our most beatiful earth,renewing their nice than before.

The polar bear even come to China because of globe warming.they disguise themselves to be a big panda by black painting.to prevent the globe getting warmer,we promote that we should use lower carbon,walk and by bike and by bus instead of car.provide shop bag by yourself.the globe belong to all humans.we all should do these things.we thank you,you can thank yourself.let the beautiful globe return to what it would be.



  • 17857317210帮我用英语翻译一下下面的这篇短文
    和雪废The weather is become warmer,even the polar bears come to China,too.They feigned themselves with black paint so that they could be looked like a giant panda.In order to keep the weather from warming,we advocate the life of low carbon.To walk ,by bike or choose public traffic ...

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    和雪废The train G1032 from Guangzhounan to Wuhan is boarding now. Please take all your belonging to the Gate No. 3 and No.4 to do the ticket check. Passengers please board at platform 4. 字数限制。。

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    和雪废This has been found to be the earliest human, the most famous one of the works of art. It was in 1879 by a Spanish Mingjiaomeng Tewula engineers discovered accidentally. As the murals, which depict animals too vivid, never before seen such murals, so The engineer will be ...

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