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那位英语天才帮我翻译一下这个 谢谢!!!~

invictus live不能连接到网络,因为你根本就没有连接网络或者就是代理设置出现了问题!

楼上是机译的吧 O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

海蒂是一个天生外向,可爱,天真,善良的小女孩。她的姐姐迪迪带着笔她小五六岁的海蒂给德国的一个小村庄打电话。她们要做什么呢?原来海蒂的姐姐迪迪要建立自己的事业,她暂时去一个叫Aermu Uncle的人那里实习。Aermu Uncle是一个寂寞的人,在迪迪的试用期间,Aermu Uncle燃起了生活的希望,开始了自己新的生活,不再寂寞,对每个人都很友善。最后,大家都不认为Aermu Uncle是总有忧郁心情的古怪人了。看到Aermu Uncle变化的同时每个人都注意自己的言行。Aermu Uncle不再寂寞,那都是小海蒂的爱心帮助。有病的腿不能走,但Miss Clara 也找到了生活的自信。从轮椅上走下来一点,就健康一点。


Aha,Eight Below! I like that touching film!

让我想到了欧*亨利的The Call of the Wild,也是说雪地狗的!



  • 18888115252英语天才帮我翻译一下吧,拜托啦
    郭侮卓Aha,Eight Below! I like that touching film!让我想到了欧*亨利的The Call of the Wild,也是说雪地狗的!

  • 18888115252能帮我翻译一下吗 拜托
    郭侮卓翻译成英语是:Can you translate it for me,见下图百度翻译

  • 18888115252英语翻译高手来帮我翻译一下吧!不要机翻,拜托,这是论文用的~~麻烦帮...
    郭侮卓with rich tourism resources. Statistics of recent years puts the United States third in the world in the number of tourists it received, and first in revenues generated from international travelers. Among its source markets,

  • 18888115252英语高手帮忙翻译一下啊 拜托啦 急用
    郭侮卓1. Provence in the south of France, extending from the Mediterranean coast to the inland hilly areas, the middle river, "Rhone" flow, many historic towns, ancient beauty to the sun and blue sky, the world amazing.2. Provence region as a whole due to the changes in ownership ...

  • 18888115252求英语高手帮我翻译一下几句小试
    郭侮卓We are so happy, that we know 彼此相爱着 We love each other 相隔,万水千山 Although apart by thousands of miles 我们的心,不曾因距离而疏远 Our souls, never feel estranged through distance 你甜蜜的笑 Your sweet sweet smiles 在我心中 Are reflected in my heart 永存 Forever ...

  • 18888115252哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下 ,拜托了!
    郭侮卓谢谢。Linda Edwin 译者注释:达喀尔是西非国家塞内加尔的首都 PS:RoyLee翻译的非常好 也很有感情色彩 看了他的我本不想发自己这个了 但是我都翻译完了才看到他的 所以为了自己的劳动不被浪费还是供你参考吧 但是 我要说明一点 以免你误会 给你写信这个人并不是说 她的房子今天被袭击 她的爸爸妈妈...

  • 18888115252那位英语高人帮我翻译下,是汉译英,拜托了...
    郭侮卓Without parents and wealth, she is so tiny in the world that has been controled my male. More serious, she is not a beauty but with strong will. Her characture make her lost the charm to the people in this world, because she don't want to be reluctant to follow others....

  • 18888115252英语高手帮忙翻译一下
    郭侮卓我来译!因为是诗的形式出现的,我就译成现代时了。如果你觉的不妥,就改成过去时。重新修改了一下,呵呵。。直到现在,我仍旧站在这里呼喊你的名字。Up until now, I am still here calling your name.虽然你已经聼不到也感觉不到。But you can't hear or feel it.我们是同一世界的人,We ...

  • 18888115252跪求:英语高手请进来帮我翻译下,拜托了,急用啊
    郭侮卓XML, Linux at the software professional aspect, the J2 ME etc., and have certain understanding to the core JAVA and the business enterprise JAVA, and the lesson return self-educated PhotoShop and Dreamweaver outside.In the enrichment the own learning process, careful atmosphere of a ...

  • 18888115252拜托英语高手帮我翻译一下以下句子。谢谢了!
    郭侮卓keep out our attack,we are the dominators of the world.看着读的顺不顺,我觉得AND应该用在NOBODY之前,前面的动词之间不应有AND,这样读起来简单有力,那黑客的自负便跃然纸上了。around the world,in the world,of the world也是特意选的词,原稿找不到了,我只能这样给你翻译一下了。

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