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My job is training new workers. 我任务是训练新的工人
Can you get the car going? 你能发动汽车吗?
I’ve tried every way to comfort the crying girl. 我试过了所有方法去安慰那哭泣的女孩
Be quiet! He hasn’t finished speaking. 安静! 他并没有说完
Our teacher encourages us to speak English whenever there’s a chance. 我们的老师鼓励我们只要一有机会就说英文
Making history in my family is yet another important thing I hope to gain from my college education.成为我家的历史的一部分是我读大学的另一个重要原因
He said nothing, but just went on working.他没说什么,只是接着工作
They stopped taking pictures. 他们停止了拍照
Love is like a beautiful photograph you store in an album.爱就像一张美丽的照片,存放在你的相簿中
Light travels fast than sound. 光比声音快的多
The newspaper was ordered to pay damages to the film star for printing an untrue story about her.报纸因为印制明星不实的故事而被勒令支付赔偿
A man’s character can be measured by the types of men with whom he associate.一个人的性格,可以用与他联系的男人的类型来衡量
If you are a small firm and you are confident you know the risk assessment, you can do it yourself. 如果你有一个小公司,你有信心知道风险评估,你就应该自己做
Finally she straightened up with a satisfied air and entered the store. 最终她满意的进入了商店
You could go to great lengths to create stories and excuses. .你可以用很大力气来编造故事和借口
If she were to try harder, she would pass the examination. .如果她更加努力,她会通过考试
If the doctor had been called earlier, she would still be alive today.如果的医生能早到一会,她就不会去世了
Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped.因为下大雪,乘客已等候在机场,直到午夜十二时停止下雪
Mary felt like learning Japanese and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time. Mary喜欢学习日文,希望她能迅速学会,但很快就发现让她在很短的时间学会太困难了
Similar-sounding English words often result in misunderstandings among English-speaking people. 读音相似的英文单词,往往造成误解,尤其是英语为母语的人士
The sun gives us heat and light.太阳给人光和热
What’s the point of leaving today’s work for tomorrow?为什么要把今天的工作放到明天做?
I’m so glad to hear your encouraging words. 听到你鼓励的话我非常高兴
We invited Miss Smith to attend our party.我们邀请史密斯小姐参加我们的派对
As is well known to all, body exercises are good for our health.众所周知,健身运动对我们的身体健康有益
I don’t think it’s because they don’t know how to deal with it.我不认为那是因为他们不知道如何处理这件事情.
Nowadays, more and more people prefer to use on-line communication. 如今,越来越多的人喜欢使用联机沟通
Why do you suppose you like animals so much?你为什么这么喜欢动物?
It was a moment that I will never forget. 这一刻,我永远不会忘记
To understand your grandfather’s soul, read his loving letters to me. 了解你祖父的灵魂,读他的写给我的信

1。这种狡辩外,罗琳的小说很可能是最好的书籍儿童遇到过那些在成人后,他们一直没有推力。 (定语从句)


3。人们不应该结束,但是,这种愿望总是在身体上的亲密高潮或愿望是相同的浪漫的爱情。 (名词性从句)

4。一些自由派的梦想补贴吨扩大所有合资格的低收入家庭,但即使在预算赤字1000亿美元1年期的解决方案是不现实的膨胀了。 (词汇)


老师会知道的…… 其实这些答案你在有道或者金山也能得到,都是垃圾



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    成滢士1.这是什么? 它们是一些字典。What are they? They are some dictionaries.2.她是你的朋友吗? 不,她不是。Is she your friend? No, she isn't.3.我的棒球在哪? 它在床底下。Where is my baseball? It's under the bed.4.在书桌上有一张全家福照片。 (There be 结...

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    成滢士8 let us hand in hand, with love for the ship, for the other shore

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    成滢士The reason why I am here is that I want to look at this world with my own eyes and feel the love and freedom with my heart.翻译版本(2)That I am here is because I would like to view and appreciate the world with my own eyes and experience and feel the love and freed...

  • 15294048037请帮我把下面的英文翻译成中文 感谢 在线等
    成滢士1.I keep a calendar on zhe wall so I won't forget my appointments .我把日历挂在墙上,这样我就不会忘记我的约会了。2.Please fill the bottle with milk.请把这个瓶子倒满牛奶。3.I run as quickly as Mary does.我和玛丽跑得一样快。4.The supermarket sells many different things 这...

  • 15294048037帮我把以下句子翻译成英文,要中英文对照。谢啦
    成滢士i am here with all my heart for you,but finally you leave without hesitation...一切的一切都他妈是假的。all of this are fucking unreal.之所以不挽留只是不想再自取其辱...i donnot say anything because the insult is enough...走吧,都走吧。go, please go away, all of you,...

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    成滢士Your vedio is always fun!!上帝!我爱死迈克尔了!他的眼睛是我所见过最美、最纯净的!!GOD! I just love Michael!!! His eyes are the most beautiful and purest I've ever seen!啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~!!!Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!怎么样, 自我觉得很...

  • 15294048037那位亲可以帮我把下边的几句话翻译成英文~~求求~~急用!!!
    成滢士if i was a violin,i would only play for you you are happy and i will be on top of the world with you ,the world is full of laughing i wish i can be with you through your whole life i think of you day and night,all the time.you are my prince ...

  • 15294048037谁能帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文,太感谢了
    成滢士3、All rivers run into sea, let enterprise takeoff 4、Together with us planning the wonderful future 5、Strict management, exquisite technology, and excellent quality 6、Our pursuit, the prestige supreme, the first-class service 7、Everything for customers, for all the customers 8、...

  • 15294048037麻烦帮我把下面几句翻译成英文,谢谢。
    成滢士1.I need a VIP card.2.Please contact me,if you want to have an exchange with me.3.Please give me a VIP card first ,I will raise money for you immediately when I make sure have received.4.Please send the VIP card to my another account ,the ID is 123....

  • 15294048037帮我把下面几句英文翻译成中文,按要求翻译!谢谢,如果翻译好我还追加分数...
    成滢士1。这种狡辩外,罗琳的小说很可能是最好的书籍儿童遇到过那些在成人后,他们一直没有推力。 (定语从句)2。我们的社会对高等教育的机构的信任,是对通过在基础和应用研究阶段,联邦和政府的慷慨投资,投资,明智地与研究生教育的支持。(被动语态研究夫妇的支持)3。人们不应该结束,但是,这种愿望总是...

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