
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1.Need documents to change aftersales agent.
2.Medical equipments registed or change applying form.
3.Medical equipments registed certificate origial and copy.
4.Aftersales annoucement from the producing factory.
5.Aftersales attorney from the producing factory.
6.The contract to end the service between producing factory and the older sales institution.
7.The producing factory should make some promise to the advanced sales products.
8.New business licence.
9.The promise certificate from the new aftersales institution.


Baby, I am so sorry that I have to leave you

I guess you are wondering why. Let's be honest. Is that because of I'am not love you any more? Is that about I'm afraid of getting more troubles? you know the answer is absolutely no

The time that I spent with you is so happy, really.

I know you worried about me from your eyes

I'm not leaving you without reasons

First of all, your life is not so sure as mine, I will encumber your life, if I don't leave

Second, why have you held the other girl's hands in the street concealed from me?

after above, you felt so guilty to me, but don't you know(There is no guilty in love but only need forgiven)

Of course, about first, I think we can get through together, the problem is I think I would suffer all the pain, but now I know I was wrong, I just a girl who only want to be loved

You may say that I have betrayed our love. I know you have done much for me, even beat girls by yourself.....

I want to say these things to you very much, but I guess it's too late to say.
I just written this in English to make you understand some day, so that you won't hate me

I'm sorry, dear. I once was falling so deep in love with you, but you......(just let it gone)

When time does not have a significance anymore,
Do you feel intoxicated in your sorrows?
Recollecting your disappointments
The magnificent of the night is passing just like tears
In that endless darkness
散发着 名为孤寂的莹莹蓝光
Giving off that lonely jade-like blue glint

在那悲哀的永生之中 你落寞之时
In that moment of pain, when you're feeling desolated,
Who would you think of?
And who would be the one thinking about you?
啊 永生
Oh, life
Which seem to have no soul
If you are not able to endure the darkness,
how are you going to be able to revere that first dawn?
Even by the cost of life,
ending this unending fate,
having a glimpse of that glorious radiance
或许 你会如此选择吧?
So perhaps, you will make this choice.

When the time is no longer meaningful.

Would you still indulge in the sorrow of losing?

Sense of loss look back.

Passing crying all night just like in China.

In that endless darkness.

散发着 名为孤寂的莹莹蓝光。
Exudes lonely Yingying called Blu-ray.
在那悲哀的永生之中 你落寞之时。
Into eternal life in that sad when you desolate.

Think of who?[修改]

Who is going to be alone and when in the mind you?

啊 永生。
Ah eternal life.

Seems to be without soul.

If you have lost darkness.

And whether you will go to pay their last respects that dawn?

Even pay with their lives.

To end this never ending fate

Have glimpse of that bright light.

或许 你会如此选择吧?
Perhaps you would be so choice, right?


When there is no longer time
Whether you are drunk in sorrow?
After looking
Passing the cry all night like
In the endless darkness
Sending out YingYing lonely called blu-ray

In the sorrow of life in your loneliness
Who will remind you when alone in?
Ah life
If there is no soul
If not boundless darkness
And you will go to visit the dawn dawn?
Even pay the cost of life
Over this endless fate
Also see the bright light
Or,you may choose?

When time is no longer meaningful
are you still overwhelmed by the sorrow of loss?
with upset, I look back
all that elapsed were like the whimpering night
the endless darkness
emanated a luminous blue light of loneliness

in the woeful immortality, when you feel desolate
who will drift into your mind?
And who,in their own solitude, will consider about you?
Alas, immortality
as though there is an intangible soul
if you fail to endure the boundless darkness
will you behold the first ray of light in the dawn
even at the expense of life
and terminating this endless fate
to take a glance at the glory of the light
perhaps, you will make this choice
will you?


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