
来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ Unit1
1.study for a test 为考试而准备
2.by making flashcards 通过做单词抽认卡
3.ask…for help 向某人求助
4.Listen to tapes 听磁带
5. get mad 发疯
6. wele to swh 欢迎到某地
7. talk about 谈论,议论,讨论
8. talk to *** . = talk with *** . 与某人说话
9. the best way to do sth 做某事的最好方法
10. Ehglish-language videos英语语言的录像
11. keep a diary 记日记
12. read aloud朗读
13. that way=in that way通过那种方式
14. improve my speaking skills提高我会话技巧
15. at New High School在新星中学
16. specific suggestions 具体的建议
17. for example (=for instance)例如
18. have conversations with friend与朋友对话
19. the words of the pop songs流行歌词
20. help a little/ a lot有一点儿;许多帮助
21. geel differently 感到不同
22. learn a language 学一门语言
23. watch *** do 观看某人做某事
24. speak to quickly 说得太快
25. jion English club 进入英语俱乐部
26. not…at al根本不,全然不
27. get excited about sth高兴,激动
28. get excited to do sth做某事很兴奋
29. do a survey about… 做有关…的调查
30. keep an English notebook 记英语笔记
31. write vocabulary lists 写词汇 目录
32. pretent to do sth 假装做某事
33. pronounce words发音单词
34. spoken English (= oral English) 英语口语
35. make mistakes 犯错误
36. get the pronunciation right 使发音准确
37. practise speaking English 练习说英语
38. make a list 做清单
39. much writing practice更多的写作练习
40. learn to do sth 学会做某事
42. first of all 首先,起初
43. begin with 以…开始
44. later on随后
45. in class在课堂上
46. take notes 记笔记
47. It doesn't matter 没关系
48. be afraid to do sth/be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事
49. make plete sentence造完整的句子
50. laugh at *** 嘲笑某人
51. start to do sth 考试做某事
52. a good language learner 一个好的语言学习者
53. decide to do sth 决定做某事
54. original sentence 新颖的句子
55. enjoy doing喜欢干…
56. be impressed 被打动了
57. have trouble doing sth 做某事有了麻烦
58. on the way to school 在去学校的路上
59. practice doing sth 练习做某事
60. perhaps =maybe 或许
61. win a prize 赢得一个奖
62. native speakers 说本族话的人
63. write down 写下,记下
64. look up (v + a查找,查询
65. make up编造,虚构,化妆,打扮
66. around the world 全世界
67. deal with 对待,处理,解决
68. worry about (be worried about) 担心担忧
69. be angry with生某人的气
70. stay angry 生气
71. go by消逝
72. regard…as… 把…当做…
73. as a second language 作为第二语言
74. wee *** doing 课件某人做某事
75. solve a problem解决一个问题
76. decide not to do sth 决定不做某事
77. most of us 我们中山绝大多数
78. plain about/of 抱怨
79. change…into…把…变成… =( turn into)
80. with the help of 在…的帮助下
81. pare…to (with)… 把…和…作比较
82. think of (think about) 想起,想到
83. physical problems身体上的问题
84. break off 中断,突然终止
85. try one's best 尽某人最大的努力
86. end up speaking in Chinese以说汉语结束


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