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Mike, I am glad you came to China to learn Chinese, learning Chinese is as simple as can be understood to mean, I think you should listen to some of China's classical music, text understanding of China's history and see some of China's television, which could Learning your Chinese is very useful, I hope you soon fluent in Chinese, to China, I will help you.

To give full play to the role of bamboo in the garden construction, this paper, bamboo ornamental value and its characteristics, the bamboo garden use application status, the role of bamboo in the garden, applied research, studies have shown that: with the social the development of bamboo in the landscape becomes ever more important. But there are also the application single conservative issues. Therefore, the expression of bamboo in the modern garden, cultural connotation and ecological development should further expand. Innovation, on the basis of adhering to the traditional bamboo landscape quality and landscaping to promote the application of bamboo in the modern garden.

Wave to Everybody 向每一个人招手 Dick's uncle lived in the country. Once Dick went to stay with him for a few Dick's的叔叔住在一个乡村。 一次dick住在他叔叔那里几周 weeks. they often went out for a walk or for a drive in a car. When they passed 他们经常开车出去散步 当他们经过一些人时 somebody,his uncle waved. Dick was surprised and siad,"Uncle George,you know 他的叔叔向他们招手 dick非常吃惊地说 George叔叔你认得这些人吗 everybody here. Where did you meet them all?" 你在哪见过他们 "I don't know all these people,"said his uncle. 我一丁点也不认得他们 他的叔叔说 "then why do you wave to them?"Dick asked his uncle. "well,Dick,"answered his 那为什么你向他们招手呐? dick问他的叔叔 好的dick 他叔叔回答道 uncle ,"when I wave to someone ,he is pleased if he knows me.he continunes his 当我向他们招手时 如果他认得我当他们看到了会非常高兴地 他会带 journey with a happy heart.But when Iwave to someone who doesn't know me,he will 着快乐去旅行 但是当他们不认得我时 他们会非常吃惊的也会对自己说 be surprised and say to himself,'who is that man?why did he wave to me?'so he has 那个男人是谁?为什么他向我们招手? something to think about during the rest of his journey,and that makes his 所以他们可以在这短暂的时间休息一下在旅行中 这可以使他们感觉到旅途缩短了 journey seem shorter.so I make everybody happy." 所以我让每一个人 都很快乐

向每个人招手 迪克的叔叔住在乡下,当迪克去他叔叔那小住几天的时候,他们经常一起去散步或者开车出去。当他们碰到某人时,他叔叔总是向那人招手,迪克很惊讶地问道:叔叔,你认识所有的人,你在哪里认识他们的? 他叔叔说:我并不认识所有的人。 “那你为什么向他们招手”:迪克问到。 “迪克”,他叔叔说:“当我向一个人打招呼的时候,如果他认识我,他接下来的旅途就会心情愉快,如果他不认识我,他一定会很奇怪然后对自己说:他为什么向我招手,所以接下来的旅途他就会一直考虑这个问题,这样可以让他的旅途不至于那么漫长。所以说我使所有的人心情愉快。”


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    暨聪娴Wave to Everybody 向每一个人招手 Dick's uncle lived in the country. Once Dick went to stay with him for a few Dick's的叔叔住在一个乡村。 一次dick住在他叔叔那里几周 weeks. they often went out for a walk or for a drive in a car. When they passed 他们经常开车出去散步...

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