
来自:    更新日期:早些时候



  1 Q:Why did the man throw a bucket of water out the window?


  A:He wanted to see the waterfall.


  2 Q: A cowboy rode intotown on Friday, stayed three days, and left on Friday. How is this possible?


  A: His horse's nameis "Friday."


  3 Q:What car is spelled the same forwards and backwards?




  4 Q: What has a neck,but no head?


  A: A bottle.


  5 Q:What can't be used until it's broken?




  6 Q: Which letter isnot me?


  A: "U"(„you”)


  7 Q:What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water?


  A:"C" (sea)


  8 Q: What begins withT, ends with T and has T in it?


  A: A teapot.


  9 Q:Which room has no doors, no windows.




  10 Q: Which is faster,heat or cold?


  A: Heat, because youcan catch a cold.



  QUESTION 1: A man went outside in the pouring rain with no protection, but not a hair on his head got wet. How come?


  QUESTION 2: John's father has five sons named Alan, Blan, Clan and Dlan. What did he call his fifth son?


  QUESTION 3: A taxi driver is going down a one way street the wrong way, he passes twelve cops. Why does he not get arrested?


  QUESTION 4: What is directly in the middle of Australia?


  QUESTION 5: A soccer player kicks a ball. It goes ten feet and comes back to him. How is this possible?


  QUESTION 6: On average, how many books can you put in an empty backpack?


  QUESTION 7: A cowboy rode to an inn on Friday. He stayed two nights and left on Friday. How can this be?




  ANSWER 1: The man is bald


  ANSWER 2: John


  ANSWER 3: He was walking on foot


  ANSWER 4: The letter R


  ANSWER 5: He kicked the ball upwards


  ANSWER 6: One. After that, it isn't empty.


  ANSWER 7: His horse was called Friday.



  1 The Man

  A man killed his mother, was born before his father, and married his sister.

  How did the man do all three things legally ?


  He killed his mother in child birth, he was born in front of his father, and he married his sister to another man as he was a priest .

  2 Watch Me Shrink

  What do you use from your head to your toes and the more it works the thinner it grows?



  Praise Me or Curse Me

  3 What am I?

  You may praise your good fortune and curse all you hate,

  Yet I rule all your chaos and gamble your fate.

  By some I’m avoided by others I’m game,

  Called by fat or slim, my meaning’s the same.


  Chance! We praise it when it goes our way and curse it when it doesn’t. Some avoid risk and others gamble at every chance.

  4 Brain Teasers

  Pearly Gate

  Hiding within, there can be 28

  More or less builds the pearly gate

  Holes inside, filled with gold

  Silver bridges can these guys hold

  Strong and sturdy are these chaps

  Clean them up, or else silver caps

  What are they?




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