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英语4人小品剧本(带旁白) 越短越好~

4人英语话剧剧本It's a Small World Cast
Kobe: K; play presenter
Allen: Ab (boy)
Johnson: J
Arthur: Ag (Girl)
Scene I
K: There was a lovely village in the countryside. Allen, Johnson, Bz, and Arthur are good friends. Here, they are creating the most beautiful memories.
B: Hey! Look! A shooting star!
Ag: Where?
B: Here! (Take out a big special ring!)
Ag: So, what is this for?
B: Will you marry me?
Ab: Sure, honey!
(Ag takes out a hammer and hits Ab.)
Ab: Ouch! OK! I'll be quiet.
J: Hey, guys! What are you talking about?
Ab: They are talking about their future. (Point at Ag and B.)
J: Their future?
Ag: No! Our futures. I'm gonna be a worldwide famous writer.
Ab: I'm gonna be the greatest singer. And I'm worried that there will be too many girls hanging around and crazy for me!
(J, B, Ag pretend to be disgusted.)
J: As far as I am concerned, becoming the most successful businessman is my life goal.
Ag: What about you, BZ?
Ab: To marry her, right? (Ab hits B gently.)
Ag: Come on! Be serious. Let him tell us.
B: I want to stay here and be a farmer.
Ag: All right! We're only ten now. Who knows what will actually happen in the next ten or twenty years?
J: Whatever our dreams are, no matter where we are, twenty years from now, we'll all come here having a reunion.
Ab: And don't forget, we are…
K: Wait for me!...
All: Friends forever!
Scene II转自: http://www.coffbar.com
K: Twenty years later, at Johnson Rich's company.
(Phone rings.)
Secretary A: Hello! This is Rich telephone company. May I help you? OK! OK! bye-bye!
Secretary B: (Knock, Knock, Knock!) Mr. Rich, may I come in?
J: Come in!
Secretary B: (With a flirting look) Mr. Rich, Can I invite you to dinner tonight?
(Secretary A cuts in between the two of them.)
Secretary A: Hey! Young lady! You may be young and beautiful, but I’ve been working here much longer than you. I really don't mind you inviting Mr. Rich to dinner, if you don’t want to work here anymore!
J: Yo, ladies. Nothing but business, O.K.? Now, go back to your work!
Secretary A: Sir!
J: Now what?
Secretary A: This is the ad for the new cell phone design, and the main idea is "It's a small world!"
J: Good job! Look, my cell phones make the world smaller.
Scene III
(At Arthur’s new book press conference)
Reporter A: Congratulations, Arthur. We know that you are the winner of the Pulitzer Prize.
Reporter B: Why did you want to write this book?
Ag: Well, I always believe that touching words can comfort people. Many people in the world live a difficult life. With words, we can tell them that they're not alone wherever they are.
Reporter C: Why did you name the book "It's a small world "?
Ag: It’s said that “the pen is mightier than the sword.” Through words, we can express our love, thoughts, and feelings to our friends. The power of words shortens the distance among people and makes the world smaller, right?
Scene IV转自: http://www.coffbar.com
(At Allen Baker’s concert…Allen’s fans are crazy for him and screaming everywhere.)
Host: Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome our super star, Mr. Anderson!!
(Fans scream like crazy.)
Ab: (Singing) It can happen to anyone of us, anyone you think of. Anyone can fall. Anyone can hurt someone they love. Hearts will break. Cause I made a stupid mistake…
(A fan shakes hands with Allen, and then passes out and is taken away.)
Ab: Thank you! Maybe you don’t understand the language I speak. Maybe we have different blood in our bodies. But I really hope that I can deliver something to you all and make you understand what I try to express. And I really really hope the music can shorten the distance between us and make the world smaller. Thank you! I love you all !!
(Two crazy fans run to Allen and hold him tight. The guards drag them away.)
Scene V
(At Bz Farmer’s Big Tomato Award Ceremony…)
Host: Now! I'm honored to announce the first prize winner of the super award. Let's welcome Farmer of the year, Mr. BZ !
(BZ runs up to the stage with a surprised look, and his fans cheer for him.)
B: My goodness! I can't believe it! Thank you, my tomato fans! (Waving to them with the trophy.) I love my hometown. I grow crops not only for the people living here, butalso for the people all over the world who are suffering from hunger and poverty. My childhood friends have all been very successful in different fields to make the world a better place to live in. Our love binds us together and makes the world smaller. I’m glad that we all made our dreams come true. Thank you! Thank you!
Scene VI
K: Twenty years later, at the Home-coming Reunion…
Ab: (To J) I use your cell phone. It's great, man!
J: (To Ag) And I read your book!
Ag: (To Bz) And I ate your big tomatoes. They are amazingly delicious
B: (To Allen) And I listened to your music. It really takes my breath away!
J: Let's have a toast to my cell phones.
Ab: No! To my music.
Ag: To My books.
B: To my love and to our friendships.
J: All these things have made the world smaller. We feel so much closer to each other now.
All: Oh! What a small world!
Director: Cut! Cut! You all did a great job. Let's call it a day.
(Freeze the scene with them holding their belongings, microphone, cell phone, book, and big tomato.)



  花痴一说:it is so boring !

  花痴2:yes, it is !

  花痴3:we have nothing to do !

  花痴1:look, the four are there!


  花痴2:!it is them !it is them!it is really them!

  花痴3:how handsome they are !how charming they are !I am dizzying!


  祝枝山:I am the most handsome man in the world,and I have as much money as mouation!

  文征明:I am so attractive that each girl will fall in love with me at the first sight!(抛媚眼) 尖叫声不断

  徐峥卿:I am so charming that no one can compare with me !

  唐伯虎: Do you love me ? have you heard my name before? Tangbo hu is me !(尖叫 。。。。。)

  文征明: Hi ,guy !today all of us are in a good mood!

  how about trying some English tounge twist!
  祝枝山: Good idea ! brother wen ,you first please!

  Peter pepper picked up a peck of pickled peppers

  Did peter pepper pick up a peck of pickled peppers

  If peter picked up a peck of pickled peppers

  Where is the peck of pickled peppers peter pepper picked up!(乱成一团)
  唐伯虎:haha (突然大笑)
  三人: Is that so funny ?
  文征明: Why do you so happy today ,bohu !
  唐伯虎:Because madam hua have promised me to marry qiu xiang .(做可爱状) Ha Ha. However ,I will try my best to get her .

  祝枝山:since you have made up you mind, we will use our wisdom to help you !
  四人信心满满一起 去了华府。

  华文挡在前说:,stop! If you can give me the answer to my question ,I will let you go!

  祝枝山:haha ,you are scaring us ,we fear nothing !come on come on!

  华虎 :listen carefully! There are three gecko on the wall, a gecko accidentally fell down, why then the other two gecko also drop off?

  三大才子狂翻书道:why ,why ?(三才子狂翻书,疑惑不解 大叫)

  唐笑了笑说:Because the back two gecko has won the applause they fell down

  三大才子大笑: ha ha ,go away!


  秋象正在绣闺里打扮,自言自语道:oh ,bo hu my honey ,why don”t you come and marry me yet! I love you so much ! I wanna be with you !you are my mr right!


  秋香到:oh ,dear ,you are here now ,I am so happy ! I can marry you now !

  华夫人:Tang Bohu, although I promised you to marry Qiu-xiang , but there are conditions,can you pick out qiuxiang from the 3three brides! (婚礼大堂,3新娘盖着红盖头)
  华文:(please refer to the list of rules)the period of the game is that of the burnout of a stick of incense.
  一、do not cross the yellow line to watch over the bride-to-be while playing the game。二、all the brides-to-be should keep quiet,or you will be pass.
  三、no help is allowed to touch the clothes or the body of the bride-to-be.
  华夫人:if you can not pick out qiuxiang ,you lose .one of my two sons will marry to qiuxiang !

  唐伯虎:wa ! ,why there are so many brides here!唐伯虎: Madam ,you wanna play game with me ,right?
  华夫人: Why do you say like that ?
  唐伯虎: as a gentleman, for the sake of my conscience,i've been devoted to Qiuxiang ever since,and i will never regret it! how come you have baffled me time and time again?唐伯虎I will take qiuxiang away,who can stop me !
  华夫人:Try it !if you wanna make troubles here ,I will tell empor to kill your whole family!
  唐伯虎: You old witch ,coldblood!mean !despicable and shameless!
  华夫人:You called me a witch? ! Die!(扔东西)
  唐伯虎:I returned it to you!(扔回去)
  华夫人: OUCH , I can not spare you !
  唐伯虎: Come on ,come on !
  华太师:Stop! Qiuxiang is a member of our family!if you wanna marry her ,you should follow our rules唐伯虎: Ok ,I will try my best!i won not give up until I marry to qiuxiang !

  唐伯虎: you are out of line ,I wanna kill you !
  华夫人;That stick of incense has been put out quickly,
  唐伯虎深情款款的念诗:The furthest distance in the world

  Is not when I stand in front of you

  Yet you can't see my love

  But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both

  Yet cannot be together (一准新娘身子动了动)
  华文: Times up!

  唐伯虎:oh ,I see, ,qiuxiang(掀开准新娘的面具,竟然是石榴姐!)
  唐伯虎: oh ,my god !what are you doing ,do you have a knife !
  石榴姐: What is up ?
  唐伯虎: I wanna kill myself!
  唐伯虎:Let me die ,let me die ….


  秋香:what is wrong with you ,bohu ?(怒对华府人)you kill him ,I hate you !go out !go out!怀里抱着伯虎:Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning. Take away love, and my life is a tomb. Our Love never dies.I need you just like I need the air to breathe.i can not live without you ! I will follow you (拔出刀欲自杀发现刀是 可收缩的)

  唐伯虎:oh, I still alive ,we can be together now !



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