
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Sometimes I don't have lunch.

Eat lunch at noon

"我经校吃午餐"用英语翻译句 " I often have my lunch at school" needs to be translated into English. " I frequently have my lunch at school" needs to be translated into English. " I often have lunch at school" needs to be translated into English. " I often have lunch at school" needs translating into English


  • 15946035820但我有时候不吃午餐的英语句子
    蔺使禄"我经校吃午餐"用英语翻译句 " I often have my lunch at school" needs to be translated into English. " I frequently have my lunch at school" needs to be translated into English. " I often have lunch at school" needs to be translated into English. " I often have lunch ...

  • 15946035820午餐英语怎么读

  • 15946035820have lunch和eat lunch 有什么区别
    蔺使禄- When do you have lunch? (你什么时候吃午餐?) - I usually eat lunch at 12 o'clock. (我通常在十二点吃午餐。) 2.词义:have lunch通常指吃午餐,而eat lunch只表示吃午餐,不包含其他意思。 例子: - What do you have for lunch? (你中午吃什么?) - I want to eat a sandwich. (我想吃三明治。

  • 15946035820他有很多时间吃午饭英语
    蔺使禄他有很多时间吃午饭英语:He has a lot of time for lunch。lunch造句如下:1.This is a dining train so we can eat our lunch on the way.这列火车上有餐车,我们可以在途中吃午餐。2.If there's no fridge, pack your lunch in a small insulated lunch bag with an ice pack.如果没有...

  • 15946035820午餐翻译成英语?
    蔺使禄英 [lʌntʃ];美 [lʌntʃ]中文翻译:n.午餐;午饭 vi.(尤指在餐馆)用午餐 二、短语lunch hour 午餐时间 box lunch 午餐盒餐 at lunch 吃午餐 三、词形变化 第三人称单数: lunches 复数:lunches 现在分词:lunching 过去式:lunched 过去分词:lunched 四、双语例句1....

  • 15946035820午餐用英语怎么说
    蔺使禄午餐的英文是lunch。lunch 英[lʌntʃ]美[lʌntʃ]n.午餐;午饭。v. (尤指在餐馆)用午餐。[例句]I use the Internet at work, during my lunch hour.我上班时在午餐时间使用互联网。[其他]第三人称单数:lunches 复数:lunches 现在分词:lunching 过去式:lunched ...

  • 15946035820饮食英语作文
    蔺使禄简单地说,肖明每天早上7:30到9:00左右吃早餐,之后中午再吃午餐。他大约下午6:30到7:00的时候吃晚餐。他吃的也是健康的食品,如,蔬菜,水果,肉,蛋,牛奶等。他不会把零食当饭吃。他也不会暴饮暴食或什么都不吃。肖明就是一个有良好饮食习惯的例子。 饮食英语作文 篇24 饮食安全假如你是一所国际学校校办...

  • 15946035820用英语写关于晚饭的重要性
    蔺使禄As the saying goes, we should eat less dinner, but it doesn't mean that dinner is not important. In fact, the most important meal of our day is dinner. Dinner is far more important than breakfast and lunch.If you don't eat dinner directly and don't eat food for a long...

  • 15946035820午餐的英语怎么说 记住:吃午餐不能说eat lunch
    蔺使禄小时候我们就学过“吃”是“eat”,所以很多人就自然而然地认为吃午餐就是“eat lunch”,可是英文中有很多独到的用词,很多都不能这样逐字翻译。1 吃午餐 eat lunch × have lunch √ eat 后面只能加食物的名称,比如 eat pizza, eat ice cream 这些。但像早餐午餐晚餐这样的统称应该用 have。

  • 15946035820关于吃货的英文名言
    蔺使禄一日三餐,必不可少。 俗话说得好:“早餐吃得像皇帝,午餐吃得像平民,晚餐吃得像乞丐。 ”是呀!不管我早上起得多晚,总得吃东西。 少不了面包牛奶加水果,所以我的身体倍儿棒。 每次吃完东西才过一会儿,我又感觉饿了,这时我总想起一首歌:“我好饿好饿好饿,好饿好饿……”这句话不知重复了多少遍,接着...

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