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If you want to be healthy, you must have a healthy lifestyle. 


You should do exercise every day. You must go to bed early and get up early. And drink milk every day. You should not eat junk food and drink coffee.You must sleep nine hours every night. You must try to eat lots of vegetables and drink milk every day.


Your healthy lifestyle helps you get good grades. Good food and exercise help you to study better.



  • 19852254423健康的生活方式英语作文
    禹洪潘健康的生活方式英语作文 篇1 A Healthy Lifestyle Health is indeed a valuable asset, and a saying goes, "Health is wealth." It is of paramount importance to lead a healthy life, for without good health, one cannot truly enjoy life.To embrace a healthy lifestyle, it is crucial ...

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  • 19852254423英语作文:我们怎样才能更加健康地生活
    禹洪潘写作思路及要点:审清题目,确定中心,选择材料。As we all know, influenza is very serious and spreads rapidly.众所周知,现在流感相当严重,传播速度很快。However, if we take good care of ourselves, we can protect ourselves from harm.然而,如果我们好好照顾自己,我们就能很好地保护自己不受...

  • 19852254423关于健康生活的英语作文怎么写?
    禹洪潘关于健康生活的英语作文篇一 Health is very important to everyone.Nowadays,almost everyone is more concern about money than their health.They are working-hard and have no enough time to sleep let alone to do some exercise.In my eyes,we should build up an right attitude of keeping ...

  • 19852254423关于健康生活习惯的英语作文,初2的
    禹洪潘get up and go to bed early.We shouldn't stay up so late.(第四,我们应该早睡早起,不熬夜) In my oinpoin ,we should we must living habits.(在我看来,我们应该养成良好的习惯)谢谢采纳 关于健康生活方式的英语作文成人小游戏注册 offe.bokee.com 关于健康生活习惯的英语作文,初2的 ...

  • 19852254423英语作文:How to keep healthy in daily life(最少70字)
    禹洪潘How to Keep Healthy in daily life?在日常的生活中怎样保持健康?Here are my advices about how to keep healthy.以下是我关于怎样保持健康的建议。Firstly, build normal daily routine and eat regularly. You should go to bed and get up early. Make sure you can have a good rest. Pay...

  • 19852254423老师要求写一篇英语作文,名字是《健康的生活》,总觉得自己的思维有点...
    禹洪潘Generally speaking, people should pay more attentions of health 健康对所有人来说都很重要。在现今时代,几乎所有人都把钱看的比自己的身体还要重要。他们努力工作没有时间去休息更不用说做运动了。在我看来,我们应该树立一个正确的保持健康的态度。每周我们能够做一些比较柔和的运动。例如:健身慢跑,...

  • 19852254423英语作文:关于如何健康生活。
    禹洪潘范文:If you want to be healthy, you must have a healthy lifestyle.如果你想要健康,你必须有一个健康的生活方式。You should do exercise every day. You must go to bed early and get up early. And drink milk every day. You should not eat junk food and drink coffee.You must ...

  • 19852254423健康的生活习惯是怎样养成的 从饮食起居运动三个方面谈论的英语作文
    禹洪潘fat,oil and sugar. What's more, we should do enough exercise. So why not go for a walk every day to get some fresh air and made you body strong and healthy. Finally, we should get enough sleep because if we don't sleep well,we won't concentrate better and we'll feel...

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