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Audrey Hepburn (May 4, 1929 -- January 20, 1993) was born in Brussels, Belgium.
Hepburn began her film career in 1948 in the Netherlands in Seven Lessons, a 39-minute documentary on Dutch scenery.In 1953, she starred in the film RomanHoliday for the first time and won an Oscar for best actress. In the same year, she won the Tony award for best actress for her performance in the play The Mermaid.And in 1961, she starred in the movie Breakfast atTiffany's.
In her later years, Audrey Hepburn devoted herself to charity, acting as a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, campaigning for rights for women and children in the third world. He was awarded the presidential medal of freedom in 1992 and the humanitarian award in 1993. Audrey Hepburn died of cancer on January 20, 1993 in Switzerland at the age of 63.
Hepburn won five academy award nominations for best actress in a lifetime. In 1999, she was named the third "greatest actress in a century" by the motion picture association of America. In May 2002, The United Nations children's fund at its headquarters in New York for a statue of a bronze statue of 7 feet tall, statue namedThe Spirit of Audrey, in recognition of her contribution which for The United Nations.


Name: Audrey Hepburn
Born: May 4, 1929
Anniversary of the death: January 20, 1993, died in Switzerland due to breast cancer
Family: His father is a wealthy British banker and his mother was a Dutch baroness
Height: five feet seven inches (170 cm)
Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg)
Measurements :32 -20-35

Audrey Hepburn May 4, 1929 was born in the Belgian capital of Brussels, the son of a banker, mother is a harsh blue of the Baroness, when Audrey was a child when they divorced. Audrey was a woman in London, private schools, but later they returned to the Netherlands with his mother. Then the Second World War has been the outbreak of the Nazi occupation army days, Audrey suffered from depression and malnutrition, Audrey thin figure that will come from this. After the war, Audrey studied ballet in England and became a model. Since then she became an actress, and came to Broadway. A little of her on stage, so the Hollywood film producer who invited her, her first film is the famous "Roman Holiday." In this classic film, Audrey played a beautiful naughty Princess Anne, who deserted in the affairs of state activities, the princess, captured the hearts of fans around the world, she was in the movie pretty short hair, the wind rejoice the world. Her performance so well with her co-star Gregory Large. Parker in the film is not foreseen before the release of her will be successful. Audrey really the first film took the Oscar Awards. Audrey from the fifties and sixties have become the most popular of the big star. She starred in the comedy humor, her screen image of the beautiful, deeply loved by the audience. "Breakfast at Tiffany," "My Fair Lady," "Long Fengpei" (Shabu Katrina) are all well-known film in the history of the enduring movie. Audrey in his later years actively participated in humanitarian activities, she was sent to Africa's condolences to the victims of the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador.

In 1989 she shot her last film Steven. Steven Spielberg's "forever" in the film she is down to enchant mortal earthly angel.

1993 Audrey had been tortured by cancer, left the earth, this is considered to be a mixture of women and children the beauty of the perfect woman is always the people's minds the star, her 31 films are almost all classic, Minister memorable.

Audrey Hepburn works before his death: (Part of Hollywood)
1953 "Roman Holiday" (RomanHoliday)
1954 "Long Fengpei" (Sabrina)
1956 "War and Peace" (WarandPeace)
1957 "sweet little girls" (FunnyFace)
"Evening of Love" (LoveintheAfternoon)
"Green Mansions" (GreenMansions)
1959 "Sister Biography" (TheNun `sStory)
1960 "Love day scores" (TheUnforgiven)
1961 "Breakfast at Tiffany" (BreakfastatTiffany `s)
1962 "Children of the moment" (TheChildren `sHour)
1963 "Mystery of Mystery" (Charade)
1964 "Paris Holiday" (ParisWhenItSiaales)
"My Fair Lady" (MyFairLady)
1966 "frauds turn phoenix" (HowtoStealaMillion)
1967 "Beauty Line" (TwofortheRoad)
"Wait until dark" (WaitUntilDark)
1976 "Robin and Marian" (RobinandMarian)
1979 "descent" (Bloodine)
1981 "laughter" (TheyAllLaughed)
1989 "forever" (Always)

奥黛丽 赫本(Audrey Hepburn)



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