请问"My fair lady"的女主角的资料?

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

姓名:奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)
全名:奥黛丽·凯瑟琳·赫本-鲁斯顿(Audrey Kathleen Hepburn-Ruston)
原名:奥黛丽·凯瑟琳·鲁斯顿(Audrey Kathleen Ruston)
逝世:1993年1月20日,因阑尾癌(Appendiceal Cancer)逝于瑞士沃州的托洛彻纳茨(Tolochenaz)


远祖:英王爱德华三世(King Edward III of England)
苏格兰玻斯威尔第四代侯爵詹姆士·赫本(James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell)
父亲:约瑟夫·维克特·安瑟尼·赫本-鲁斯顿(Joseph Victor Anthony Hepburn-Ruston)英国银行家
母亲:艾拉·凡·赫姆斯特拉(Ella van Heemstra)荷兰贵族后裔,爵位为男爵
长兄:阿尔勒·罗伯特·亚历山大·寇勒斯·凡·尤弗德(Arnoud Robert Alexander Quarles van Ufford)荷兰贵族后裔,爵位为乡绅
次兄:伊恩·埃德加·布鲁斯·寇勒斯·凡·尤弗德(Ian Edgar Bruce Quarles van Ufford)荷兰贵族后裔,爵位为乡绅
配偶:梅尔·费勒(Mel Ferrer)(1954.9.25~1968.12.5)
安德烈·多蒂(Andrea Dotti)(1969.1.18~1982)
伴侣:罗伯特·沃德斯(Robert Wolders)
长子:西恩·赫本·费勒(Sean Hepburn Ferrer)
次子:卢卡·多蒂(Luca Dotti)
宠物:约克夏犬 山姆·出名(Sam Famous)
小鹿 依比(Ip)
杰克罗素犬 Missy、Tuppy、Penny、Piceri、Jackie



■直到永远 Always (1989)其他译名:天长地久

■哄堂大笑 They All Laughed (1981)其他译名:皆大欢喜

■血统 Bloodline(1978)其他译名:朱门血痕、血线

■罗宾汉与玛莉安 Robin and Marian(1976)

■盲女惊魂记 Waut Until Dark (1967)其他译名:等到天黑

■俪人行 Two for the Road (1967)其他译名:丽人行、二人同路

■偷龙转凤 How to Steal a Million (1966)其他译名:怎样偷到一百万

■窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady(1964)

■巴黎假期 Paris, When It Sizzles(1964)其他译名:花都缤纷录、巴黎燃情记

■谜中迷 Charade(1963)其他译名:谜中谜、迷中迷、花都奇遇结良缘、儿戏

■双姝怨 The Children's Hour (1961)其他译名:孩子们的时刻

■蒂凡尼的早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's(1961)其他译名:珠光宝气、第凡内早餐、帝芬尼的早餐、蒂凡内早餐

■恩怨情天 The Unforgiven (1960)其他译名:恩怨有情天

■修女传 The Nun's Story (1959)

■翠谷香魂 Green Mansions(1959)其他译名:绿厦

■黄昏之恋 Love in the Afternoon (1957)其他译名:午后之爱、下午的爱情

■甜姐儿 Funny Face(1957)其他译名:滑稽面孔

■战争与和平 War and Peace (1956)

■龙凤配 Sabrina (1954)其他译名:萨布丽娜

■罗马假日 Roman Holiday(1953)其他译名:罗马假期、金枝玉叶

■双姝艳 The Secret People(1952)其他译名:神秘的人
【说明】饰演Nora Brentano,当时赫本在演员表上排名第四,为第二女主角

■前进蒙特卡罗 Nous irons à Monte Carlo(英译名:We Will Go to Monte Carlo)(1952)其他译名:前进蒙地卡罗、我们要去蒙地卡罗
【说明】该版本为《蒙特卡罗宝贝》的法国翻拍版,片中的女孩角色需要说法语,由于赫本说法语非常流利,因此仍饰演同一个角色(但角色名更换为Melissa Walter)

■蒙特卡罗宝贝 Monte Carlo Baby(1951)其他译名:蒙特卡罗宝宝、蒙地卡罗宝宝

■械劫装甲车 The Lavender Hill Mob(1951)其他译名:薰衣草山的暴徒、拉凡德山的暴徒、横财过眼、机械装甲车

■少妇轶事 Young Wives' Tale(1951)其他译名:少妇故事、年轻妻子们的故事
【说明】饰演角色Eve Lester

■野燕麦 One Wild Oat(1951)

■天堂笑语 Laughter in Paradise(1951)其他译名:天堂里的笑声
■荷兰七课 Nederlands in Zeven lessen(英文片名:Dutch in Seven Lessons)(1948)


■美人鱼 Ondine (1954)其他译名:翁蒂娜

■金粉世界 Gigi(1951)其他译名:金粉世家、琪琪、姬姬、吉吉

■开胃酱 Sauce Piquante(1950)其他译名:辛辣酱

■鞑靼酱 Sauce Tartare(1949)其他译名:塔塔酱

■高跟钮扣鞋 High Button Shoes(1949)其他译名:高跟鞋


■世界花园 Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn(1993)其他译名:世界花园和奥黛丽赫本

■贼间之爱 Love Among Thieves(1987)其他译名:窃贼之爱

■魂断梅耶林 Mayerling(1957)其他译名:梅耶林

■哥伦比亚电视公司节目 CBS Television Workshop(1952)


■奥斯卡奖 Oscar
1954年 获奖 最佳女主角 Roman Holiday 罗马假日
1955年 提名 最佳女主角 Sabrina 龙凤配
1960年 提名 最佳女主角 The Nun's Story 修女传
1962年 提名 最佳女主角 Breakfast at Tiffany's 蒂凡尼的早餐
1968年 提名 最佳女主角 Wait Until Dark 盲女惊魂记
1993年 获奖 琼·赫尔肖特人道主义奖(Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award)与伊丽莎白·泰勒同获此奖

■金球奖 Golden Globe Awards
1954年 获奖 最佳女主角(剧情类)Roman Holiday 罗马假日
1955年 获奖 世界电影最受欢迎女演员(Henrietta Aword: World Film Favorite - Female)
1957年 提名 最佳女主角(剧情类)War and Peace 战争与和平
1958年 提名 最佳女主角(音乐喜剧类)Love in the Afternoon 黄昏之恋
1960年 提名 最佳女主角(剧情类)The Nun's Story 修女传
1962年 提名 最佳女主角(音乐喜剧类)Breakfast at Tiffany's 蒂凡尼的早餐
1964年 提名 最佳女主角(音乐喜剧类)Charade 谜中迷
1965年 提名 最佳女主角(音乐喜剧类)My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女
1968年 提名 最佳女主角(音乐喜剧类)Two for the Road 丽人行
1968年 提名 最佳女主角(剧情类)Wait Until Dark 盲女惊魂记
1990年 获奖 塞西尔·B·德米尔电影终生成就奖(Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Achievement in Motion Pictures)

■纽约影评人协会奖 NYFCC
1953年 获奖 最佳女主角 Roman Holiday 罗马假日
1954年 提名 最佳女主角 Sabrina 龙凤配
1955年 提名 最佳女主角 War and Peace 战争与和平
1957年 提名 最佳女主角 Love in the Afternoon 黄昏之恋
1959年 获奖 最佳女主角 The Nun's Story 修女传
1964年 提名 最佳女主角 My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女
1967年 提名 最佳女主角 Wait Until Dark 盲女惊魂记

■英国学院奖 BAFTA
1954年 获奖 最佳英国女演员 Roman Holiday 罗马假日
1955年 提名 最佳英国女演员 Sabrina龙凤配
1957年 提名 最佳英国女演员 War and Peace 战争与和平
1960年 获奖 最佳英国女演员 The Nun's Story 修女传
1965年 获奖 最佳英国女演员 Charade 谜中迷
1992年 获奖 特别奖 Special Award

■意大利电影金像奖 David di Donatello Awards
1960年 获奖 最佳外国女演员 The Nun's Story 修女传
1962年 获奖 最佳外国女演员 Breakfast at Tiffany's 蒂凡尼的早餐
1965年 获奖 最佳外国女演员 My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女

■西班牙圣塞巴蒂斯安国际电影节 San Sebastian International Film Festival
1959年 获奖 最佳女主角 The Nun's Story 修女传
【说明】获祖莱塔奖金(Zulueta Prize)

■林肯中心电影协会 Film Society of Lincoln Center
1991年 获奖 Gala荣誉奖(Gala Tribute)

■美国演员工会奖 Screen Actors Guild Awards
1992年 获奖 终生成就奖

■ 女性电影水晶奖 Women in Film Crystal Awards
1996年 获奖 水晶奖(Crystal Award)

■ 金桂冠奖 Golden Laurel Awards
1970年 女明星 第8位
1968年 女明星 第2位
1968年 最佳戏剧表演奖 女演员第3位 Wait Until Dark 盲女惊魂记
1967年 女明星 第12位
1966年 女明星 第7位
1965年 最佳喜剧表演奖 女演员第3位 My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女
1965年 女明星 第14位
1964年 最佳喜剧表演奖 女演员第3位 Charade 谜中迷
1964年 女明星 第15位
1963年 女明星 第10位
1962年 女明星 第3位
1962年 最佳喜剧表演奖 女演员第3位 Breakfast at Tiffany's 蒂凡尼的早餐
1962年 最佳戏剧表演奖 女演员第4位 The Children's Hour 双姝怨
1961年 女明星 第12位
1960年 女明星 第5位
1960年 最佳戏剧表演奖 女演员第2位 The Nun's Story 修女传
1958年 女明星 第5位
1958年 最佳戏剧表演奖 女演员第1位 Love in the Afternoon 黄昏之恋


■戏剧 戏剧世界大奖 Theatre World Award
1952年 获奖 最佳女主角 Gigi 金粉世界

■戏剧 托尼奖 Tony Awards
1954年 获奖 最佳女主角 Ondine 美人鱼
1968年 获奖 特别成就奖(Special Achievement Award)

■电视 艾美奖 Emmy Awards
1993年 获奖 杰出个人成就奖(Outstanding Individual Achievement)Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn 世界花园

■唱片录音 格莱美奖 Grammy Awards
1993年 获奖 最佳儿童诵读专辑(Best Spoken Word Album For Children) Audrey Hepburn's Enchanted Tales 奥黛丽·赫本的魔法童话

■美国四大艺术奖项 The Four Major Entertainment Awards in American Show Business
1962年 理察·罗杰斯(Richard Rodgers)
1976年 海伦·海丝(Helen Hayes)
1977年 丽塔·莫雷诺(Rita Moreno)
1991年 约翰·吉尔古德(John Gielgud)
1993年 奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)
1995年 马文·汉利许(Marvin Hamlisch)
1997年 乔纳森·图尼克(Jonathan Tunick)
2001年 梅尔·布鲁克斯(Mel Brooks)
2001年 麦克·尼克斯(Mike Nichols)


■ 好莱坞星光大道明星 Star on the Walk of Fame
藤街1652号(1652 Vine Street)纪念星

■ 总统自由勋章 Presidential Medal of Freedom
1992年 获奖 总统自由勋章 表彰赫本在联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)所做贡献

■ 美国电影协会百年百大明星 American Film Institute's 100 Years... 100 Stars
1999年6月15日 获选 美国电影协会(AFI)“百年最伟大女明星”第3名

■ 联合国儿童基金会总部雕像
2002年5月,联合国儿童基金会在其纽约总部为一尊7英尺高的青铜雕像揭幕,雕像名字为“奥黛丽精神”(The Spirit of Audrey),以表彰赫本为联合国所做的贡献

■ 美国邮政总署纪念邮票
2003年 纪念邮票 在37美分面值的邮票中采用了来自电影《龙凤配》中的赫本形象,以纪念赫本的好莱坞传奇历史和人道主义精神

■ 美国200大文化偶像
2003年 获选 美国VH1电视台美国200大文化偶像第34名

■ 各类杂志/网站投票评选荣誉

1997年 获选 英国杂志《帝国》(Empire)评选的“史上100大银幕明星”第50名
2001年 获选 美国杂志《传记》(Biography)组织2500多名读者投票评选的“史上最受欢迎女演员”第1名
2005年 获选 美国电影杂志《首映》(Premiere)评选的“史上最伟大银幕明星”第18名
2006年 获选 美国电影杂志《首映》(Premiere)评选的“银幕史上100位最伟大角色”第32名,获选角色为《蒂凡尼的早餐》中的霍莉·戈莱特丽
年份不明 获选 美国杂志《娱乐周刊》(Entertainment Weekly)评选的“100位最伟大艺人”第16名
年份不明 获选 美国杂志《娱乐周刊》(Entertainment Weekly)评选的“史上最伟大银幕明星”第21名

2004年 获选 有“时装圣经”之称的著名时尚杂志《VOGUE》评选的“世界时尚名人”女性第1名,得票率29%

1990年 获选 美国杂志《人物》(People)评选的“世界50大最美丽人物”之一
1995年 获选 英国杂志《帝国》(Empire)评选的“银幕史上100大最性感明星”第8名
1996年 获选 英国时尚杂志《哈泼斯与名媛》(Harpers & Queen)评选的“史上最有魅力女性”第1名
2004年 获选 著名时尚杂志《世界时装之苑》(ELLE)评选的“世界最美丽女人”第1名,得票率为76%
2006年 获选 英国杂志《新女性》(New Woman)组织5000多名读者投票评选的“世界古今百大美女”第1名
年份不明 获选 网站www.TheAge.com评选的“史上100大自然美人”第1名

  Directed by George Cukor
  Produced by Jack L. Warner
  Written by Alan Jay Lerner
  George Bernard Shaw
  Starring Audrey Hepburn
  Rex Harrison
  Music by Frederick Loewe (music)
  Alan Jay Lerner (lyrics)
  Cinematography Harry Stradling Sr.
  Editing by William H. Ziegler
  Distributed by Warner Bros.
  Release date(s) 25 December 1964
  Running time 171 minutes
  Country United States
  Language English
  Budget $17,000,000
  Gross revenue $72,000,000

  My Fair Lady is an Academy Award-winning 1964 film adaptation of the stage musical, My Fair Lady, based in turn on the play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw. The film was directed by George Cukor and stars Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison.


  Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison), an arrogant, irascible professor of phonetics, boasts to a new acquaintance, Colonel Pickering (Wilfrid Hyde-White), that he can teach any woman to speak so "properly" that he could pass her off as a duchess. The person whom he is shown thus teaching is one Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn), a young woman with a strong Cockney accent who is selling flowers on the street. After overhearing this, Eliza finds her way to the professor's house and offers to pay for speech lessons, so that she can work in a flower shop. Pickering is intrigued and wagers that Higgins cannot back up his claim; Higgins takes Eliza on free of charge as a challenge to his skills.

  Eliza's father, Alfred P. Doolittle (Stanley Holloway), a dustman, arrives three days later, ostensibly to protect his daughter's virtue, but in reality simply to extract some money from Higgins, and is bought off with £5. Higgins is impressed by the man's genuineness, natural gift for language and especially his brazen lack of morals (Doolittle explains, "Can't afford 'em!").

  Eliza goes through many forms of speech training, such as speaking with marbles in her mouth and trying to recite the sentence "In Hertford, Hereford, Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen" without dropping the 'h', and to say "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain" rather than "The rine in spine sties minely in the pline". At first, she makes no progress (due to Higgins's harsh approach to teaching), but just as she, Higgins, and Pickering are exhausted and about to give up, Higgins softens his attitude and gives an eloquent speech about the beauty and history behind the English language. Eliza tries one more time and finally "gets it"; she instantly begins to speak with an impeccable upper class accent.

  Higgins takes her on her first public appearance to Ascot Racecourse, where she makes a good impression with her stilted, but genteel manners, only to shock everyone by a sudden and vulgar lapse into Cockney; "C'mon Dover, move your bloomin' arse!". Higgins, who dislikes the pretentiousness of the upper class, partly conceals a grin behind his hand, as if to say "I wish I had said that!"

  The bet is won when Eliza successfully poses as a mysterious lady of patently noble rank at an embassy ball, despite the unexpected presence of a Hungarian phonetics expert trained by Higgins. Higgins's callous treatment of Eliza afterwards, especially his indifference to her future prospects, leads her to walk out on him, leaving him mystified by her ingratitude. When she is gone however, he comes to the horrified realization that he has "grown accustomed to her face". Putting aside his resentment about the intrusion on his life and toward women in general, Higgins finds Eliza the next day and attempts to talk her into coming back to him. During a testy exchange, Higgins' ego gets the better of him, and his former student rejects him.

  Higgins makes his way home, stubbornly predicting that Eliza will be ruined without him and come crawling back. However, his bravado collapses and he is reduced to playing old phonograph recordings of her voice lessons. To Higgins' great delight, Eliza chooses that moment to return to him. The last words are from Higgins: "Eliza.. where the Devil are my slippers?" This differs from the original play's resolution (see Pygmalion ending).

  Andrews versus Hepburn
  It was never assumed that the lead role in the film would go to Julie Andrews, who had played Eliza in the stage version to great critical acclaim. Audrey Hepburn was cast instead (despite lobbying from screenwriter Alan Jay Lerner), because Jack Warner of Warner Brothers wanted a box office star, and at the time Andrews was an untested screen presence. Elizabeth Taylor reportedly fought long and hard for the role as well. The casting controversy did little to hurt Hepburn's career. Andrews' subsequent Academy Award for Mary Poppins - and the lack of a nomination for Hepburn - was seen by many as vindication for Julie Andrews, though both actresses denied that there was ever any animosity between them. Years later, when Warner Bros. offered Andrews the role of Guinevere in the film adaptation of the Lerner & Lowe musical Camelot (which she also originated to great acclaim on Broadway), Andrews asked for a cool $7 million, and as a consequence, politely declined the offer. Vanessa Redgrave took the role, although she was quoted as saying that, had Julie Andrews wanted to play the role, she certainly would have.

  Hepburn's singing was judged inadequate, however, and she was dubbed by Marni Nixon. Some of Hepburn's original vocal performances for the film was released in the 1990s, affording fans of the actress to judge whether the dubbing was necessary. Less well known is the dubbing of Jeremy Brett's songs (as Freddy) by Bill Shirley[1].

  No dubbing was done for Rex Harrison, even though his singing voice was closer to speaking on pitch and rhythm than to true singing. In addition, the actor declined to pre-record his musical numbers for the film, explaining that he had never sung the songs the same way twice and thus couldn't convincingly lip-sync to a playback during filming (as musical stars had been doing in Hollywood since the dawn of talking pictures). In order to permit Harrison to sing his songs live during filming, the Warner Bros. Studio Sound Department, under the direction of George Groves, implanted a wireless microphone in Harrison's neckties, marking the first time in film history that one was used to record sound during filming. André Previn then conducted the final version of the music to the voice recording. The sound department earned an Academy Award for its efforts.

  Copyright issues
  The head of CBS put up the money for the original Broadway production in exchange for the rights to the cast album (through Columbia Records). When Warner bought the film rights for the then-unprecedented sum of $5 million, it was agreed that the rights to the film would revert to CBS seven years after its release. Warner owned the film's original copyright, but it was renewed by CBS due to the 1972 rights reversion. Currently, Warner owns the DVD rights to the film (under license from CBS), while CBS corporate cousin King World now owns the television rights. A VHS release by Paramount Pictures in 2001 is currently out of print.

  Musical numbers

  Act I
  "Why Can't the English?"
  "Wouldn't It Be Loverly?"
  "An Ordinary Man"
  "With A Little Bit of Luck"
  "Just You Wait"
  "Servants Chorus"
  "The Rain in Spain"
  "I Could Have Danced All Night"
  "Ascot Gavotte"
  "Ascot Gavotte (Reprise)"
  "On the Street Where You Live"

  Act II
  "Transylvanian March"
  "Embassy Waltz"
  "You Did It"
  "Just You Wait (Reprise)"
  "On The Street Where You Live" (reprise)
  "Show Me"
  "Get Me to The Church on Time"
  "A Hymn to Him"
  "Without You"
  "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face"
  "Exit Music"

  Awards and honors
  Academy Awards record
  1. Best Actor, Rex Harrison
  2. Best Art Direction, Gene Allen, Cecil Beaton, George James Hopkins
  3. Best Cinematography, Harry Stradling Sr.
  4. Best Costume Design, Cecil Beaton
  5. Best Director, George Cukor
  6. Best Original Score, André Previn
  7. Best Picture, Jack L. Warner
  8. Best Sound, George Groves
  Golden Globe Awards record
  1. Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
  2. Best Actor - Musical or Comedy, Rex Harrison
  3. Best Director, George Cukor
  BAFTA Awards record
  1. Best Film from any Source, George Cukor

  Academy Awards - 1964
  My Fair Lady won eight Oscars

  Academy Award for Best Picture - Jack L. Warner
  Academy Award for Directing - George Cukor
  Academy Award for Best Actor - Rex Harrison
  Academy Award for Best Cinematography - Harry Stradling
  Academy Award for Sound - George R. Groves, Warner Brothers Studio
  Academy Award for Original Music Score - Andre Previn
  Academy Award for Best Art Direction - Gene Allen, Cecil Beaton and George James Hopkins
  Academy Award for Costume Design - Cecil Beaton
  It was nominated for four other Oscars

  Academy Award for Writing Adapted Screenplay - Alan Jay Lerner
  Academy Award for Film Editing - William Ziegler
  Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor - Stanley Holloway
  Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress - Gladys Cooper

  Golden Globe Awards
  My Fair Lady won three Golden Globes

  Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
  Golden Globe Award for Best Director - Motion Picture - George Cukor
  Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy - Rex Harrison

  BAFTA Awards
  My Fair Lady won the BAFTA Award for Best Film from any source.

  American Film Institute recognition

  1998 AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies #91
  2002 AFI's 100 Years... 100 Passions #12
  2004 AFI's 100 Years... 100 Songs:
  "I Could Have Danced All Night" #17
  2006 AFI's 100 Years of Musicals #8

  By the 1990s, the original film elements had fallen into disrepair from heavy printing and there was fear of total deterioration. Film restorers Robert A. Harris and James C. Katz, in conjunction with 20th Century Fox (whose home video division previously held the rights to the CBS library including My Fair Lady), were brought in to save the film. They succeeded in preserving the film's image quality for future generations. A 30th anniversary re-issue in 1994 by Fox reinforced the film's popularity.

  Past animated remake
  In 1995 Fox executives gave animation directors/producers Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, then newly appointed as the creative heads of Fox Animation Studios, the choice between creating an animated re-make of either My Fair Lady or the 1956 Fox film Anastasia. Bluth and Goldman chose to make the animated film Anastasia, which became the highest-grossing non-Disney animated film in 1997.

  Possible remake
  In early June 2008 it was reported that a remake of My Fair Lady is being planned, starring Keira Knightley[4] as Eliza Doolittle, for release in 2009 or 2010.[5] It would be produced by Duncan Kenworthy (Love Actually) and co-developed by Columbia Pictures and CBS Films. Emma Thompson was reported to be set to write the script.[6]

  Hollywood pals Brad Pitt and George Clooney, who have made a number of films together, are said to have fallen out over the issue of the remake since both want the same part. Pitt also wants to have his partner, Angelina Jolie, as Eliza

她叫奥黛丽·赫本,英文名全名是Audrey Hepburn。
身高: 五尺七寸 (170公分)
体重: 110磅 (50公斤)
三围: 32-20-35
发色: 棕色


.Moodring (心情戒指)介绍

98年首张同名专辑卖破白金唱片;千禧年「Fear of Flying」专辑中的排行劲曲“Case Of The Ex”红遍英美;2001年,美雅应邀与Christina Aguilera、Pink、Lil' Kim为卖座电影「红磨坊」齐声飙唱主题曲“Lady Marmalade”,风光抱回葛莱美奖「最佳流行合唱」大奖。而参与2003奥斯卡肯定歌舞钜片「芝加哥」的演出,亦让Mya和剧中演员一起获得SAG最佳整体演出的殊荣!

在尝试戏剧演出、为可口可乐广告代言之后,Mya回归音乐人角色,收录多首Mya创作与制作的最新个人大碟「Moodring/心情戒指」全然体现她的生活态度、爱情观与创意想法,流露属於Mya的幽默、热情、性感、聪颖、女人味与神采奕奕;而包括Missy Elliott、Timbaland、Damon Elliott、Rockwilder、Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis、Ron Fair…等金牌制作阵容一字排开,更宣告了这张兼容硬式嘻哈和软调灵魂、摇摆电音和流行节奏,甚至带点雷鬼的最新专辑绝对精采!嘻哈教母Missy Elliot制作的首发性感单曲“My Love Is Like…Wo”中,以「Wo」表达一种不设限的情绪、散发Mya更成熟妩媚的魅力风情。对唱搭档Pink特地贡献了一首清新流畅的小品“Take A Picture”;节奏蓝调抒情佳酿“You”中可以听见Mya用心诠释的浓郁情感;而新生代冠军雷鬼嘻哈大将Sean Paul与Mya合作的节奏佳作“Things Come And Go”、与Damon Elliot一同制作的电音锐舞曲“Whatever Bitch”…都让新专辑在视野及情绪上呈现出多面向的丰富层次感。正如同Billboard杂志的优质评价,「Moodring」势必成功的将Mya推上当代流行/R&B一线A级女歌手之列!Mya希望新作能像随著体温感应变换色调的心情戒指一样,折射出现代都会的多样情感、也呈现出最真实的心情。


What Cha SayWe're
Gonna Make Ya
DanceMovin' OnIt's
All About MeBaby
It's YoursBye ByeMovin' On (Remix)
My First Night With You

这是 她官方网战`~~



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