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bang cong chinh

so 509 chinh nhan quy hieu QUE-HAM (2010)

Hien chinh minh phan PHOTO phuc hop voi phan chinh thuc.ky hieu dau van bang chinh thuc cua cong ty thuong mai Tan Luc thanh pho Bang Tuong co huu luc.

So cong chinh thanh pho Ham Chau Quang Tay Nuoc Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia Nhan Dan Trung Hoa

Cong chinh nhan vien so cong chinh : Hoang Quang Huy

Ngay 22 Thang 3 Nam 2010

xinh, nhưng em xinh hơn !

另 调戏 泡妞、情爱类的越语仅翻一次 。好好学习,天天向上。感谢你的求助。

loi hom qua cua em noi anh deu hieu,anh tu dau da rat thich em roi,anh khong co y xau gi,hi vong anh se tro thanh ban tot nhat cua em tai trung quoc

Yesterday you said the words I have understood, I very much like you from the very beginning, has not looked down upon your meaning, hoped that I can become you in the Chinese best friend.


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    奚王崔loi hom qua cua em noi anh deu hieu,anh tu dau da rat thich em roi,anh khong co y xau gi,hi vong anh se tro thanh ban tot nhat cua em tai trung quoc

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