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This article focuses on the metal-type plants - Elsholtzia splendens mechanism of drought, plants by environmental stress, the cells of the level of oxygen free radicals increased intracellular reactive oxygen species attack macromolecules sensitive material, caused by cell physiology and biochemistry changes and metabolic disorders. The ultimate fate of plant cells in the body decided to plant protection. Plant material and removal of reactive oxygen species are mainly two types: one non-enzymes of reactive oxygen species scavenger, such as GSH, VC, Ve and carotene, etc.; the other is to protect the enzyme system, including SOD, POD, CAT, etc.. If the plant has a relatively high capacity to remove reactive oxygen species, can be drought-induced reactive oxygen species of plants to minimize the harm, then plant adaptation to drought will be strengthened; the other hand, plants are more sensitive to drought. In addition, drought conditions, the plant itself will be conducted osmoregulation in order to damage caused by drought to a minimum. Osmotica a series of nitrogen oxides, such as amino acids, proline, and betaine, such as polyamines, including soluble carbohydrates, such as sugar, reducing sugar and sorbitol, as well as some inorganic ions.
Therefore, plant metal tolerance and non-patient population differences in drought resistance in part through their activity of antioxidant enzymes, antioxidants osmolyte content and content from the level of performance. Accordingly, the text adopted by PEG6000 drought simulation environment, comparative study of metal-based plant resistance and non-patient population growth characteristics, the degree of injury (MDA), contents of antioxidant enzymes, VC content, as well as osmoregulation substances (amino acids, proline acid, soluble sugar, sucrose) content, with a view to reveal the metal-based Elsholtzia splendens plant drought-resistant mechanism for the realization of abandoned metal mines laid the theoretical foundation of ecological reconstruction.
In this paper, the adoption of the following methods and indicators to study the metal-based mechanism of drought-resistant plants:
1, respectively, from Hubei Daye红安县and pier areas Muyu Elsholtzia splendens harvest of non-resistance and resistance to plant seeds in the laboratory under the conditions of cultivation and processing.
2, will be part of the plant samples using PEG6000-arid environment simulation, and other plants to maintain normal training, a period of time, harvest all the plants, measured their sugar, reducing sugar, soluble sugar and amino acids.
Measured from the above data, analysis of metal tolerance and non-tolerance of plants - Elsholtzia splendens mechanism of drought.

Wildlife habitat restoration of vegetation damage
To restore natural vegetation restoration, panda important corridor "in an orderly way, step by step, the appropriate ways of recovery by manual intervention measures. Vegetation restoration and reconstruction includes seedlings base restoration and reconstruction, forest vegetation restoration and reconstruction and rehabilitation service system of forestry.

我眼里所有动物很开心,英语就是说also爱你某事is love。

All the animals at the zoo are happy.
All the animals live happily at the zoo.


  • 17165765216在动物园里所有动物都很开心汉译英两种表达方式?
    臧矩进我眼里所有动物很开心,英语就是说also爱你某事is love。

  • 17165765216动物园里动物真多,他们玩的很高兴。用英语怎么表达!
    臧矩进There was so many animals in the zoo. They played happily.用过去式回答是因为我觉得你在叙述故事 希望有解决你的问题^^

  • 17165765216动物园的动物很开心,我也一样的英语单词(进行式)
    臧矩进To the zoo today,I look at the I like the koalas,because it's very cute,but I went saw the panda,it is also pretty cute.I love animals.Very happy today

  • 17165765216写一写你在动物园里看到的情景。
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  • 17165765216我们正在动物园玩得开心 汉译英
    臧矩进We are in the zoo, enjoying ourselves now.

  • 17165765216我们在动物园里玩的十分开心翻译成英语
    臧矩进We had great fun playing in the zoo.

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